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Everyone cheers for Hiro getting into SFIT as they walk out of the building. They walk down the steps as Cass says, "  Alright Geniuses, let's feed those hungry brains."

" Back at the café, dinner is on me." Cass dramatically points to herself.

Fred raises his arms up in the air. " Yes! Nothing is better than free food!"

Tadashi pulls Hiro and Nina to the side as he says, " Aunt Cass," she looks over at him. " we'll catch up with you guys later."

Cass nods. She then jumps around excitedly and hugs on Hiro. " I'm so proud of you!"

She pulls the three of them into a hug. " Proud of all of you!"

" Thank you, Aunt Cass." the three of them says as Cass walks away. 

The three of them walk over to the railing as they stared out at SFIT's campus. 

" I know what you're gonna say." Hiro says as he leans one arm on the railing. " I should be proud of myself 'cause I'm finally using my gift for something important." he said and Nina cringed at his impersonation of Tadashi.

Tadashi shakes his head. " No, I was just going to tell you that your fly was down the whole time."

Nina chuckles while Hiro rolls his eyes and leans both arms on the railing. " Ha, ha. Hilarious." he looks down and his eyes widened. " What?" he quickly zipped it and then hits Tadashi's arm.

Tadashi pulls his arm away. " Ow." he looks over at his younger brother and smiles.  " Welcome to Nerd School."

" Yeah," Nina says and nudges Hiro with her shoulder. " you're a nerd now, congrats."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. " Thanks."

He looks at Tadashi. " Hey, I, um, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

Hiro glances over at Nina. " I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the both of you. So, you know," he then glances back at his brother. " thanks for not giving up on me."

Tadashi and Nina smile at him. Suddenly loud screams ruined their moment and the three of them turned around, their eyes widening when they see SFIT on fire.

Tadashi is the first to run over, quickly followed by Nina and Hiro. Once they stand in front of the building they watch with panic as they see people running out of the building to safety. Tadashi then runs up to the building, and both Nina and Hiro share a confused look both wondering why he was towards the fire, but they follow him anyways.

They come across a women that was coughing because of the smoke and Tadashi goes over to her. " Are you okay?" he asked her. The women nods and points back to the building. " Yeah. I'm okay. But Professor Callaghan is still in there." she tells them before walking off.

The three of them look at the burning building with wide eyes. " Tadashi, what are you doing?" Nina asked as Tadashi runs towards the building and she and Hiro follow him and she feared that she knew what he was about to do.

" Tadashi, no!" Hiro yelled, grabbing onto Tadashi's arm before he could run up the steps to the building.

Tadashi looks back at them and Nina could feel the tears start to form as she stood next to Hiro, looking at Tadashi with a pleading look for him not to go in there. Tadashi looks at the building then back at Hiro and Nina.

" Callaghan's in there." Tadashi said. " Someone has to help."

And those were the last words that Hiro and Nina would hear Tadashi say. They watch in sadness as Tadashi runs up the steps, his hat flying off in the process as he gets inside of the building.

Hiro looks around frantically, not knowing what to do, but as he looked down he saw Tadashi's hat and he picked it up. Nina watched in fear as her best friend went to walk up the steps and she ran forward, grabbing the back of his hoodie, not wanting to lose someone else important to her.

" Hiro, no!" she yelled and just as she did so an explosion came from the building, knocking them both off of their feet.

A few seconds later Nina opens her eyes to see that she was laying on the ground besides Hiro and she remembered what happened. She looks over at the burning building and frown, knowing that they were never going to see Tadashi again.


It was the day of Tadashi's and Professor Callaghan's funeral. The day that Nina dread. She hated funerals and she hated this one even more because someone that was like her own brother died and to make it even more sad, it was raining.

People that knew Tadashi and that were his friends were all at the Hamada house. Nina stood besides Cass who had her arm wrapped around her as they talked with Wasabi, Honey, Fred and Gogo. She looked over her shoulder at the stairs where she knew Hiro was sitting and she frowned. She was worried for him since he hasn't said a word since Tadashi's funeral.

It was soon the next day and things felt different. She knew life would be different now that Tadahsi wasn't in it anymore, but they were just going to have to make it work. The day went on just like any other day, except that Hiro stays in his room all the time and when Nina tried talking to him, he would just close the door on her.

Nina was in her room doing some homework when she heard a noise that sounded like an ow from across the hall. She got up from her desk and walked across the hall to Hiro's and Tadashi's room. She opened the door, confused to not see Hiro.

" Uh, Hiro?" she hesitantly asked and looked over and jumped, surprised to see Baymax standing in the room.

" Baymax?" she questioned as she tilted her head to the side. Baymax looked at her and blinked.

After a moment of silence he then says, " Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare compaign."

Nina slowly nods and looks around the room for Hiro. " Hiro?" she asks again.

" I'm down here."

Nina was surprised that he actually spoke and was even more surrpised as she found him stuck between the space by his bed and his desk. She chuckled. " You're stuck, aren't you?"

" Yeah, I'm stuck." Hiro said as he struggled to get out, but it was no use.

" It is alright to cry." Baymax says as he easily picked Hiro up from the spot he was stuck in and Nina watched in amusement.

" Crying is a natural response to pain." Baymax said and Hiro quickly got out of his arms.

" I'm not crying." he tells Baymax.

Baymax looks at him. " I will scan you for injuries."

" Don't scan me." Hiro points at him.

A few seconds have passed as Baymax says, " Scan complete."

Hiro sighs in frustration. " Unbelievable."

Nina chuckles. " This is quite amusing." she says and he glares at her as he says, " Stop enjoying this."

" You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings common in adolescences."  Baymax said. " Diagnosis is puberty."

" Okay," Hiro chuckles nervously and Nina chuckles as she noticed the embarrassed blush on his face as Hiro walks over to pick up Baymax's case. " Time to shrink."

Baymax however continued to speak. " You should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, armpits and..."

" Thank you! That's enough." Hiro interrupted and puts the case in front of Baymax and Nina giggled. 

" Like I said before, stop enjoying this!" Hiro tells her, but she just giggles in response as he rolls his eyes and grabs Baymax's arm, pulling him into the case.  And in the midst of this Baymax is still speaking. " You may also have experience strange and powerful new urges.."

Hiro gets on top of Baymax and tries to push him into the case. " Okay! Let's get you back in your luggage."

Nina crosses her arms with an amused smile on her face as she watches Hiro struggle with trying to put Baymax in the case. " I cannot deactivate until you say that you are satisfied with your care."

" Fine." Hiro said. " I'm satisfied with my..." he then slips off of Baymax and he lets out a yell as he falls to the floor besides his bed.

Nina's eyes widened. " Uh, Hiro, you okay?"

" Yeah, I'm fine." Hiro said as he picked his blue jacket out from under the bed. Nina tilted her head to the side in confusion and walked over to him as Hiro takes out his microbot which was moving.

Hiro stares at it with confusion. " My microbot?" he questions as he holds it in his hand.

" I thought they were burned in the fire." Nina speaks up and Hiro looks at her. " Yeah, I thought so too." he looks back at the one in his hand. " I guess not all of them did." he said as he stands up, now standing besides Nina. " This doesn't make any sense."

" Puberty can also be a confusing time for a young adolescent flowering into manhood." Baymax said as he walked over to them.

" No," Hiro shakes his head. " the thing is attracted to other microbots, but that's impossible." he said as Nina watches him puts the microbot in a circle piece that was on his desk.

He puts then puts the lid that was next to it on the circle piece trapping the microbot inside. " Dumb thing is probably broken."

A/N yay I finally got another chapter up! I hope you guys enjoyed this one & don't forget to check out some of my other books!

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