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Nina was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling when she heard a knock. She sat up and looked over at her door that was open to see that Tadashi was standing there with his helmet in his hand. She got off of her bed hesitantly and then noticed that Hiro was standing behind Tadashi.

" Nina, come on. We're going somewhere and you're going with us." Tadashi told her.

Nina looked at him, clearly confused. He winked at her and mouthed ' SFIT'. She then had an idea of what they were doing. She nodded with a grin on her face as she walked over to them.

She grabbed the blue cube that rested on her dresser that was besides the door while saying, " Alright, let's go."

They arrive at San Franysokyo Instistute of Technology a few minutes later with Tadashi and Hiro riding on Tadashi's motorcycle while Nina flew on her hoverboard. Nina found it amusing now Hiro was not happy about this.

" What are we doing here at your guys nerd school?" Hiro asked both of them. He pointed behind them as he glanced at Nina. " Bot fight is that way."

Nina laughed. " You should know by now that we aren't going to the bot fight, Hiro."

Hiro looked at her as if he didn't believe her as Tadashi stopped in front of SFIT. Nina jumped off of her hoverboard, landing on her feet next to it and pressed the navy colored button on it that turned it back into a small cube.

Tadashi turned off his motorcycle and got off, putting his helmet on it as he walked towards the college. " Gotta grab something."

Nina nods and follows him, carrying her small cube with her. " I'll help you with it."

Hiro trails behind them as the they walk to Tadashi's lab. " Is this gonna take long?" he whined.

Tadashi rolled his eyes. " Relax, you big baby. We'll be in and out." he opens the door, letting Nina walk in first before walking in after her and Hiro follows them. " Besides, you never seen my lab."

" Or mine." Nina added. She looked back at Hiro with a playful grin, side glancing at Tadashi. " And my lab is way better than Tadashi's."

Tadashi rolled his eyes and laughed as he playfully shoved her. " It is not."

Nina couldn't help but laugh as well as she nods. " It is so! You just won't admit it."

Hiro sighs. " Oh, great. I get to see both of your nerd labs."

" Heads up!" someone says just as someone zooms past Hiro and to the other side of the room. He watches with curiosity as the person in the black helmet hangs the yellow bike up.

Hiro raises his brow as the person takes off the left wheel and then theows it back on as they walk off.

He looks over to his right and his eyes grow wide as he looks at all of the cool gadgets that were in the lab. He walked towards the yellow bike and walked under it, looking at the wheels.

" Woah, electro-mag suspension." he said in awe.

" Hey!" he jumps back as someone says something and he hoped that he wasn't in trouble. He looked over to see the person who was by the bike earlier and now that they were up close he realized they were a girl.

" Who are you?" she asked.

" I, um.." Hiro's voice trails off as he tries to come up with something to say and thankfully Tadashi walked up behind him.

Tadashi puts a hand on Hiro's shoulder. " Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro."

" And he's my best friend!" hiro heard someone say as he looked to his left side he didn't see anyone, but he knew that voice anywhere.

" Nina?" he hesitantly questioned.

Nina suddenly appeared next to him with a smirk on her face and he stated at her with wide eyes. " How did you do that?"

" With this." she dramatically stated as she opened her right hand since it was closed and he saw that there was a gold colored ring in her hand.

He looked at her with confusion and disbelief. " A ring?"

Nina nods. " Yeah. It's my new invention. Whenever you wear it, it turns you invisible. People can still hear you talk and they can feel you if you touch them, but they won't be able to see you."

Hiro stared at her in awe. " That's actually really cool."

Nina smiles proudly. " I know."

Gogo took her helmet off as she blew a bubble of gum she had in her mouth, popped it and continued chewing it with a bored look on her face. " Welcome to the nerd lab."

Hiro chuckles awkwardly as Tadashi leans back against a nearby table while Gogo puts her helmet down.

Hiro said to Gogo who was running her hand over the right wheel. " I've never seen a electro-mag suspension on a hike before."

Gogo turns the left wheel and Nina watches it spins as Gogo takes it off the bike. " Zero resistance, faster bike. But, not fast enough." she then throws it to the side where it perfectly lands in the recycle bin that were full of other wheels that were a fail.

" Yet." Gogo adds before she walks off.

Nina watches as Hiro walks around the corner to Wasabi's area. " Woah, woah, woah. Do not move. Behind the line, please." Wasabi pointed to the line of tape that was on the floor Hiro stepped over and Hiro steps back behind the line.

" Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother Hiro." Tadashi introduces Hiro.

" Hi, Wasabi." Nina appears next to Hiro making Wasabi jump and let out a startled scream.

" You have got to stop doing that! You're gonna give me a heart attack if you keep randomingly showing up!" Wasabi told her.

Nina sent an apologetic smile to him.
" Sorry."

Wasabi then looks over at Hiro and grins. " Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed." he steps back as he picks up an apple.

" Catch." he throws the apple to Hiro, but the apple is cut up into slices as it gets to Hiro.

Hiro picks up one of the slices. " Wow."

Hiro walks over as Wasabi presses a button on top of one of the beams that turns it on. " Laser-induced plasma?" Hiro asked with wide eyes.

Nina and Tadashi walk over to where Wasabi was at and Hiro follows them. They were standing in front of his neatly organized desk where everything had a specific place and if it wasn't there Wasabi would have a fit. " Oh yeah, with a little magnetic confinement for, uh, ultra precession."

Hiro picks up a magnifying glass that was on the table. " Wow. How do you find anything in this mess?"

" Oh!" Wasabi quickly takes it from him and places it back where its suppose to go. " I have a system. There's a place for everything, and everything in its place."

Gogo takes something from the desk just as he said that. " Need this." she said before walking off and a very upset Wasabi follows her.

" You can't do that! This is anarchy! Society has rules!" Wasabi yelled as he went after Gogo.

" Excuse me!" someone yelled, pushing a ball and the three of the move out of the way for Honey Lemon  to get by.

They watch as she pushes the ball until it was on top of the x that was on the floor. She walks to the other side and leans on it so it will go in the right place. She looks up and realizes who was there.

She smiles. " Tadashi! Nina!"

Honey Lemon stands up as she looks at Hiro. " Oh, my gosh. You must be Hiro!" she walks over to them and Nina realizes that Honey Lemon was listening to music which was why she was yelling. " I've heard so much about you!" she takes her headphones off and kisses Hiro's cheeks.

Nina found Hiro's fazed look amusing as Honey Lemon grabs his hand, dragging him over to the other side across from her and Tadashi. " Perfect timing. Perfect timing." she presses a button that was nearby and that raises the ball up.

" That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide." Hiro said and Honey Lemon nodded with a wide smile on her face. She grabs his arm excitedly. " 400 pounds of it!"

" Come here, come here, come here!" she drags Hiro with her to where she had her chemicals set up. " You're going to love this."

Nina loves watching Honey Lemon do her work because Honey Lemon had this way of making things interesting and fun. " A dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide," she grabs a flame gun that was near by and turned it on.

" Super-heated to 500 Kelvin, and..." she turns off the flame gun and lays it down as she picks up the spray bottle. She sprays the ball of tungsten carbide and then pulls down a leaver making the pink smoak that was surrounding the ball of tungsten carbide cover it completely.

" Ta-da! It's pretty great, huh?" Honey Lemon looked at Hiro.

Hiro slowly nodded. " It's"

" Here's the best part!" Honey Lemon giggles and walks forward. She then touches the ball of tungsten carbide and it explodes.

Hiro stares at it with wide eyes. " Woah."

Honey Lemon turns around and Nina's eyes widened realizing that she was covered in pink but Honey Lemon didn't seem to mind. " I know, right?" she laughs as she takes her glasses off and cleans them. " Chemical metal embrittlement."

" Not bad, Honey Lemon." Tadashi said and Nina nodded in agreement.

" Yeah, that was really cool. Like all of your inventions are." Nina told her and Honey Lemon smiled. " Aw, thank you Nina! You're the sweetest!" she brings Nina into a tight hug for a few seconds before letting her go.

" ' Honey Lemon'? ' Gogo'? 'Wasabi'?" Hiro listed off everyone's names in confusion.

" I spill wasabi on my shirt one time, people. One time!" Wasabi complains as he walks by them.

Tadashi looks at his brother. " Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames."

Hiro looks up at him with confusion. " Uh, who's Fred?"

" This guy, right here!" Fred, who was in the mascot costume, says.

Hiro turns around and screams whenever he sees the costume, holding on to whoever the person next to him was which happened to be Nina and she really hoped he couldn't see the blush on her face.

" Don't be scared Hiro, Fred's not a monster." Nina teased him and Hiro immediately let go of Nina, stepping away from her. " I'm wasn't scared."

" Then why did you almost jump into Nina's arms?" Honey Lemon asks and Nina could've sworn she saw Hiro blush.

" I-I didn't! And she just happened to be the person next to me!" he defended himself as Honey Lemon and Tadashi share a knowing smile.

" Ah-ah. Don't be alarmed." Fred opens the top of and peaks out of it. " It is just a suit. This is not my real face and body."

Fred shakes Hiro's hand. " The name's Fred."

Fred then gets back in the costume and swings the sign he had with him around. " School mascot by day, but by night..." he does a flip and another cool swing with his sign and opens the top of his costume that shows his face. " I am also a school mascot."

" So, what's your major?" Hiro asked with a raised brow.

" No, no, no. I;m not a student." Fred says as he walks over to a purple colored chair and sits down. " But I am a major science enthusiast." he puts his sign down and picks up a comic book. 

" I've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula, that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will." Fred shows Hiro the comic book cover that was of a fire-breathing lizard. " But she says that's 'not science'."

Honey Lemon, Gogo and Wasabi walks over as Honey Lemon shakes her head. " It's really not."

" Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't 'science' either. Is it?" Fred said using quotations mark around the word science.

Wasabi crosses his arms. " Nope."

" Well, then, what about 'invisible sandwhich'?"  Fred asked.

" Hiro." Tadashi called him over as Fred continues to talk about an invisible sandwhich.

Hiro smiles and walks over to his brother. Tadashi opens the door, gesturing for Hiro to follow him. Hiro follows him and realizes they were in a lab.

" What took you guys so long?" Nina asked and Hiro jumped. He didn't realize that Nina was already in there. He looked over and saw her leaning against one of the shelves.

" Do you always come in here even when I'm not in here?" Tadashi questioned her and she nerouvsly laughed. " No, of course not."

Tadashi walked over to where his desk was set up and looked back over his shoulder at her with a look.

Nina sighs. " Okay, maybe I do. But only to get tools I need! You have better tools than I do."

Tadashi rolls his eyes and chuckles. " You can always just ask me to use them instead of taking them without me knowing."

" But whenever I need them you're normally not in here. So I figure you would be okay with me using them for awhile. I always bring them back." Nina defended herself.

" So, uh, what have you been working on?" Hiro asked Tadashi.

Tadashi picks up a first aid kit that was under his desk and puts it on his desk. " I'll show you." he takes a piece of duck tape out and walks over to Hiro.

Hiro raises an eyebrow as he tilts his head to the side. " Duck tape?"

He sighs. " I hate to break it to you, bro. But it has already been invented."

Tadashi rolls Hiro's jacket up and puts the piece of duck tape on his arm and then rips it off. Hiro glares at him as he backs away while holding his arm. " Ow! Dude!"

Nina grins as Baymax forms. Tadashi gestures to Baymax. " This is what I've been working on."

" And I helped!" Nina added as she pointed over at him.

He chuckles. " And she helped."

Baymax steps out of the red box and looks at Hiro. He walks forward, but the yellow chair  that rolls was in the way. He picks it up and sets it over on the other side. Baymax then walks over to stand in front of Hiro as Tadashi stands behind Baymax and Nina stands on the other side of Tadashi.

" Hello, I am Baymax." Baymax raises his hand up then lays it down back to his side. " Your personal health care companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said, ' ow'."

Tadashi pointed at Baymax and mouthed, ' ow ' just as Baymax said the word.

Hiro stared at Baymax. " A robotic nurse."

A screen shows on Baymax's stomach. " On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain?"

Hiro raises an eyebrow. " Physical or emotional?" he asks as Tadashi shows Hiro a sad face.

" I will scan you now." Baymax said. " Scan complete." another picture shows on his stomach of a outline of a person and has a red mark on the arm that Hiro was hurt. " You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm. I suggest an anti-bacterial spray." Baymax raises his finger, but Hiro stops him.

" Woah, woah, woah. What's in the spray, specifically?"

A different pictures on Baymax's stomach shows the ingredients that was in the spray. " The primary ingredient Is bacitracin."

Hiro clicks his tongue and shakes his head. " That's a bummer. I'm actually allergic to that."

" You are not allergic to bacitracin. You have a mild allergy to peanuts." Baymax raises his finger again and sprays Hiro's arm with it. 

Hiro looks over at Tadashi. " Hmm. Not bad."

" You've done some serious coding on this thing, huh?" Hiro asks.

Tadashi nods and presses a button that was on Baymax. " Uh-huh. Programed him with over 10,000 medical procedures."

Hiro watches a green chip appears.
" This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax." Tadashi told Hiro.

Hiro smiles and pushes the chip back in as he looks at Baymax. " Looks like a walking marshmellow. No offense."

Baymax blinks. " I am a robot. I cannot be offended."

Hiro takes a step closer to Baymax as he inspects him. " Hyperspectral Cameras?"

Tadashi nods. " Yup."

Hiro leans into Baymax and asks,
" Titanium skeleton?"

Nina shakes her head. " Nope, carbon fiber."

Hiro nods. " Right. Even lighter." he gasps. " Killer actuators. Where did you get those?"

" Oh, machined them right here in the house." Tadashi said.

Hiro looked at him with wide eyes.
" Really?"

Tadashi nodded. " Yup. He can lift 1,000 pounds."

Hiro stares back at Baymax in awe.
" Shut up."

" You have a been a good boy. Have a lollipop." Baymax hands Hiro a lollipop.

Hiro grins as he takes the red colored lollipop from Baymax. " Nice."

" I cannot deactivate until you say that you are satisfied with your care." Baymax tells him.

" Well, then I'm satisfied with my care." Hiro says. He watches as Baymax walks back to the red colored box and deflates back in it.

" He's going to help a lot of people." Tadashi said and Nina nodded in agreement.

" Hey, what kind of battery does it use?" Hiro asks as he picks up his Megabot he dropped earlier.

" Lithium Ion." Tadashi answers.

" Y'know supercapacitors would charge faster." Hiro said.

" That's what I suggested to use!" Nina dramatically waved her arms around as she moved to stand in front of them.

She crosses her arms. " But did he use them? No!"

Tadashi playfully rolled his eyes and the three of them look over when the door opens.

" Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?" Mr. Callaghan asked.

" Oh, hey Professor. Actually, I was just finishing up." Tadashi said as he, Hiro and Nina walked over to Callaghan.

" You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?" Mr. Callaghan asks. " When my daughter was younger, that's all she wanted to do."

Nina playfully nudged Hiro with her shoulder. " And that's all Hiro wants to do."

Mr. Callaghan smiled and then pointed at Hiro's robot. " May I?"

Hiro hesitantly nods and hands him the robot.

" Magnetic-bearing servos. Hmm." Mr. Callaghan said as he looked at Hiro's robot.

Hiro nodded. " Pretty sick, right?" he walked into the hallway.

" Wanna see how I put them together?" Hiro asked as there was a knock on the wall next to him and he looks over to see Tadashi.

" Hey, genius. He invented them." Tadashi gestured to Callaghan with an amused smirk on his face and then closes the blinds.

Hiro turns back to look at Callaghan in awe. " You're Robert Callaghan? Like, as in, the Callaghan-Catmull spline and Callaghan's ' Laws of Robotics'?"

Mr. Callagahn nods. " That's right. Ever think of applying here?" he hands Hiro his robot back.

" Your age wouldn't be an issue. One of our best students is your age." Mr. Callaghan said, gesturing to Nina who was standing next to Hiro and she smiled, glad that's what her professor thought of her. She didn't think she was that good compared to all of the more intelligent students that are in SFIT.

Tadashi walks out of his lab. " Oh, I don't know. He's pretty serious about his career in bot fighting."

" W-well, kind of serious." Hiro stutters.

" Well, I can see why. With your bot, winning must come easy." Mr. Callaghan said as the four of them start walking down the hallway with Tadashi and Mr. Callaghan taking the front while Hiro and Nina walked in the back.

" Yeah, I guess." Hiro quietly says.

Mr. Callaghan presses the down button on the elevator and Tadashi and Nina both walk in.

" Well, if you like things easy, then my program isn't for you. We push the boundaries of robotics here. My students go on to shape the future." Mr. Callagahn says as Hiro walks into the elevator.

" Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with the bot fights." Mr. Callagahn tells him as the elevator door closes.

The three of them were outside of the college now, Tadashi was already on his motorcycle and Nina was sitting on her hoverboard, waiting for Hiro. " We gotta hurry if you want to catch that bot-fight."

Nina looked amused as Hiro dramatically turned around and said, " I have to go here! If I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind."

" I think you already lost your mind." Nina spoke up.

Hiro glares at her. " Not helping."

Hiro sighs and looks at the both of them desperately. " How do I get in?"

A/N another chapter is published & I'm loving tadashi's & nina's relationship tbh. they're definitely like brother & sister if you couldn't tell by now. also loving hiro's & nina's relationship, they're cuties. 

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