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**Request for Warriorsfan56 where the Barton's snitch to Tony about Flash bullying Peter. This was so much fun to write - I know I've been doing a lot of Barton-centric stories, but it's just really cute giving Peter some family. As a side note, I had a few drafts in this book that went missing??? Like I went to finish this one last night and it was gone??? But it's here now! My apologies for it being a little shorter than my usual, but we still broke that 1000 mark! Enjoy!**

Peter stomped through the penthouse, hiding his face under his hoodie.

"Hey, kid, how was school?"

Peter gave a quick shrug and a hum and tried to dash down the hall to the safety of his room, but Tony caught his arm and pulled him back. "What's up with-"

Peter flinched away. "I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine. How about you take down that hood of yours and we can share a pint of ice cream?"

"No, that's alright, I - uh - I have a lot of homework to get to."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," Tony said, already moving toward the kitchen. "You want strawberry or cookies and cream or -"

Tony turned around, but Peter was already gone. The billionaire sighed heavily, letting his shoulder slump. The teen had been like this for the last week. It wasn't every day, but a few times a week he would come home and run directly to his room, hide for the rest of the day, and only come out to get a plate at dinner and eat in his room. It was starting to not only annoy everyone, but also worry them. Tony, who had gone through a similar phase in high school, immediately assumed the worst. Alcohol and drugs and maybe a leggy blonde or two. Tony had been contemplating a raid on Peter's room (Rhodey put a stop to that) and possibly sending Wanda in as an undercover agent at the school (she'd said "absolutely not" to that one) and even having Cap do an in-person PSA for an assembly (Steve had refused with a bright red blush).

"FRIDAY?" Tony asked. "Could you bring up a live stream in Peter's room?"

"I cannot, Boss, it looks like Peter disabled the camera in his room."

"Can you rewire the camera? Or direct a different one from the building's perimeter to look through the window?"

FRIDAY worked for a moment before pulling up very fuzzy footage from through the window. "It would appear that Peter is injured, Boss."

Tony watched the grainy picture. Peter was definitely taking care of an injury, and from the streaks of blood coming down his chin and the towel pressed against his nose, Tony was thinking it might be a broken nose.

"FRIDAY, call-" Tony stopped himself and thought. Who would be best to get Peter to tell them what happened? Who would- "Call Laura Barton."


Peter heard his phone buzzing on the other side of the room, so he quickly mopped the rest of the blood off his face and threw the wet towel in the sink. It was Lila Barton requesting to Facetime. Peter hesitated a minute before deciding to answer. He could trust Lila to be cool about this one.

"Hey," Peter said, answering the phone and pinching his nose to stop it from bleeding on the phone. "What's up?"

"Not much, just wanted to see what you were up to. What happened to your face?"

Peter sighed. "Got hit."

"By whom?"

"Who are you, Shakespeare?"

"Don't distract me with compliments," Lila said, waving her hand around. "Cooper! Nate! Come here!" The girl called over her shoulder. Pretty soon, her two brothers were poking their head into the frame.

"Woah, Peter! Your nose looks like an eggplant!"

"That's so gross!"

Peter laughed, throwing his head back a little so he wouldn't spray blood all over his bed. "Thanks, guys."

"So you want to tell us what happened this time?" Lila asked. "Or are you going to say it was an accident in gym, like the last time you had a black eye and the time before that when you had a busted rib?"

Peter winced at the mention of his previous injuries. "Yeah, well, about that...There's this kid named Flash who's a total dick and he's been kinda pushing me around."

"Kinda?" asked Cooper.

"Okay, he's been pushing me around a lot."

"For how long?"

"Since the 7th grade. But it's okay, really, I heal up just fine in a day and then I'm all good."

"This doesn't look like 'all good' to me." Lila gestured to Peter's face.

"Really, guys, it's fine. Now how about you tell me all your dark secrets and we can just move on from this conversation together?"

"I could tell you about my soccer game!" Nate said, waving his hand around. "I got a goal!"


Lila ended the call annd looked up at her mom, who was standing in the doorway. "He told us."


"He's being bullied by some kid named Flash. Said it's been happening for years now."

Laura nodded, taking in the information. Who could hurt Peter Parker? He was just too sweet!

"Are you going to tell Tony?" Cooper asked, getting up from Lila's bed and stretching.

Laura pursed her lips and shook her head. "No. I think this is a matter for your dad to handle. He can fill Tony in later."

And Clint did take care of it. The minute he heard the words 'Peter' and 'bullied' in the same sentence, he was digging up information on this Flash kid and heading to New York. After he'd dealt with the problem (by dealt he meant terrified Flash so bad he peed himself), he filled Tony in on everything and the both of them told Peter that whenever he was feeling alone, or scared, or like he didn't matter, he could come to them. They'd always have his back.

And Peter went to school the next day and Flash didn't even look at him. It was a very welcome surprise, especially when Ned told Peter that all morning before he got there, Flash had been talking about how Peter was too scared to deal with his own problems, so he had Clint Barton do it for him.

"'Too scared'?" Peter repeated. "Nah. I was just too busy, so I let him take care of it."

The two laughed all the way to their first class.

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