Spiders Hate Rogues

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**In this one, Civil War happened post Homecoming, and Steve is just now starting to come around.**

Peter was staying the whole week at the Tower while May attended a training for work out of town, which was a rare treat. Since homecoming, the teenager and the famous billionaire, Tony Stark, had grown closer and closer, and it wasn't unusual to find the teen at the Tower after school and over the weekend.

Peter had been having the best week ever, despite his aunt being so far away. He'd started off on Monday with a test in science, which he aced, and a celebratory dinner with Pepper and Tony, then had a nerdy lab night after school on Tuesday, and a movie night on Wednesday.

Thursday had started out great, too. Key word: started. He'd gone to school, Flash was absent that day, so Peter was spared a day of name-calling and being pushed around, and he'd had a movie day in his English class.

"Tony, Pepper, I'm home!" The teen threw his bag down by the door of the penthouse, music blaring from his headphones, albeit muffled. Ever since he'd been hanging out with Tony more and more, he'd grown to love the old rock music Tony liked, AC/DC and Guns and Roses.

He headed into the kitchen, grabbing an apple off the counter and humming along to his music. He looked up, expecting to see Pepper and Tony at the table, but found he was alone.

"FRI?" The AI came to life and greeted Peter, then asked what he needed.

"Where are Tony and Pepper?"

"Miss Potts is in her office drawing up paperwork, Mr. Stark is in the conference room discussing plans for a legal agreement between himself, Mr. Rogers, and the others."

Peter's blood began to boil when he heard the name 'Mr. Rogers'. How dare they come here, to Tony's home, and try and work things out! He had nearly killed Tony!

The teen took some deep breathes, knowing that the last thing he needed was to get in a rage, storm down there, and cause a ruckus.

That's just what he ended up doing, though, and Peter found himself in the elevator, his hands nearly shaking with anger. "FRIDAY, take me down to the conference room, please." Even though he was mad as hell, he was still polite to FRIDAY, after all, she hadn't nearly killed Mr. Stark and lied to him for years and caused massive problems between the Avengers, now broken up, and the government. The more he thought about this whole mess, the angrier he was! How dare Tasha and Rhodey let these criminals into the tower! How dare they put Tony in harms way again!

Peter was fuming by now, and even though the teen was not only small and skinny for his age, his look was murderous, and anyone with half a brain knew to get out of his way.

He only passed a few interns, who scurried into labs and offices in the hall, whispers following Peter as he continued down the hall, and when he reached the largest conference room on this floor, he was met with Happy, who put up his hand and stopped him.

Peter raised an eyebrow, and Happy stepped aside.

"-I just don't see how-" Peter interrupted the person talking, and everyone looked up.

"This is a private matter, kid," Steve said, waving his hand in the air. "Interns." His last statement was muttered under his breath, but Peter picked it up easily.

Tony picked up on Peter's rage instantly, as did Natasha, and both of them shared a look.

"Kiddo, why don't you head back upstairs and we can-"

"No, Tony, I wanna know what's going on right now."

Peter's voice was firm, adn Tony sighed. There was no getting out of this one. "Okay,listen, Steve wanted to meet and I agreed we could talk about the Accords, but I-"

"And I'm just learning of this why?" Peter cut Tony off.

"Pepper and I were afraid you'd do this," Tony said, gesturing to Peter, who was still in the doorway.

"Oh," Peter said sarcastically, moving further into the room. "And this, springing it on me after school, that was better?"

Tony sighed and ran a hand over his face. "No, apparently not."

Peter fell into the seat next to Tony. "Continue."

"Now, kid," Steve said. "I don't know who you think you are, but this is a private matter, as I said before. You'll be leaving right now."

Peter laughed. "You don't give orders in this tower, Rogers, I'm staying for the rest of this meeting."

Steve raised his eyebrows, surprised at this child's attitude. "Excuse me? What are you going to bring to the table, kid?"

"I'm going to be watching you," Peter said simply, crossing his arms.

"Underoos," Tony warned softly, and Peter looked at his mentor's chocolate brown eyes.

"Underoos? Like the kid from Germany?" Clint spoke up, the realization dawning on everyone that this was the kid Tony had brought with him to fight at the airport.

"This kid is Spiderman?" Steve's voice was sharp and he rounded on Tony. "You brought a child to Germany?"

"I'm not a child, I'm 16 years old, and I've been more of a hero than you for 2 years now, so you can just shut up about it!" Peter's explosion did shut everyone up, and Tony raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"More of a hero? I'm sorry, but you take down muggers and help little old ladies cross the street, kid," Steve scoffed.

"At least I never tried to kill someone deliberately," Peter said quietly, his tone deathly serious.

"What's that supposed to mean?" It was a simple question, but Steve and Tony both paled.

"It means that your precious Steve Rogers, Captain America, nearly killed Tony! It means that he destroyed Tony's arc reactor and left him to die in Siberia! It means he was ready to kill his friend, after lying and lying for years and YEARS! IT MEANS HE TRIED TO KILL MY DAD AND DIDN"T EVEN CARE TO TELL YOU ALL, SINCE NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. IT MEANS THAT FOR MONTHS, TONY HAS BEEN HAVING PANIC ATTACKS AND NIGHTMARES, AND YOU DON"T GET TO JUST STROLL IN HERE AND MAKE IT ALL BETTER WITH A BAD ATTITUDE AND A HALF-HEARTED HANDSHAKE." Peter's voice raised until he was screaming at the man in front of him, not caring about what the others thought. All he cared about was making sure this man knew he'd never hurt Tony again, not if Peter could help it.

Steve rolled his eyes again, trying to play off his obvious shame and guilt. He felt bad for what he had done, and he knew he could have been better. Still, he couldn't have a teenager sow doubt in his team. He was a leader. He was Captain America. He did what had to be done.

"I did what had to be done, kiddo. What would you have done if you were there?"

"This," Peter hissed, and he webbed the man's hands together, then slammed his face into the table. He moved so quickly, the team hardly saw him move.

"Jesus Christ, Peter!" Pepper burst in the room. "Go upstairs, we'll talk about this later."

Peter nodded his head, and headed down the hall, Pepper and Tony stepping into the hall after him. Had he really just done that? Had he really just broke Captain America's nose? His childhood hero?

"Pepper," the teen heard Tony say softly. "Go easy on Pete, he was really upset and we kinda just sprung this on him."

Pepper laughed lightly. "Oh, honey, I'm gonna make him a cake. If he hadn't broken that man's nose, I would have."

Tony chuckled lightly. "Did you catch the whole thing from FRIDAY?" Peter guess Pepper had nodded, because Tony continued. "Did you hear him call me dad?"

Peter stopped, waiting for the response.

"I did, Tones, you should really talk to him."

"I know," Tony sighed. "I'm just so happy he feels the same way!"

Peter's face split into a grim, and with that, he continued on his way, a spring in her step. Pretty good Thursday, if he did say so himself!

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