The Meet

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**Sorry, I know I'm not writing a lot here, I've been working on my new book at that eats up so much time! This one was definitely rushed, and not my favorite one-shot of mine, so I'll probably re-write it at some point. Enjoy!**

"50m sprint to the starting line!" The coach yelled to the team, and everyone quickly took their places. Peter, who had signed up for Track before being bitten, walked over to the bench, staying as far away from running as possible. After all, he had some super-human speed now, and it wouldn't be fair to use that.

No, instead of running, Peter had chosen something he felt he could be good at without causing a lot of suspicion. Pole vault.

The teen watched as his teammates went dashing by, smiling as he saw Michelle sprinting down to the finish line. She was one of the best sprinters on the team, and an even better hurtles runner.

Peter sprayed some water onto his face, pretending to cool down. The 200m jog everyone did before practice was nothing for the superhero, but he had to pretend to be winded. It was the only way to keep his cover.

Just as the other teens were about to cross the finish line, Abe fell to the ground, sprawling across the track and yelling out in pain. His ankle was twisted at an odd angle and Peter knew from first hand experience that it was broken.

The coach ushered the boy off the track and called an ambulance, the rest of the team looking on concernedly. The EMT's were quick to arrive, and pretty soon, Abe was being driven off to the hospital.

"Team, we gotta talk." Everyone gathered around the coach after the ambulance disappeared down the street. "We have State coming up this weekend, but without Abe, we're sure to lose. Now, I know we have some other skilled sprinters on the team, but Abe was also our long jump, and our 100 sprint."

It was a small school, so the team was really small. Everyone knew that with Abe out for the rest of the year, they'd need to move athletes around.

"I need Flash over on the long jump, now. I know it's not your best sport, but you can still sprint so long as you do both, k? And I'll move Eric over to..."

The coach continued to move people around, making sure everyone was signed up for something and that they would still have enough kids needed to compete that year.

"Okay, team, that should do it. I'll see everyone this weekend at State."

Peter said goodbye to Ned and Michelle, then headed out to the parking lot, waiting for Happy to pick him up. May was out of town for a couple days, so he was staying at the Tower this week. She'd promised to be back for the state competition, though.

"Hey, kid, how was school today?" Happy and Peter had gotten closer over the last few months, what with the teen being around more and more and no one being able to withstand the force of Peter's happiness for too long.

"Good! I aced a quiz in math! Practice was kinda weird, though, Abe fell and broke his ankle so everyone got reassigned to new sports because we're too small a team to have multiples."

"You're not running, are you?"

Peter shook his head and Happy smiled. "I made sure I was only signed up for pole vault and high jump."

The rest of the ride was relatively quick, and the Tower quickly came into view. Peter hopped out, thanking Happy for the ride, and ran to the elevator.

"Hiya, Tony!"

The billionaire looked up from his coffee, a smile spreading over his face as he caught sight of Peter's infectious smile.

"Hey, Pete," Tony said softly, setting down his mug. "How was practice? Getting ready for State?"

"How'd you know about that?"

Tony shrugged. "May forwarded an email. You aren't running, right?"

"No," Peter assured. "Just pole vault and high jump. Abe broke his ankle today, so we all had to move around, but I told them I can't run."

"Good thinking. You know, I told the team you had a meet this Saturday and we all decided it would be a lot of fun to come and watch. Me, Pep, May, and all of the Avengers!"

Peter's face turned deathly pale. "What?"

"Oh, is that not okay? I just figured it would be nice to come show support," Tony didn't seem to understand why Peter thought this was a bad idea.

"Of course I would love that, Tony, but don't you think everyone would find it kinda odd that the entire Avengers team showed up to cheer on some scrawny kid from Queens?"

Tony laughed a little, but shook his head and pulled Peter in for a hug. "Underoos, we don't care what anyone thinks. We just want to see you compete and do your best."

Peter smiled into the older man's shoulder, wrapping his own arms around the man's middle and no doubt wrinkling his nice suit. "Yu gumss cahm cupf." The material muffled his words slightly.

"What was that?"

"You guys can come."


The mornign of the meet came way too fast, and before he knew it, Peter was out the door, in the car, and being squished by Thor and Clint while the whole team squeezed into a van and headed to the school.

"You ready?" Tony, who was driving, adjusted the mirror so he could see back to Peter, who nodded weakly. Everyone was dressed in generic parent clothes. Tony and the rest of the guys were in polos and shorts, with the occasional baseball cap or, in Clint's case, a fanny pack, to accessorize, while Pepper, Wanda, and Natasha were in a sundress, jean shorts and a tee shirt, and a pair of linen shorts with a tank top, respectively. Nat was even wearing a visor.

"May said she'll meet us there, probably around 12, okay, sweet heart?" Pepper turned from the passenger seat to look back at Peter.

"Okay," he said simply, then tuned out and stared through the window.

The ride to the school was quick, and soon enough, everyone was climbing out of the van and stretching.

"We'll be in the stands, okay? Go kick some butt," Tony said with a hug, and then Peter ran off to get changed and check in with his coach.

"Did everyone see that the freaking Avenger's are here?" Cindy was running around the team, asking everyone if they'd seen the Avengers take seats in the stands, causing excitement and awe to ripple through the team.

"Holy shit," Flash said, craning his neck to get a look. "Why do you think they're here?"

"Probably to see Peter," MJ stated flatly while stretching out her arms and shoulders.

"Yeah right," Flash scoffed. "I bet they won't even notice him."

"I guess we'll see in a second, they're about to call for high jump," MJ said, pointing over to the mats while an announcer called for the high jumpers.

"From Midtown High, Peter Parker-" the announcer called, and the stands erupted into cheers.





Everyone startled at the Avenger's screaming fit, each one seeming to be louder than the other, and all of them calling out for the scrawny teen, who waved sheepishly at them as he walked over to the mats.

Flash's face was beet red, and the rest of the team looked on with shocked expressions.

"Told you he had an internship," MJ sighed, bending down to tie her spikes. "No one listens."

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