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It was a day of peace for the hero Superman as he was flying through the city. Everyone looks up to see him flying.

Civilian 1: Look up in the sky! She points up in the air.

Civilian 2: It's a bird...

Civilian 3: It's a plane...

Civilian 4: It's Superman!

Everyone looked awe at the sight of their favorite hero flying over them. While Superman was flying through the air he sees a piece of a building is falling off so he catches it before it could land on someone. Superman salutes to them and he flies away. Everyone begins to cheer and clap for the caped hero. Later on a world of fire and despair, in a throne room of the evil god Darkseid lives at.

Darkseid: Superman... You have foiled my plans for far too long and soon I will have you kneel before me as you watch everyone you love to get destroyed! And the Anti Life Equation will be mine! He clenches his fists and he slams them on the arm of his throne. He watches all the despair on his planet as he smiles from their agony. This whole universe will know the power of Darkseid!

Later in an unknown place in another world. A man wearing an orange training outfit sit down an aura rises from him as he gets up and begins to punch the air around. He keeps punching and kicking around the area while a large explosion happens.

???: Hehehe... I think I overdid it a bit! The man looks over at the damage he caused and he walked over to a tree and laid down under the shade. But I think I may need to get so much stronger than that if I think that I will stand a chance at the tournament. We got to win or our universe is gonna be destroyed. He gets up and he puts his fist up and he was pumped up for training. Then that is what I will do. His stomach begins to growl. Well, first I got to get something to eat! He gets the food that Chi-Chi made him and he begins to eat it so fast.

Later in the world where Superman lives the town was in peace until a strange portal appeared in the middle of the town so Superman went to go see what was going on. And when he arrived he looked at the portal and he saw a different world. One that looks different from his own. He saw a man sitting by a tree eating a bowl of ramen so fast that he knew that he wasn't human so Superman begins to peer into the portal but then he knew where this portal had come from. It had come from the new god Darkseid so Superman got ready for any attack but nothing happened.

???: Hmm? He looks up at his food because he felt a very strong power. A power that has been held back for a long time, he gets up and he walks to the portal but he did enter so fast that he fell to the ground. Owe!

Superman: He approaches the man on the ground and he offered to help him up. So the man grabbed his hand and got up. Are you okay?

???: Yeah I'm fine... Hey you are the source of that high power level, aren't you?

Superman: Well I am a strong person... I have fought threats that could destroy an entire multiverse. Superman folds his arms crossed and looks at the man. So who are you?

???: Oh my name is Goku! And i'm a Saiyan from Earth. Goku begins to excited hearing about how strong he is.

Superman: Well my name is Superman... And are you okay man... He looks at Goku confused.

Goku: Yeah i'm fine! I just want to know if I can spar with you! It would be a good test of my skills!

Superman: You want to spar with me... Sorry but I can't... I'm busy at this point. I need to be available to save any person I can.

Goku: Well it can be a quick match... I just want to test my strength so I can get stronger and fight more powerful opponents.

Superman: Alright fine... But I can't be busy for too long because people rely on me to save them.

Goku: Alright! He gets excited. I know a great place to fight!

Both of them fly off to the area where the sparring match will be at. Goku wants to tests his abilities on the man of steel himself. Superman will be one of Goku's greatest challenges yet.

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