The Perfect Fit

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"Peter, let's go," Tony whined, pulling at his son's sleeve. The teen pushed him away, bending down to adjust his cuff on his jeans, and check the mirror one more time.

"Okay, now we can go."

The two superheroes headed to the elevator, both bouncing with excitement. It was a bright Saturday morning, and everything around them had a certain, happy glow to it.

"Got your glasses?" Tony flicked his sunglasses out of his pocket, donning them as he and his son stepped out into the garage.

"You know it!" Peter flicked his own, matching, pair out of his own glasses and putting them on suavely.

Tony chuckled, but didn't say anything as the two of them hopped in Tony's favorite car: a bright red convertible of his own design. Pulling out of the garage, Tony checked both ways before hitting the roads. Peter grabbed at the AUX cord, but his dad got to it before the teen could. The billionaire held it away, letting a teasing laugh to escape his lips.

"My turn, you picked last time!" The older man plugged in his phone with a smirk. "FRIDAY, play mine and Peter's lab playlist."

Some rock music started to play, one of Tony's favorites. Peter pretended to pout, but really, he liked this song well enough. I mean, who could resist Nirvana?

The two enjoyed the nice summer wind as they whipped down the highway, both ignoring the stares and flashes of cameras as they sped past eager onlookers. It wasn't everyday Peter and his dad went out without Happy or a security details, but this was a special day, and Tony insisted they had to do it together, and without other people watching.

They pulled up to the mall soon enough, where they were greeted with a swarm of people all trying to get a good selfie and an autograph.

"Please," Peter begged. "We're on a tight schedule, we really can't-"

"We're here looking for a gift for my Ms. Potts, who will be home later this evening. We'd very much like to get to that, so please, let us through." Tony was much more calm than Peter when it came to dealing with the public, and Peter was shocked at how calm he could remain given the circumstance.

People started backing away, gentle 'awws' and 'good lucks' following the Stark duo as they made their way inside the mall. Tony made a beeline for the first jewelry store he saw, Peter almost jogging to keep up.

"Dad, slow down, the store isn't gonna run away."

Tony waved his son's words away. "I want to find the perfect one and get it so I can do this tonight, okay?"

"Yeah, I know," Peter said with a smile.

An elderly woman made her way towards the two and greeted them with a smile. "Can I help you find something?"

"Engagement rings, please," Tony said, his hands shaking slightly from excitement.

The two were led over to a case of rings, a multitude of settings, stones, and cuts to choose from.

"Thank you," Peter said to the woman as Tony immediately started scanning the case.

The woman stepped away, letting the two look for a while. Peter peered into the case.

"What about that one?" Tony pointed to a beautiful ring, a massive diamond set in the middle, flanked by sapphires and smaller diamonds. Peter cringed.

"It's too gaudy."

Tony hummed and went back to looking. Peter could practically feel the nervous energy coming off his father, and he placed a calming hand on his dad's back.

"If you are feeling overwhelmed, we could always come back another day."

Tony shook his head. "No, Underoos, I want to do this now. What about that one?"

Peter looked down, at yet another massive ring, a trio of diamonds in the middle, rubies going down the sides. Peter shook his head.

"Dad, you're not-"

"Peter, this needs to be perfect for her. She's the most wonderful woman, you know that better than anyone! She's the only one who knows me as well as you do, kiddo, and I just, ugh, I want to give her everything."

Peter nodded, an odd smile on his face. Tony, who misinterpreted the look on his son's face, jumped to ask his son if everything was okay.

"Wait, Peter, are you okay with this? I know its some change, and it means sharing our space with a new person, but I don't want you to think this will change anything between us."

Peter shook his head with a laugh. "I love Pepper, I'm not upset about this at all! I just don't want you to rush it. You seem stressed, and you're picking all the wrong rings."

"Excuse me?" Tony mocked hurt, putting a hand over his chest.

"Pepper doesn't like any of this stuff. Think about who she is. She's refined, professional, and not very interested in being the center of attention all the time. She would like something meaningful, and pretty, but not big and flashy like this."

Tony thought for a minute, then looked back at the rings. "What about that one?"

Peter looked at the ring his dad was pointing at. It was a lot smaller then the others, but stunning nonetheless. It was a white gold band, with small sapphires going up the sides to meet a single diamond in the middle.

"I think it's the perfect fit."


Peter, Tony, and Pepper sat at the small table in the penthouse, enjoying the nice dinner Tony had made earlier. It one of the only dishes he could make, an old recipe from his mother.

"Pepper," Tony started, his eyes darting over to Peter, who quietly excused himself and went to the kitchen. "It's been you since before I met you. It's always been you."

"What has?"

"My missing piece. I was missing you forever, Pep. You make me a better person. A better dad. The kind of person I want to be in my life. I love you, and I wanted you to know that before I did this."

Pepper had tears in her eyes, the realization of what was happening finally hitting her. "Tony-"

"Pepper Potts, marry me."

Pepper nodded, and Tony pulled out the ring, sliding it onto Pepper's finger with ease.

"Yay!" Peter called, carrying out a bottle of champagne his dad had prepared earlier. "How do you like it, Pepper? I helped pick it out!"

"I love it, it's the perfect fit."

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