chapter 12

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Lucifer spend the rest of the night and the next day sitting with his little brother. Gabriel hadn't improved significantly. He still wouldn't speak, and he was very frightened when someone went to touch him. He allowed Lucifer to, but he was still wary of it. But he had improved some. He showed that he understood what was going on around him and who was around him. That meant something.

It was all enough that Lucifer decided it would be alright to leave him for a while. He wouldn't be gone long, not be Earth standards anyway. He would just be gone long enough to punish and then finish Asmodeus. Gabriel would probably sleep the entire time anyway, and if not, Lucifer trusted that Sam would be there to help him.

Before going to get Amenadiel to return to Hell, Lucifer stopped by Jack's room. He needed to let his son know he'd be gone for a while. He knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in," Jack said from the other side of the door.

Lucifer opened the door and found Jack laying on his bed.

Jack sat up when he saw his father. "Father."

"Jack, I will be leaving for a short while. I have unfinished business to take care of," Lucifer said.

"You're coming back, right?" Jack asked. His father said he wouldn't leave him, but he found himself afraid of the contrary. He had become quite attached to the man in the short time he'd known him.

"Of course. My absence will only be noticed by you for a few hours," Lucifer said. It would more like a few days for him, as Hell moved slower, but on Earth, not much time would pass. It was quite convenient in this instance.

"Are you going after Asmodeus?" Jack asked.

"Yes, and before you ask me again, no, you may not come. I don't want you to ever see the walls of Hell," Lucifer said firmly.

Jack nodded. "You'll be careful, won't you?"

"I will be fine, Jack. Your uncle will be with me, as will Mazikeen. The only one to die today will be Asmodeus. I will be back in a few hours," Lucifer promised.

Jack nodded. Honestly, he was worried for his father, but he was glad he was going to kill Asmodeus. He knew the demon was dangerous and after him. While Jack had managed to fight Asmodeus off with use once before, what if he couldn't the next time they meant. He had very little control over his abilities, and what Asmodeus had done to his Uncle Gabriel frightened him

"I'll come find you when I return," Lucifer promised before leaving the room. He went down to the library next, where he found the Winchester, Castiel, and Amenadiel.

"Hey, Luci. How's Gabriel doing?" Amenadiel asked.

"Well, no change since earlier today or last night, but better than he was a few days ago. It'll take time," Lucifer said.

"It's amazing how one song was a turning point," Sam said.

"Do you think it somehow jolted his mind into remembering you or something?" Amenadiel asked Lucifer.

"No. I don't think he ever forgot anything. I think my singing that specific song convinced him I was who I said I was, and not just some elaborate mirage created by Asmodeus," Lucifer said.

Sam's eyes widened in horror. "You really think he thought that."

"It seems very plausible. There are times when I caught him staring at me, as if trying to make a decision about me. I think it was whether or not I was really his brother," Lucifer explained.

"That's awful. That bastard needs to pay for what he's done to him," Amenadiel growled. He wanted severe pain brought down on Asmodeus. Gabriel was a mess because of him. It pained Amenadiel to see him that away. He remembered Gabriel as a fledgling, and even when he had grown up. He was always happy and playful. It was rare to see a frown on his face. Now he was broken, and it was killing Amenadiel to see it. The person responsible needed to pay.

"Yes, and on that note, I believe it is time, brother. I believe we've left Maze to take care of the situation long enough. Plus, I am more than ready to hear Asmodeus scream," Lucifer said in a vengeful and sadistic tone.

"Are you sure now is a good time. You're the only one Gabriel responds to. He might not take it well if you're not here," Amenadiel said.

"he's sleeping. We should be back before he wakes," Lucifer said.

"Okay," he said.

Lucifer turned to Sam. "You'll help my brother should he wake before I return, yes?"

"Yeah," Sam said immediately. He was glad to do all he could to help Gabriel.

"I'd also appreciate it if you'd look after Jack, and don't leave him alone with your brother," Lucifer said.

"Excuse me?" Dean asked with an edge to his voice.

"I am aware of your threats to my son's life. You even think of harming him and you will receive a taste of what Asmodeus is about to receive,' Lucifer said in a steel voice.

"Screw you! I was wrong about Jack, but I won't listen to a lecture from the freaking Devil. Stop pretending you give a damn about him anyway. He's nothing but a means to an end for you. You want something from him, probably his power," Dean sneered.

"I really don't care what you think of me or my intentions. Jack is my son. I will look out for him using any means necessary," Lucifer said.

"Yeah? You didn't want anything to do with him before, and thankfully when this is over, you'll be far away from the kid. The last thing an impressionable kid needs is the Devil's influence," Dean said.

"We'll see," was all Lucifer said before turning to his brother. "Are we ready?"

Amenadiel nodded and took ahold of Lucifer's shoulder before flying them both away.

Maze grinned maliciously at her captive. She had Asmodeus shackled to the wall with a half ring of holy fire surrounding him. There were cuts and bruises all over his face. "Isn't this funny. You're imprisoned by the same things that make an angel powerless. Your shackles have been dipped in holy oil and the fire around you is holy fire. I guess this is what you get when you feed on an angel's Grace.

"You'll pay for this when I get out of here," Asmodeus panted. He couldn't deny he seemed pretty screwed though. He wasn't sure how she'd done it. All he knew was that he'd gone into his thrown room and found that his prisoner was gone. The next thing he knew Lucifer's personal demon had jumped him. She managed to knock him out, and when he woke up, he was exactly where I am not.

Maze laughed. "You've gotten arrogant over the years, haven't you? I remember when you used to cower at my feet. Some prince you were. You were nothing but a quivering coward. I guess we have angel Grace to thank for your new, misplaced confidence."

Maze went over to a small table that held an array of blades. She picked one of them up and approached her prisoner. "Do you remember the old days, Asmodeus? Do you remember groveling at Lucifer's feet? You wanted to be his favorite so bad. You were willing to do anything. But it wasn't enough. He saw you for the weak, defective creature you were. I wanted him to kill you, but for some reason, he let you live. All you had to do was never enter this domain again. You did though. That was your undoing. Well, the beginning of it anyway. You compounded the situation by enslaving his little brother. Now, Lucifer may not be one for family relations, but he'd never let anyone get away with harming them either," Maze said before taking her bade and slicing it across the demon's chest.

Asmodeus let out sound of agony.

"You should've seen his face. I don't think I've ever seen him so pissed, and I've been with almost as long as he'd been cast out of Heaven. This little chat we're having is nothing compared to what he's gonna do," Maze said.

"He doesn't even pale in comparison to what he used to be. He's weak. He was beaten by a couple of hunters. He has nothing on me," Asmodeus said smugly.

"Well, that sounds like a challenge to me," a new voice said.

Maze turned to see Lucifer and Amenadiel. "You guys certainly took you time. Not that I'll complain much. This has been fun. I missed this place," Maze said with a smile.

Lucifer walked over and stood in front of Asmodeus. "Hello, Asmodeus. Clearly it has been too longer."

Asmodeus' arrogance began to falter. As much as he proclaimed Lucifer had been weakened, now that he was in front of him, smiling at him with that same cruelty he had centuries before, he wasn't as sure of himself.

Lucifer looked down at the ring of holy fire. "Well, this an interesting development."

"He was ingesting your brother's Grace. I had a hunch he might have inherited your weaknesses with it," Maze said.

"Brilliant as always, Mazikeen, but I'm afraid it has to go," Lucifer said before snapping his fingers. The flames were suddenly doused with water until they disappeared. "Much better. We can have some real fun now. The question is, where should I begin? Should we start with taking off body parts? That's always fun, but it's such a mess. I suppose that can't be avoided though."

"Since when do you care about a mess anyway, brother?" Amenadiel asked.

"Valid point. Well, you deserve some fun as well. How about you go first?" Lucifer offered.

"Gladly," Amenadiel said before approaching them with rare cold smile on his face. He immediately used every bit of strength he had to repeated punch Asmodeus, both in the face and the stomach.

"Not very original, but I suppose it works," Lucifer said as he watched.

"Gabriel is our baby brother. He's the best of us!" Amenadiel yelled. He punctuated each word with another punch.

Asmodeus screamed out until the blows stopped. Then he laughed. "Well, now he's nothing but my little puppet."

Amenadiel kicked him in the stomach and watched him fall to the floor. The chains gave him enough room so that sit or lay down if he wanted to. "You took the light out of my brother's eyes. Now we'll take it out of yours, very, very slowly."

"The difference is that our brother will heal. We will ensure that you never do," Lucifer said.

"Go ahead now, Luci. I think I want to watch. Teach me how to properly punish someone like this piece of filth," Asmodeus said.

"It would be my pleasure. I think I have even decided where to start. It was hard to decide. There's so much I'd like to do to you, Asmodeus, but I'm sure I have the time to do it all. I have no shortage of time," Lucifer said. He snapped his fingers and a needle, as well as some thread appeared on the table.

Asmodeus gulped. He knew exactly what Lucifer had planned for him.

"It seems fitting doesn't it. You shall learn exactly how it feels to have your mouth sewn shut. You won't be as loud as I'd like, but I'll still be able to hear your screams," Lucifer said before picking up the needle and thread and approaching the hell prince with an evil grin on his face. "I suggest holding completely still. It will hurt so much worse if you don't. With that said, feel free to squirm.

It was likely that all of Hell heard Asmodeus scream.

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