Short Staffed pt. 2

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Peter took a breath. This wasn't exactly what he had in mind when he had agreed to do a tour, but, then again, when did anything ever go right for him when he left the penthouse?

"Alright," the teen said, finding his 'working' personality. "I'll be passing out guest badges now. Come and get one when I call your name, and make sure they are somewhere security can see them at all times."

Peter Parker, the shy, timid boy everyone knew at school was gone, replaced by the take-charge, confident, go-getter, Peter Stark. The kid who was going to inherit this whole place.

"Cindy. Abe. CJ. Thomas. Markus. Emily. Ned?"

Ned pushed to the front, all but crushing Peter in a hug. "Hey, man, good to see you, too."

"Dude, this is so cool!"

Peter chuckled, handing Ned a lanyard. "Yeah, wasn't expecting it, though." Ned retreated back into the crowd, nearly vibrating with giddiness.

Peter continued down the list, surprised when no one, not even Flash, made any comments to him. Maybe it was his Stark ego that kept them all at bay.

"We will be passing through security now. FRIDAY, the Tower's AI, will scan your badge, then announce your name and clearance level. You are all Omegas, meaning you are one day guests to the Tower. The ranking is quite simple, after Omegas, we have Betas, Deltas, Thetas, Gammas, and Alphas. Betas are interns, Deltas are secretaries, head interns, and other mid-level workers, Deltas are scientists and other office workers, Thetas are lead researchers, scientists, and such, Gammas are the board members, PR staff, and Tower organizers, and, finally, Alphas are the Avengers."

Abe raised his hand timidly, and Peter pointed to him.

"What level are you?"

Peter smiled softly. "I don't have one. Ms. Potts, Tony Stark, Colonel Rhodes, and myself have no clearance, and are instead recognized by our biometrics, which are taken by FRIDAY whenever we pass a security checkpoint."

Everyone was quiet again, and Peter gestured for them to continue through the security bay. Ned was, of course, first to go through.

"Ned Leeds, Omega visitor. Hello, Ned, are you here with Peter? Why are you using a pass?" FRIDAY's voice rang through the lobby clearly, and everyone jumped.

"School trip, m'lady!"

"Have fun, Ned!"

The rest of the students passed through without much commotion. When everyone was through, Peter stepped past, and FRIDAY's voice suddenly seemed to be full of emotion.

"Hello, Peter, do you happen to be the tour guide today?"

"I am, FRIDAY. You can blame Dad, he's the one who told me to come down here."

FRIDAY bid Peter a good day, and the teen led everyone to the elevator.

"First stop, the museum. This floor is dedicated to the Avengers, including their old suits and original weaponry, as well as artifacts recovered from fights."

Everyone filed out of the elevator excitedly, each one rushing to see their favorite heroes' exhibits.

"Peter!" Ned whisper-yelled for his friend to come over, and Peter rolled his eyes before doing so. "What's up?"

"You have an exhibit," Ned whispered. Peter whipped his head around, his eyes growing wide with surprise.

"Really? I haven't been down here in weeks, this must be new!" There was a glass case, where Peter's first suit was hanging. The old onesie made the teen wince, but Ned just giggled and looked at the plaque hanging next to it.

Spiderman is young for a superhero, but he certainly proves that age and size are no indication of one's ability. Spiderman's powers include climbing walls, super strength even better than Captain America's, heightened senses, and the ability to sense things before they happen. Fun facts about Spiderman include his love for apple slices, Star Wars, and that he's terrified of spiders, despite his namesake and abilities.

Then, near the bottom, there were two quotes.

"With great power comes great responsibility." and "Anyone can wear the mask."

Peter groaned. "I don't even know how he got the suit, man, I thought I threw it out."

"You're afraid of spiders?"

The two friends' conversation was cut short when Peter's watch beeped and he ushered everyone into the next room, where there were a ton of artifacts saved from old fights.

"Now, some of this stuff hasn't been able to be shut down fully, so don't touch any of the alien tech. Go wild on the broken pieces of building or whatever, that's just junk my Da- Mr. Stark collects."

Peter watched as everyone looked around. Even Ned was enthralled. Peter couldn't imagine why, though. After all, it was just a room of junk! Literal pieces of plaster and broken bricks.

Leaning back against the wall, Peter sighed and took out his phone, only to have someone knock it out of his hands the minute he had it out.

"What the-"

"Fess up, Puny Parker. How'd you get this dumb-ass gig? Who'd you pay off?"

Flash stepped closer to the teen, accustomed to when Peter would shrink back at school. Peter, however, was at home, where he was very, very different.

"No one, Flash, though I have to ask. Who'd you pay to get into Midtown? We both know anyone with half a brain would know by now that I was working here. I believe the receptionist downstairs explained the situation very clearly."

Flash turned red, rendered speechless from Peter's uncharacteristic comeback. Peter, seeing that he had the upper hand now, turned to walk away, only to have his Spider Sense tingle. In a split second, he was on the ground, not expecting Flash to push him so hard.

Shit, Peter thought as sirens began to wail all around him. FRIDAY's voice rang through the room.

"Please stay where you are. Baby Monitor Protocol active. Mr. Stark's arrival in 10, 9, 8..."

FRIDAY kept counting while Ned ran over to help Peter up. The teen pushed his friend back, and rolled over to do a kip up without much difficulty. The class, who had never seen Peter do anything more than a brisk walk between classes, were shocked to see him do something so athletic.

Peter brushed off his sweater before looking up.

"FRIDAY, override code: Baby Knows Best. Turn of BMP." The blaring stopped, but everyone was still looking nervous. Just as Peter was about to explain what just happened, a rather angry Tony Stark came stalking through the room.

"Alright, Underoos, what happened?"

"It was nothing, really. If it were something real, I wouldn't have shut it off." Peter sassed his dad, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, but anything that sets off the Protocol is something I wanna hear about. You can tell me, or FRIDAY can."

Peter sighed, then rolled his eyes pointedly.

"You're impossible," Tony grumbled. "FRIDAY, what happened?"

"It would appear that certain trigger signs of bullying were detected, then Peter was pushed down."

Tony raised an eyebrow at his son, who just shrugged in response.

"It was Flash," Ned whispered, much to Peter's disappointment and Tony's delight.

"Who here is Flash?" Everyone pointed at Flash, excited to see the school's most hated bully finally get taught a lesson, and by Tony Stark no less. "Right," Tony said, rounding on the teen. "Let's talk. I'm not Capsicle, so I'll make this short and sweet. The only asshats who feel the need to bully others are those who feel like shit about themselves, and knowing what i know about Peter, I can guess what's bugging you. Peter is smarter, kinder, and a better person than you will ever be. I wish I could say I understood being jealous, but I really don't. I've never been so jealous of another person I felt like I had to tear them down."

Flash was getting paler by the second, and Tony had him up against the wall in a manner of moments.

"I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror and figure out what kind of person you want to be, because if you ever bully my son again, I'll make you the kind of person who can't find a college to accept them or a business to hire them."

Tony turned back to Peter, who had a strange sort of smile on his lips.

"Julie said she'll take over so we can head upstairs and work. You cool with that, kiddo?"

Peter nodded enthusiastically, pushing the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows in preparation.

"Jeez, that thing is swimming on you. We should really just get you one of your own," Tony said, throwing an arm around his son and leading him out of the room.

"I like yours," Peter shrugged. Maybe the day hadn't been a total wash after all. I mean, staying home from school, proving to your class that you not only have a real job at Stark Industries, but are the actual heir, and having your bully nearly pee himself seemed to be pretty good. Peter couldn't ask for a better day.

Well, maybe he could, but working with his dad on the newest Spiderman suit more than made up for all the other craziness.

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