"Its Time We Fall From The Light & Into The Dark." Heroes Gone Bad

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Scenario 1: You and the heroes are close friends and teammates. Digitalizer was always the strategist of the battle, always thinking and planning ahead of everyone. Pawz was the hero who fought with reasoning and words, although most of the time, the villains don't listen and try to kill her. Electric Wrath was the 'anti-hero' who fought savagely and recklessly, almost killing you and the others on occasions. And Monster.... Eh, it's hard to describe her when she doesn't even understand her own alignment.

Anyway, while out on patrol by yourself, you spot Electric Wrath. Going by to say hi, she suddenly surrounds herself in electricity and electrocutes everything in sight including you and the nearby civilians. You...?

Scenario 2: Make it up


Scenario 1: Poison Claw. A villain you despise since she always gets in the way and set you up for failure. She comes to your [hideout/house/apartment] without your permission holding a suitcase. You were about to attack for invasion of privacy before she opened the suitcase, revealing a vile with black substances and eight syringes.

"What is that?" You ask, halting to see what Poison was doing.

"Its from Corruption," she answers (you either know her or you don't based on your past roleplays). "I managed to extract it from Dark Star before she nearly destroyed my base."


"I kidnapped her. Don't ask why." She closes the case, "but I have a proposal for you."

"And that is?"

"I need you to shoot the heroes with this, and when you do, they will experience severe pain from Corruption's fluids, and once it gets into their power source; the heart, they'll be turned into corrupted zombies, only following your orders. Do we have a deal?"

You can either accept or deny this.


Scenario 2: Make it up

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