SHEILD Agents In Training (Important A/N at the end)

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**Request for tessalucy where the Barton Kids come to Peter's defense. This one was super fun, lol, I know the characters are a little OOC but I think it's cute and mostly fluffy and yeah. I have some other requests coming, too, I'm just a smidge slammed on catching up. Enjoy!**

Peter hated his life sometimes. It wasn't the near constant sleep deprivation or the school work or the amount of times he'd been shot or stabbed or kidnapped or nearly killed. No, it was the unfortunate way he seemed to find trouble wherever he could.

"Just kill me, Ned. Just do it now."

Ned just gave his friend a little giggle. "You're so dramatic."

"It's going to be the worst! It's going to be embarrassing and I'll be on edge all day! I already-"

Flash chose that moment to interrupt the two, pushing through them in the hall. The bully turned back over his shoulder to look at Peter. "Hey, Puny, I heard we're going to Stark Industries this week. Gonna get your buddy Tony Stark to come give us the tour himself? Or are you going to be sucking up to the security so they don't kick you out for spreading lies?"

Peter groaned again and Flash cackled. "You're going to be exposed to the whole school and I swear to God, Parker, I will never let you live it down." Flash took off down the hall, heading to his friends at the end of the hall.

Peter held out a hand as if to say see? to Ned. "I'm going to walk through the doors, Flash will say some bullshit, and Tony will be arrested for murdering a minor, okay?"

Ned just laughed again and headed to the buses.


The morning of the field trip came too quickly for Peter's liking. He had been so busy with projects - both Avengers related and Stark Industries related - to even notice the field trip coming up. As soon as Peter saw the line of buses at the front of the school, though, he remembered the field trip and began to panic. He scanned his class for Ned. As soon as he found him, Peter took off and ran to his friend.

"Ned! The field trip is today!"

Ned rolled his eyes. "Yeah, man, it's been coming all week. Did you forget?"

"I was super busy, okay?"

Ned just snorted at his friend. Their teachers called for them to get on the bus, so they boarded and took a seat near the back, as far away from Flash as they could get. MJ was sitting in the seat right in front of them, reading a book as always.

"Hey, MJ," Peter said as he passed her. She just held up her book.

The ride to the Tower was quick, but not quick enough for Peter's liking. Flash, despite sitting far off, had taken to throwing paper balls and pencils backwards at Peter's head. They finally pulled up in front of the Tower and Mr. Harrington stood up at the front of the bus and cleared his throat to get the student's attention.

"I want to see all of you on your best behavior," the teacher said, his gaze sweeping over everyone on the bus. "No funny business, no misbehaving, no lying." Harrington's eyes locked onto Peter, who huffed a little. It was no secret that Peter's internship was doubted at school, even by teachers.

The students filed out and into the lobby, the sun glinting off the tower and shining into people's eyes. Peter dragged his feet, dreading the moment he would go through those doors and into his doom.

The lobby was pretty dead. It was always pretty quite at this time of day, seeing as all the employees were in for the day and the only visitors they got would be business men and shareholders. There was an intern, one Peter didn't recognize, standing by the reception desk, though, and she smiled and gestured the class over. Harrington took the lead, strolling over to shake hands with the intern and introduce himself.

"Hello, everyone!" The intern was bubbly and excited, making Peter roll his eyes. He was just like Tony in that regard - he hated that fake, bubbly voice and fake, bubbly persona. "Welcome to Stark Industries! We're going to be touring the research labs here, the Avenger's gym, and the offices on some of the upper levels."

Peter zoned out, passing through the security check without any hassle and onto the tour. No one really noticed him in the back of the group, although, that might have been in part because of the way Peter kept his head low and his hood high.

"Peter?" Just as the tour was about to pass through the labs without someone noticing, one of the supervising researchers spotted the familiar teen and called to him.

"Hey, Gus," Peter said with a little wave as he turned. "How're you?"

"I thought that was you!" Gus, the supervisor, said. "I'm alright, just got back from a little time off. You?"

"Doing okay."

"Wanna come down and help me later? I've been working on a new blueprint but I can't get the measurements right. I might need an expert."

Peter blushed, looking up. "'M not an expert."

"You're as good as one. You're Mr. Stark's clone."

Peter blushed harder at the praise, waving his hand a little. "It's- It's uh- It's just all the- the time we spend together."

The researcher laughed and got back to work, leaving the tour to continue. The intern led the group through the doors and out into the hall, taking notice of Peter at the back. While she hadn't noticed him before, she was now almost comically interested in him. Peter was infamous around the tower ever since he started doing work with Tony. He was known for being at Tony's side anytime he was there, and what's more, he was known for finishing Tony's sentences, his projects, and his mathematical equations when need be. He was as close to a Tony clone as could be, as the researcher had mentioned.

Flash lulled behind the group, catching Peter by the arm. The bully whipped him around, making Peter hiss in pain as fingers dug into his arm.

"What did you do, huh, Parker? Did you pay him off? Or maybe you told him that sob story about how everyone in your life kills themselves to get away from you and he decided to give you a pity shout-out?"

Peter shook his arm out of Flash's hand, but the tour was already moving on and he wasn't sure where they were and-

Flash pushed him hard. The teen fell into the wall nearest him, his forehead banging painfully against the glass and steel.


Flash hit him again, his fist burying itself in Peter's side. He gasped, but the air was knocked from his lungs and he couldn't get the air back and-

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Flash was being pulled away from Peter, who looked up to find Lila Barton helping him up from off the wall, and Cooper holding Flash in a headlock.

"Where- Where did you guys- guys come fa-from?" Peter wheezed, leaning onto Lila's shoulder.

"We've been tailing your tour from the start," Lila said. Her eyes were fixed on Flash, who struggled in Cooper's grip. "We had a feeling something was up. Nate? Can you go get Aunty Nat and Dad and Uncle Tony?"

Nate poked his head out from behind Cooper's back and gave a curt nod. "Sure."

The youngest of the Bartons scurried away and Peter pushed himself upright and off of Lila. "I'm fine. You don't need to drag the team into this."

Lila rolled her eyes. "No, Peter, we're going to take care of this, once and for all."

Cooper shot his sister a smirk. "You know, Li, I thought that fall Flash took was pretty rough. Banged up his face pretty good."

Lila caught on quickly. "I think he broke his nose, Coop."

Flash's eyes went wide as Lila stepped forward and landed a beautifully aimed punch. A sickening snap rang out in the hall and Flash screamed as his nose splattered blood all over his tee-shirt. "What the hell?!"

"Its a shame that he fell on that railing over there, too," Lila said, gesturing to the railing on the opposite wall. "I think he broke his arm."

Cooper started to haul Flash towards the opposite wall, despite the bully's fear and fighting against the idea of his arm being broken over the railing. Just as Cooper and Lila had brought his hand over the railing, getting ready to bring it down hard, Peter coughed.

"S-Stop!" he choked out. "Don't."

"He hurt you," Lila said.

Cooper gave a scoff. "He has hurt you for years."

"I know," Peter said. "But don't hurt him. He doesn't deserve it."

Lila and Cooper made eye contact, then sighed and let Flash go. Flash stumbled backwards, landing on his butt on the ground unceremoniously. He whimpered in pain, holding his nose and crying. Peter helped him up, extending a hand. Flash took it cautiously and let Peter yank him up.

"I'll tall Clint and Nat that you tailed me without me noticing, okay? But don't mention this. Please." Peter searched the two Bartons' faces and was relieved when they showed nothing but sincerity, albeit begrudging sincerity. They nodded.

"Thanks," Peter said, helping Flash to the elevators. "We have to catch up with the tour group, but... Thank you."

The two watched as Peter and Flash got into the elevator and disappeared. Not a minute later, Tony, Clint, and Natasha came running into the hall, each one looking around. Nat noticed the little drops of blood on the floor first, hurriedly checking Lila and Cooper over with worry.

"What happened? Nate said you two were in a fight and-"

Lila forced a very believable laugh through her clenched teeth. "A fight? No, no, it wasn't like that. We thought-"

"We thought we saw something and got a little close. We sent Nate back to get backup, but it was nothing." Cooper was quick to help his sister out.

Clint and Nat didn't look convinced, but Tony was the first one to jump in. "Why'd be get me, then?"

"No idea," Cooper said with a pointed look at Nate and a shrug at Tony. "Maybe because it's your tower?"

The three adults didn't look convinced, but they let it go. They'd tell them in time if it was important. Lila and Cooper shared a look falling in step behind their dad and his friends when they started to head up to the penthouse. Lila leaned over to Cooper and Nate.

"We're not letting this go, right?" she whispered. Cooper shook his head and Nate rolled his eyes.

"Peter is getting the lecture of his life tonight," the youngest one said.

"And I think we should let FRIDAY film it for Uncle Tony," Cooper added with a smile.

They may have only been SHEILD agents in training, but they were really getting the hang of the spy thing.

A/N: As some of y'all know, I've been working on getting writing done but with the fires and the wind storms and everything, I'm kinda falling behind. I promise, I am working on things as quickly as I can, but I have about 7 requested chapters I'm working on right now. I had a bunch of drafts marked with what was requested and who requested it, but I lost most of them when I opened my book this morning to work on it and I haven't been able to get them back. I only have the requests that were messaged to me (those 7 I just mentioned), so if you requested something in a comment, could you please, please, please DM me and I can get those requests done, too. I'm going to go through the book tonight and look for comments, but it's so long at this point that I'm afraid I'll miss some. Thank you guys for understanding and I love y'all for reading and yeah. Thanks.


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