Sick Day

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Peter groaned, rolling over his bed and pulling the blankets over his head. After a long night of fighting nausea and not being able to breathe through his nose, Peter had only just gotten to sleep when his alarm went off for school.

May came in, curious as to why her nephew wasn't up and at em' like usual.


The teen simply groaned again, pulling his blanket back a bit to look at his aunt.


The tall woman sat on the edge of Peter's bed, pulling the blanket back a little further. The teen's cheeks were dusted in red, and his eyes were red and puffy. He sneezed, then sniffled, and May's heart melted for the boy.

"Oh, hun, you're burning up," she said, pressing her hand to the boy's sweaty forehead.

"I feel terrible," Peter whispered. If there was one thing he hated, it was being sick. The spider genes in the teen was a double edged sword; he was usually immune to seasonal colds and allergies, but when he did get sick, it was 10 times worse than it would have been before.

"Okay, you're staying home from school. I have to go in for work, babe, I already took off some days a few weeks ago to go to the Decathalon competition, yeah? Okay, I'll get you some medicine and-"

"No," Peter rasped. "No medicine." None of the medicine ever worked on Peter, it only made him sleepy for a while and then wore off.

"Oh, okay." May stood up and smoothed the blankets. "Do you want me to call Tony?"

"No, its okay," Peter said, not wanting to bother his mentor. "I'll be fine. Go."

May nodded, gave him a kiss, and headed out the door. When she was out of the building, she sent a quick text.

May: Hey, Tones. Peter is at home sick today. Said he didn't want me to call you, but I'm worried he might get worse, he has a fever and everything. Can you keep your phone on just in case he needs anything?

Tony: Poor kid. I'll give it an hour and then invite him over, that way he has someone watching him. Have a good day at work!

May smiled. Tony made raising a teen so much easier, and he really did care about Peter.


It took some time, but after a while, Tony had convinced Peter to come over even though he was sick. Happy had gone to get him, and was surprisingly sweet to the sick boy, making him put on a coat and bundle up in blankets before heading to the tower.

So there Peter was now, clad in his Ironman pajama pants (a gift from May as a joke), one of Tony's MIT sweaters, and wrapped in blankets. Tony and the teen had been cuddled up on the couch watching movies for the majority of the morning, Tony only moving twice, once when Peter fell asleep and his arm went numb, and the second time when he had to pee.

It was noon when FRIDAY pulled Tony and Peter away from A Good Day To Die Hard ("15% on Rotten Tomatoes means it's good, Tony, I swear").

"Sir, Pepper has asked me to remind you of a lab tour coming through in 20 minutes, as well as a small meeting with the San Francisco investors, and a Q&A scheduled for later."

Tony groaned. "Hey, Underoos, is it okay if I step out for a bit. We can pause this and finish it after a nap?"

Peter nodded. He'd already been nodding off anyways, so a nap wasn't far off regardless of Tony's schedule.

Tony got up, stretched, and headed to his bedroom to change out of the Spiderman pajamas (a gift from Pepper) he was lounging in. When he came back, he checked on Peter one last time. The teen was already conked out, and Tony smiled to himself softly. The older man crouched down, checking Peter's head. Tony smiled even bigger, happy that his kid was feeling better. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text to May.

Tony: Hey, May. Peter's taking a nap now, but I just checked and his fever broke. What time are you off?

May: I'm covering a shift for my coworker, I'll be home by 3am. Peter is welcome to stay the night, just either call him in from school tomorrow if he's still sick or get him there on time.

Tony: Thanks, will do. I'll keep a good eye on him.

Chuckling to himself, Tony headed down to the lab where he was supposed to be giving a tour. Lately, it was like May and he had split custody, May keeping Peter Monday-Thursday and Tony having him Thursday afternoon-Monday morning. Sometimes, when May was working extra long hours, Tony would get full weeks with the kid.

Shaking his head, Tony couldn't help but feel like Peter really was his kid now.


Tony did the tour, finding out it was for a high school near by, and then headed to his meeting. Apparently, he'd be doing a Q&A with the same high school group later in the day, but first, they were doing a small robotics competition that Peter helped Bruce and Tony design.

The meeting was going fine, and despite Tony being bored out of his mind, he was actually getting through it okay. That is, until FRIDAY interrupted things.

"Sir, it would appear that Peter woke up from a nightmare and is looking for you."

Tony knew Peter had suffered from nightmares ever since his... experience with The Vulture, and he was accustomed to comforting the kid on nights he stayed over.

"Tell him I'll meet him in my lab in 5 minutes, I just need to finish up here."

FRIDAY confirmed this, and Tony hurriedly rushed through the rest of the agenda, trying to get up to his kid faster.

When he finally did get out of there, he ran down the hall, practically ran into the closed elevator doors, and bounced on his feet impatiently waiting to get to Peter. When he was let off in the lab, he scanned around, looking for Peter.

There was a lump of blankets on the couch. A suspiciously Peter-shaped lump. Tony crept over, then pounced, ticking the boy.

"Ah! Ha-hahaha- no- hahahahahahHAHAHA- s-stop, stop, HAHAHAHA- Dad!" Tony audibly gasped, pulling away. Peter blushed, looking down at his hands.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"No need to be sorry, kiddo. You were my kid anyways," he said, shrugging. Peter's face lit up, and he launched himself into Tony's arms.

"Are you feeling better?" Tony brushed a few curls off of Peter's forehead, noticing as he did so that the teen felt much cooler now.

"Much," Peter stated with a nod and a smile.

"Good. May said you're staying the night, so now that you're feeling better, I'd say its time for science, Legos, and movies."

Peter nodded vigorously, excitement lighting up his eyes. "First things first, though. You better put on your pajamas again."

Tony laughed. "Are we gonna match the whole day?"

"Hell. Yes."


Pepper tapped her foot impatiently. She'd been pulled out of a Skype meeting 5 minutes ago by FRIDAY only to find out that Tony hadn't shown up for the Q&A, and was now standing in the conference room waiting for him.

"FRIDAY, where is he?"

"Mister Stark is in his lab, Ma'am."

"Get him on the intercom." There was a moment of silence for a second, then Tony's voice came on, startling a few of the students in the room.

"Pepper? FRIDAY said you needed me?"

"Yeah, Tones, where are you?" Pepper's tone was calm, but her face said 'angry'. Tony, who obviously couldn't see that, had no way of knowing just how mad his fiance was.

"In the lab! Peter and I are reworking some code for Rover." Rover was the robot vacuum cleaner Tony had made a year ago for Peter because Peter wanted a dog and couldn't have one.

"Did you have somewhere to be right now?" Pepper could practically hear the gears turning in Tony's head.

"Oh. The...?"

"The Q&A," Pepper supplied.

"Ah, shit, yeah." There was a sound of something clattering, and the unmistakable sound of Peter's laugh. "I'll be down in 2 minutes, can Peter come?"

"Sure, he can help you answer questions." Pepper sighed, and the room was silent again. "He'll be here soon, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." The CEO addressed the students in front of her, then caught a glimpse of her fiance's greased smudged tee-shirt and Spiderman pajama pants. She mentally face palmed.

"And please forgive his appearance, it appears that it is matching day for Mister Stark and his..." son? Intern? "Kid."

The whole room buzzed with confusion, only to erupt with excited chatter when the door opened and Tony Stark, in all his pajama glory, came strolling in.

"Hiya, sorry I'm late."

Then Peter came in, wearing an MIT sweater that was much too long in the sleeves and a pair of Ironman pants. The two took a seat at the table in the front of the room, Peter never once looking up from the Stark pad he was typing on.

"So, I'll be taking questions for about 45 minutes and then-"

"Peter?" Ned's voice rang out, and Peter took real notice of the kids sitting in front of him.

"Ned? What are you all doing here?"

"Field trip. What are you doing here?" Ned and Peter kept talking, completely ignoring the other students around them.

"I was sick this morning, May had to work so I'm staying here for the night," Peter explained with a shrug.

"I'm sorry, does anyone have a question unrelated to Peter?" Tony's voice was serious, but his eyes were joking, and Peter picked up on it.

"We both know I'm cooler," he smirked.

"I'm wounded, Underoos. I'm Ironman and Tony Stark," the older man huffed.

"Yeah, and you're wearing pajama pants with me on them, so who's cool now?"

Before Tony had time to reply, Flash's voice startled both of them.

"Puny Peter Parker is an intern here and Spiderman? No way is that believable," he scoffed.

Peter shot Tony a look, then used a web to tie Flash to his chair.

"more than an intern," Tony said with a happy smile. "He's my kid."

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