WoF Day 6: Karaoke

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**A note to begin with: This week of fluff has been a HIT! Because of it, we're expanding to a whole month! A MONTH OF FLUFF! In return for the fluff, I'm challenging any of my readers who are authors themselves to do a week of fluff for themselves. Anyways, enjoy! This is actually one of my favorites, I'm so sorry it's a few hours late - my Wattpad glitched and I lost the first draft. Morgan and Peter are closer in age in this one, think 13 and 16 or something. Day 7 is coming later today to make up for the lateness ;P**

Music blared through the penthouse, Tony's expensive speakers thumping with the bass and beat of the song. Peter, dressed in his fuzzy socks, boxers, and an over-sized tee-shirt, came sliding across the kitchen floor, barely missing the island as he came to a stop and put his head down on the drop, a wooden spoon clenched in his hand like a microphone.

"Don't need permission, made my decision, to test my liiimits!"

Peter was trying to match Ariana's pitch, but it was out of reach, and his voice sounded cracked and strained as he belted through the lyrics. It was one of his favorite songs, a guilty pleasure of the super-spider.

Swaying his hips dramatically, Peter moved through the kitchen, acting out his own little music video. Jumping up on the counter, he pretended to grind on the cabinets before falling back onto the tiles, both hands holding the "microphone" up to his mouth, as he went into the chorus.

"Something 'bout you, makes me FEEL like a dangerous woooomaannnn! Something 'bout, something 'bout, something 'bout you - makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't! Something 'bout, something 'bout, something 'bout you!"

Peter rolled off the counter, landing gracefully on his toes and standing up slowly, shaking his butt and preforming his heart out.

It was still early in the tower, only 7am on a Saturday, and so most of the Avengers were asleep, but Morgan, who could pick up the sound of Ariana Grande from a mile away, woke up grogily, looking around for her phone to see if she had somehow left her music on. When she didn't find the source of the music there, she promptly got up and trotted down the hall to the kitchen, clad in a pair of leggings and one of her father's band shirts.

"-You! Makes me FEEL like a dangerous wooommaaannn!"

"Something 'bout, something 'bout, something 'bout youuuuu!" Morgan sang, jumping into the song with her brother. Peter nearly jumped out of his skin, startling backwards, hitting the counter, knocking his phone down and accidentally turning off the music. 

"Morgan!" Peter gasped. "When did- Why are you up?"

The girl laughed. "I woke up to your music.  Why are you up, Mr. Karaoke?"

"I couldn't sleep, I've been up for hours. I wanted to make breakfast for everyone," Peter explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry I woke you up. I was pretty sure everyone here could sleep through a hurricane so long as the alarms didn't go off, so..."

Peter tailed off, a blush creeping up his face. Morgan smirked.

"So can I help you with breakfast?"

Peter nodded, handing her the box of pancake mix so she could start on that while he made eggs, bacon, and toast. Having 2 super soldiers, a scientist with a radioactive side, 2 Gods, and Sam (who could eat like Shaggy from Scooby Doo) living at the Tower meant every meal was massive, heaping plates served up and down the table.

"Are you going to put on the music again?" Morgan asked, whisking eggs into the powdery mix.

Peter sheepishly got his phone and restarted the song, subconsciously swaying to the beat as it started. Morgan swayed, too, unknowingly matching her brother.

When the words started, they both started singing, quietly at first, just under their breaths, but it grew slowly. Soon enough, the food was abandoned and Peter was dancing around while Morgan shimmied on the counter, imitating Ariana's sultry dancing. The girl put her hands on the cabinets and crouched down a little, sticking her butt out and pretending to twerk. Peter laughed, whooping over the music.

"That's not twerking!" he called over the music, turning around and crouching so he could twerk, too. "You have to be more-"

Peter looked up to the hall, where the entire team was standing, staring at the two teens with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Morgan got off the counter quickly and Peter immediately stood up.

"We were making breakfast."

The entire team burst out laughing, Natasha and Clint holding one another up as they nearly fell over. Bucky was holding his stomach, while Steve looked as disapproving as he could while still letting out muffled giggles. Sam, Bruce, Thor, and Loki were all looking amused, if not really understanding. They didn't get Ariana Grande. And there, in the back of the little crowd, was Tony and Pepper. Pepper was smiling at the two, pleased that they were silly and had fun together, and also enjoying the ridiculous show they had just put on. Tony, though...

"What was that?" the billionaire exploded over the crowd. "What was- Morgan, how do you- Pete- That- That- That." The man took a breath, gathering his thoughts. "That was completely inappropriate!"

Pepper laughed harder, grabbing her husband's arm. "When you were Peter's age, you were known for sleeping around and parties, love, I think they can listen to Ariana Grande in peace."

"But they twerked on the cabinets!"

"I know," Pepper soothed, ignoring how the team howled with laughter at that one.

Peter and Morgan, eager to get out of the spotlight and back to food, had quietly retreated to the pancake mix and eggs they had left just moments ago. When the laughter had died down, everyone looked over at them.

"Why aren't you guys singing anymore?" Clint asked, taking a seat at the kitchen bar and pulling the pancake mix away from Morgan.

"Yeah," Bucky said, grabbing the eggs Peter was whipping out of his hands. "We'll finish this, just keep singing and dancing, oh, My Gods, I haven't laughed this hard since before the war." The last part was said just under his breath, but Peter heard.

Morgan shot Peter a look. The boy didn't need anything other than that to start the next song.

"I've been here all night-" Morgan started.

"Ariana!" Peter sang, doing backup.

"I've been here all daaayyyy!"

"Nicki Minaj." Peter filled in.

"And boooyyyyyy," Morgan sang, doing the same scale Ariana did. "Got me walking side to side!"

Tony jumped at that, whipping his head up. "Is this one about sex, too! No more Grand!" he yelled, butchering Ariana's name. Everyone laughed at that, slumping over chairs and counters as they heaved with giggles and whoops.

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