Young Love pt. 2

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**Back by popular request, this is the second part of the Young Love story. There's a little time skip in the middle, but you'll all catch on pretty fast ;) I actually loved this one, a huge thank you to the original requester (tessalucy) and to the comments I got on the original chapter!! Enjoy!**

Spraying more hairspray around his head, Peter shook his curls around, making sure they were as neat and stylish as possible. The teen wanted to look as good as possible today, seeing as his girlfriend of 3 years was coming for a visit.

"Peter!" Pepper called, pulling the boy away from his mirror. "Natasha is here!"

The teen raced down the hall, eager to see his favorite aunt. As soon as he rounded the last corner, he launched himself into the woman's arms, crushing her in a hug. Natasha stumbled backwards, finding her balance as she leaned into Peter's hug and wrapped her own hands around his waist.

"Hey, Pete, how are you doing?" she said through laughs, pulling away from her nephew. "Geez, you look so much like Tony. Pepper, is this what Tony looked like at 15?"

The redhead turned at the mention of her name. "What? Oh, no, Tony was a bit shorter actually. But the hair and eyes are the same."

The teen blushed. "When's everyone else getting here?"

Natasha faked a hurt expression. "What, I'm not good enough?" Peter hurried out a stuttered 'that's not what I mean' and the assassin laughed again. "I'm kidding, Bambi. They'll be here any minute."

"Speaking of," Pepper said. "Clint is bringing his two younger kids, too, and Scott is bringing his daughter. Could you and Lila watch them, honey?"

Peter nodded, smiling softly. "Of course, Mom!"

Just then, the elevator dinged, and more people arrived. Lila was near the back of the group, standing behind her father with the two younger kids attached to her hands. When she spotted Peter, her face split into a grin, and she pulled her siblings over to the teen to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey, babe," she said.

"Hi!" Peter blushed. "I heard we're watching Coop, Nate, and Cassie today."

Lila nodded. She was pretty used to babysitting duty by now, and had come prepared with crayons, puzzles, books, and games. "I've got it covered."

The adults all said their hellos and headed to the conference room for their meeting, leaving Peter and Lila with the three kids, the oldest of which was 10. The two teens decided it was best to keep them busy in the living room, and soon, their were crayons dumped all over the floor, a half-finished puzzle laying discarded on the coffee table, and a handful of books strewn across the couch. Peter was sitting in the corner spot, his hands over Lila's feet as she sprawled out on the couch, reading Peter a Buzzfeed article on why dogs are cute.

"Pe-er?" Nate asked, abandoning the Legos he was just playing with. Peter looked down at the 4 year old, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Yeah, Nate?"

"Are yoo an' Leela gon' get mawwied?"

Peter turned a bright red, his hands tensing on Lila's ankles.

"What?" he choked out.

Both Cassie and Cooper started laughing hysterically, rolling around on the floor as the toddler waited patiently for an answer. Lila sat up.

"He just learned what that is, my parents explained it to him after he saw it in a movie," she explained to Peter, who relaxed a bit. "We're to young to get married." The toddler seemed to deflate at that, sticking out his little lip in a pout.

"But yoo love ea- other!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

Peter shot a look at Lila. "We do, bud, but you have to be 18 to get married, and we want to be older before we do that. We want jobs like your mom and dad, so we can buy a house and stuff."

The toddler seemed to think about that for a second, his eyes shifting around as he worked through what Peter was saying. Cassie suddenly giggled, and leaned over to Cooper to whisper something, before he leaned over to whisper something to Nathaniel.

"Yeah!" Nate said, his face lighting up. "Les have a wedding now!"

Peter and Lila both blushed, but shrugged it off. Kids were kids.


Pepper took a coffee break half-way through the meeting, offering to grab coffee for the others as she went up to the penthouse. She was all the way in the kitchen when she finally noticed the kids in the living room.

Lila was wearing what appeared to be a toilet paper wedding gown, while Peter was in a black tee-shirt with a bow from the Christmas decorations stuck to his shirt. Cassie was holding up Lila's 'train', which was just extra long pieces of toilet paper, while Cooper was standing next to Peter. And Nate, little Nate, was dressed like a make-shift priest, wearing his diaper, one of Peter's bath robes, and a little paper clergy collar taped to his neck.

"What's going on here?" the woman asked, amusement shining in her eyes. Peter opened his mouth to defend themselves, to say something other than-

"A wedding," Lila said, shrugging. "Nate's never seen one."

Pepper took a sly photo before she headed back to the meeting, when the kids thought she was gone and they'd gone back to their make-believe vows. She made sure to send it to Clint.


"Ready?" Cassie asked, sticking her head in the bathroom door. Lila was perched on the counter, her white dress cascading down the cabinets.

"Almost. I'm fixing my lipstick." The now 23 year old smacked her lips, making sure the lipstick was even.

"You'll get your dress dirty like that," Cassie chastised, smacking Lila on the arm once the lipstick was safely out of the girl's hand.

Lila hopped down. "No, I won't. Is Peter out there? With his friends and Coop?"

"Yeah," the younger girl assured. "And Nate is all ready to do the ceremony. He was up half the night rewriting it to be perfect."

Lila snickered. If there was someone to do the perfect wedding ceremony, it was her own baby brother.

"How do I look?" she asked, twirling.

"A million bucks."

The two girls made their way out to the hall. Lila bounced around on her feet, impatiently waiting for the music to start. Cassie stuck her head through the venue's doors, giving a signal, and Moonlight Sonata started playing. First went Peter and his parents, then Ned and Lila's maid of honor, Cecilia. Then Cassie and Coop. Then Morgan and Nate. And finally, Lila.

When Peter's eyes fell on Lila, he gasped a little, catching most of the guests' attention and causing a ripple of laughter to wash over the crowd. Tears threatened to spill over his cheeks as Lila came down the aisle, Clint and Laura on either side of her.

Nate smiled from where he stood, waiting patiently for his sister to get to where he, Peter, and the rest of the party were.

"Now, friends and family," he began, once Lila was in her place. "I'd like to thank you all for coming here today, and for witnessing the joining of two lives and loves. 8 years ago, I stood in a similar place as me, Cooper, and Cassie forced Peter and Lila to hold a fake wedding for us while babysitting. I don't remember much of my speech then, but I'm sure it was full of wise words and best wishes. Or, at least as much of those things as a 4 year old can give."

There was a wave of laughter.

"Lila and Peter have known each other for a long time. Thank god our parents are super heroes together, because without them first introducing Peter and Lila, we wouldn't be witnessing one of the most sweet and loving relationships blossom into a marriage today."

Nate started the vows, which Peter and Lila had rewritten to be more fitting for their own personal relationship.

"Lila Barton, do you take Peter Stark to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or worse, when his feet are cold in bed and when he's hogging the remote, when he slurps his spaghetti and when he kisses you before his post-workout shower?"

There was another wave of laughter and then Lila said "I do."

"And do you, Peter Stark, take Lila Barton to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, when she uses her nails to tickle you and when she takes up the whole couch, when she takes ungodly hot showers and when she forgets to do the dishes, when she shrinks your sweaters in the wash and when she is sick with a cold and thinks she'll die?"

Again, there was a wave of laughter, then Peter said "I do."

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife!"

Peter moved to kiss Lila, but she was one step ahead of him, and pulled him closer by the collar, planting a deep kiss on his lips and smiling.

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