Chapter 8: The Hero Rescue

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"After The Heroes Came Up With The Plan, They Now Need Help From The Rogue Squad, However, What They Might Discover Is That Barry Has Other Ideas For Dylan To Get His Powers Back."
"At Uptown Central City, Hartley Rathaway A.K.A Pied Piper, Was Handling The Fight Against The Red Death Sentinels."

Hartley: Ok, Now You Guys Are So Gonna Regret Messing With Me.

"However, More of The Red Death Sentinels Keep Coming, While Hartley Fires A Sonic Blast From His High-Tech Bracelets."

Hartley: You Gotta Be Kidding Me! How Many of Those Things To I Have To Take Down?!

Red Death Sentinel: Stay In Your Homes, The Lycans Are Becoming Exti——

Unknown Heroine: Already Heard That Before!

"Suddenly, The Unknown Heroine Slams To The Ground, Sending The Sentinels Flying And Falling Down, However. The Heroine Walks Towards Hartley, Which She Reveals Herself, It's Lizzie. Who Came For His Help."

Lizzie: Should I Assume You're Hartley?

Hartley: Wow! Your Lizzie Prince. The Next Wonder Woman..........Umm.........Y-Yeah, I'm Hartley.

"Lizzie Then Looks Around, Only To See A View Red Death Sentinels Still Wreaking Havoc On The City."

Lizzie: Those Sentinels Don't Know When To Quit. We Need Your Help.

Hartley: At Helping You Stop This...S-Sure, I'll Help.

"Lizzie Then Nods In An Agreement, Which He Grabs Hartley And Flies Off With Him."

Hartley Thought: *I Can't Believe I'm Actually Going To Team Up With Wonder Woman's Successor!*
"At Downtown Central City, Keith & Jaco Are Fighting Off The Remaining Red Death Sentinels."

Jaco: How Many of Those Things Are There?!

"Jaco Then Blasts The Sentinels With His Fire Power."

Keith: No Idea, Probably Too Many.

"Keith Then Throws His Gold Chain At The Red Death Sentinels And Slams It At The Wall."

Red Death: The Lycans Are Becoming Extinct, Stay In Your Ho—-

Unknown Hero: Enough!

"However, Before The Red Death Sentinels Could Attack, Keith & Jaco, The Unknown Hero Suddenly Strikes Them, Knocking Them Down. The Hero Then Turns Around And Sees Keith & Jaco, Which Turned Out To Be Zane. The Hero Who They Recognised."

Jaco: Whoa! No Way.

Keith: You're Zane Ro'Meave, The 2nd Batman.

Zane: Got That Right.

Jaco: Wow! Umm.........Big Fan of Your Work.

"Zane Then Looks At Jaco In Confusion."

Keith: Umm, Yeah. What He Said.

Zane: Listen, We Need Your Help.

"Zane Then Notices A View Red Death Sentinels Appearing Out of Nowhere, Which Worries Him, Keith &. Jaco."

Jaco: Why Would Red Death Be After Your Friend? He Had Nothing To Do With It.

Zane: That's Why She Had So Much Hatred of Him. When The Multiverse And Our Earth-Prime Changed, Everything She Planned Had Been Ruined By Dylan When He Fought Deathstorm.

Keith: Wait, You Serious?

Zane: She Wants Him To Suffer The Loss of His Son Like He Suffered The Loss of His Wife, Raine Silverlock.

Jaco: So......She's Trying Kill That Wolf, Just To Make Your Friend Suffer That Loss?

"Zane Nods To Jaco, However. He Notices More Red Death Sentinels Approaching."

Zane: We Need To Go, Now!

Keith: Right, But We Owe You A Favor For Helping Us.

"Zane, Keith & Jaco Then Head Back To Uptown Central City To Regroup With The Heroes, However. Things Are Not Going To Be Easy For Them When Red Death Is Around Here Somewhere."

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