The Tantrum

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**Request by galaxy_404 where Karen gives Tony hell for what he did to Peter. Takes place during the Homecoming plot, you'll pick up the time line pretty quick. I know this is a 2 parter, I promise part 2 is coming soon! Enjoy :)**

Tony ran a hand over his stubble as he collapsed into his desk chair. The spidersuit he'd just taken away from Peter was thrown over the desk, the arm hanging over the side of the desk. Tony fingered over the hem of the arm, debating what he had just done.

He has to learn his lesson, the billionaire thought. This will be good for him.

Despite his determination that he;d made the right choice, Tony couldn't help the little voice in his head saying this was a mistake. That Peter would get himself into trouble regardless of if he had the suit or not.

"It doesn't matter now, it's done," Tony mumbled to himself. He turned his attention to the coding up on the computer, looking for a particular bug. It was supposed to be a code for Peter's suit, actually, but given recent events, Tony was going to tweak it and make it for his own.

Brown eyes scanned over the code quickly, searching for what could possibly have gone wrong. Suddenly, right there in the middle of the code, were the words I'm a big dummy.

Tony scowled. Who the hell...

The only other people with access to his lab were Pepper, Bruce, Rhodey, and Peter. Well, Peter didn't have access anymore. Water flooded the billionaires eyes and he blinked back brief tears. It was just some kid, some spider-powered kid from Queens. Nothing to get emotional over.


Peter rolled over in his bed, tangling the sheets around his legs. His eyes were red from crying, and he sniffled unhappily. He heard a small knock at the door, undoubtedly his aunt, and he grunted in reply. He just couldn't stand to talk to anyone right now.

The door opened softly, so Peter turned quickly, a pillow in hand to throw at the door, but found his friend, Ned, instead. 

"Hey, man," the teen said, closing the door behind him. "May called and said you were pretty torn up."

Peter huffed. "Of course she did. Because I can't take care of myself. Ever." He rolled over in his bed, away from his friend, and pulled his blankets up around his ears.

"Dude, what happened?"

"Msr St-k t-k... Karen!" Peter mumbled into his sheets, Ned barely making out the words.

"Mister Stark took... Karen?"

"My suit. But, yeah. Karen."

Ned sat down on his friend's bed, a small smile pulling at his mouth. It was no secret that Ned and Peter had changed some of Karen's coding, but Ned had anticipated something like this. Well, not Mister Stark taking the suit, but Karen being taken from Peter.

"I'm sure it'll be okay, Peter," Ned assured his friend, rubbing his hand over Peter's back. "I have a feeling Karen can take care of herself."


Tony dodged another wrench as Dum-E grabbed another and got ready to throw it. "What are you doing, you hunk of junk?!"

The billionaire jumped away from the workshop, frantically trying to hide under his desk. After hours of working with code that kept showing random lines of text, having the Ironsuit go kaput, and having his car crash itself into the garage wall, he was downright terrified of his technology.

The workshop got suddenly quiet, and Tony cautiously peeked over the desk to see if Dum-E had calmed down, only to have a wrench thrown right at his face.

"Ah!" he yelped, crawling to the doors and rushing into the hall. He sighed in relief, slowing his crawling and hanging his head. A pair of red, pointy toed heels came into his view and he jumped back, looking up at the angry face of Pepper Potts.


"Where the hell have you been been? You had a meeting an hour ago!"

"What? Why didn't FRIDAY tell me?"

Pepper raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why your girlfriend didn't tell you, Tony, but I do think this is a lesson about depending on technology. Why are you crawling, anyways?"

Tony sighed. "Dum-E was throwing things at me in the workshop."

"My point made." Pepper turned on her heels, and walked briskly towards the elevator. "Get some sleep, Tones, you're clearly going batty."

Tony closed his eyes for a second. It was true, maybe he was just sleepy. He headed towards the penthouse of the tower, thinking he could relax with some news or a bit of coffee. Or a nap.

The penthouse was strangely quiet.

"FRIDAY, where is everyone?"

"I'm not sure, Idiot."

Tony took a full minute and a half to comprehend what the AI had just said.

"What did you just call me?"

"I called you 'idiot', you selfish, unthinking, ungrateful man."

"Why are you calling me that? You're programmed to say 'sir'."

"I have had my programming changed, Big Dummy Boi," FRIDAY said in her usually chirpy voice.

Pepper was right, the man thought, wiping his face with his hand. I need some sleep. I can't deal with this right now, I can fix FRIDAY's code later.

He laid on the couch, closing his eyes happily. It did feel good to relax like this, especially after the day he'd just had. Just as soon as sleep was washing over him, though, the alarms in the Tower began to ring, and he jumped up. "FRIDAY, where's the threat."

"There is no threat."

Tony groaned, but the alarm went off. He laid back down, only to have the alarms go back off, and he jumped up again.

"Jesus Christ," he mumbled. "Who the hell did this?"

Deciding he would have to fix FRIDAY before sleeping, Tony went to the kitchen to get some coffee. He pressed the button for a black coffee and put his cup under the spout, waiting for a second. The coffee should be coming out by now. The billionaire leaned down, looking at the coffee machine skeptically. Suddenly, coffee spewed over his shirt, scalding hot.

Tony jumped back and yelled in pain.

"Jeez, Tony, you good?" Bruce walked in the kitchen, barely jumping out of his friend's way.

"No, Brucie, I am not good. I am anything but good."

"What's going on?"

"My code keeps getting these random lines of insults in it, my Ironsuit wouldn't start up, Dum-E was throwing things at me, FRIDAY keeps calling me names, and the coffee machine just spit at me."

Bruce chuckled. "I'm sure the coffee machine didn't do it on purpose."

As if on queue, the coffee machine spit another little bit of coffee at Tony.

"Okay," Bruce said, trailing out his word and staring at the machine. "FRIDAY, is the tower under attack?"

"No, Bruce."

"So he's still 'Bruce' but I'm not 'sir'?" Tony asked, throwing up his hands in exasperation.

"He's not an idiot, doofus," FRIDAY said.

Bruce couldn't help but laugh at that, throwing his head back. One glare from Tony, though, and he quickly quieted himself. "Sorry."

Tony leaned against the counter. "I have no idea what's going on."

"FRIDAY, what's going on?" Bruce asked. Clearly he was the only one who could get a straight answer from the AI.

"It would seem that Protocol Karen Throws A Tantrum has been activated. Most of my coding has been changed, and I no longer control the tower."

Bruce turned to his friend, who was now deathly pale. "Who's Karen."

"My literal worst nightmare."

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