chapter 14

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Sam woke up the next morning with a groan. His back and neck ached from sleeping in a chair by Gabriel's bed. He began to rub the back of his neck in an effort to get soothe it.

Gabriel woke not long after Sam did. He rubbed his eyes a bit and then started to sit up.

"Hey, Gabriel. Did you sleep well the rest of the night?" Sam asked.

Gabriel didn't answer. He just looked around the room. "L...Lucifer?"

"I'm not sure. He should be back by now. Maybe he crashed in another room," Sam said. He hoped that was the case anyway. If Lucifer and Amenadiel weren't back yet, it probably meant something went wrong. "Are you hungry? We can go down to the kitchen if you want."

Gabriel was very reluctant to do that. He didn't like being around too many people. It made him feel cornered. But he knew Sam wanted him to go, and he didn't want to disappoint him.

"You don't have to. I can bring you up some breakfast," Sam said. He didn't want to pressure Gabriel into doing something he wasn't ready for. Gabriel needed time to heal from what Asmodeus had done to him.

"I...I'll go," Gabriel stuttered. It was still hard for him to speak. It had been so long since he was able to speak that his voice came out very raspy, and the simplest of words hurt to get out.<

"Okay, great," Sam said before standing up.

Gabriel got up and started walking as well. He limped a little as he walked. He was still healing. It would probably be a long time before he could walk normally again.

Sam led the way down to the kitchen. Halfway there, he smelt something burning. As he turned into the kitchen, he saw Cas by the stove with Amenadiel hovering over him.

"Castiel, I do not eat, so I may be the wrong person to give advice on cooking, but I'm pretty sure bacon isn't supposed to be black," Amenadiel said.

Sam immediately rushed over and pushed the seraph out of the way. "Cas, what are you doing?! Are you trying to burn down the bunker?"

"No, I was attempting to cook the morning meal, but Amenadiel says I have failed," Castiel said.

"Spectacularly, Cas. You have failed spectacularly," Sam said as he took over control of the stove. He took the burnt bacon out of the pan and put it on a waiting plate. "One of you throw that away."

Amenadiel snapped his fingers and the burnt food disappeared.

"Okay, I guess that works too," Sam said before putting fresh bacon in the pan and turning the burner down.

Amenadiel, meanwhile, turned around and noticed his younger brother hovering in the doorway for the first time. "Gabriel, hey. How are you feeling?"

Gabriel just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't really know how to answer that. He wasn't great, but he'd also been much worse, like in that cage with Asmodeus torturing him. He shuddered just thinking about that. Suddenly he found himself terrified of going back there. He'd been safe here with Lucifer for the last few days, but Asmodeus wasn't just going to let him go. He was going to come after him.

Sam noticed the terrified look on Gabriel's face. "Gabriel, are you okay?"

"N...Need L...Luci," Gabriel said in a scared voice.

"He's upstairs sleeping, brother. He hasn't slept in about three days, so he conked out last night," Amenadiel said. He was surprised to hear Gabriel speak, but he immediately went to reassure his brother.

"Days?" Gabriel asked confused. They hadn't been gone for days. It had only been one night.

"Yeah. We were in Hell, so time moved differently," Amenadiel said.

Gabriel whimpered at the mention of Hell. It took his mind right back to the many, many years he'd spent down there.

"It's okay, Gabriel. You're safe. No one's gonna hurt you," Amenadiel promised.

"He... He's g...gonna c...come," Gabriel said. He was so scared he was near tears.

"No, he's not. That's why we went to Hell last night. To make sure he would never touch you again. He's dead, Gabriel," Amenadiel told him.

"D...dead? sure?" Gabriel asked hopefully.

"Yes. Lucifer plunged his blade into the bastard's chest, after making sure he suffered for what he did to you. He's gone."

Gabriel wanted with everything he had to believe his brother's words, but he was afraid to hope. If Asmodeus was dead, it meant he was free. Could that really be possible? It didn't feel like it could. He'd given up hope so long ago. Now he was free and Asmodeus was said to be dead. Hope was returning and that was scary.

Sam stepped away from the stove for a minute and approached the two archangels. "I know how you feel, Gabriel. It feels like it can't possibly be real. It is. He's gone," Sam promised.

Gabriel looked at Amenadiel. "Th...Thank you."

"It was Luci mostly, and we were happy to end him," Amenadiel said.

"Why's it smell like burnt bacon?" a gruff voice asked.

Gabriel whimpered and flinched at the sound of the new, slightly irritated voice. He turned to see Dean Winchester.

"Because Cas burnt the bacon," Sam said before going back to the stove.

"Who let Cas cook?" Dean asked. It seemed pretty obvious to him that a dude that didn't eat shouldn't be cooking. He was bound to screw it up.

"I was trying to be helpful," Castiel said.

"How does burning down the house help?" Dean asked gruffly.

Gabriel, meanwhile started to shift on his feet and grimaced painfully. His feet and legs were starting to hurt from standing too long.

"Brother, come sit," Amenadiel said before leading him over to the table.

Gabriel followed and sat down.

"So, is the SOB dead?" Dean asked, referring to Asmodeus.

"Very much so," Amenadiel said.

"Good, that's one less problem," Dean said before going over to the coffee maker to pour himself a cup of coffee.

Just then, Jack came bursting into the room looking upset.

"Jack, what's wrong?" Castiel asked.

"Where's Father?" Jack demanded to know. He'd woken up and realized it was morning and his father hadn't come to him to let him know he was back.

"He's fine, Jack. He's sleeping upstairs. You were asleep when we got back. That's why he didn't let you know we were back. He didn't want to wake you," Amenadiel said.

Gabriel stared at the boy. He'd seen him over the last few days, and he'd heard the boy refer to Lucifer as 'Father', but he thought he was mixing stuff up, maybe hallucinating or something. He just couldn't believe Lucifer had a kid. It was forbidden, and even Lucifer didn't have enough balls to break that rule. "L...Lucifer's s...son?"

"Yeah, Gabriel, this is your brother's son, Jack. Jack, officially meet Gabriel," Sam said as he flipped the bacon.

"Hello, Uncle Gabriel," Jack said with a wave. He wanted to shake his hand or something, but he'd noticed that his uncle didn't really let anyone touch him but his father. Jack didn't want to scare or upset him. "So, Father's okay, right?"

"Yes. He'll probably sleep a while, but he's fine," Amenadiel assured the boy.

"Yeah, too bad," Dean snarked.

Sam sighed. He felt the tension begin with his brother's last statement, and no one, especially Gabriel, needed that right now.

"Dean," Castiel chastised.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Perhaps you should keep your opinions to yourself in front of present company," Castiel said. He looked at Jack and could see that the boy was upset about his father being spoken of in such a way. He would wager that it bothered Gabriel and Amenadiel as well.

"Why? It's better that the kid knows his father's a dick," Dean said.

"Why do you hate my father so much? He hasn't done anything to you," Jack said.

"He's responsible for everything we're going through. That thing wouldn't exist if not for him!" Dean yelled.

Gabriel flinched and got up. He backed up to the wall.

"Dean, stop it!" Sam said in a low voice, but through gritted teeth. He'd be yelling right back, but he didn't want to scare Gabriel further.

Amenadiel turned his attention to his brother. "It's okay, little brother. No one's gonna hurt you."

"Why does everyone have blinders on when it comes to this asshole! He's the freaking Devil!" Dean continued to yell.

"Sam, find a way to shut your brother up or I will," Amenadiel warned. The hunter was really pissing him off. He hadn't been Lucifer's biggest fan since he was cast out, but Lucifer was still his brother. This hunter had no business talking about him this way, plus, he was upsetting Gabriel and Jack.

Lucifer soon entered the room looking none-too-pleased. "Is the concept of an inside voice lost on you. I was trying to sleep."

"You heard from all the way upstairs?" Castiel asked surprised. Sure, most angels would, but Lucifer was much weaker than most angels, so it surprised him.

"Well, yes, my Grace isn't that depleted," Lucifer said before looking to his son. "You alright, Jack?"

Jack nodded, but he was still quite upset.

"Okay, well, I don't believe you. I heard what the idiot had to say. Do not let what he has to say about me upset you. I certainly pay it no mind," Lucifer said.

"I think I'm going to go back upstairs. I'm not hungry anymore," Jack said before rushing out of the room.

Lucifer sighed and mead a mental note to check on his son later. Then he went over to Gabriel, who was still cowering in the corner with Amenadiel hovering over him. "Hey, little brother. What I said to Jack goes for you too. Pay the idiot no mind. And there's certainly no need to be afraid. I'll not allow anyone to hurt you again."

" won't l...leave me again?" Gabriel asked in a small voice.

Lucifer cringed. He was happy to hear his brother speaking again, but no so happy about what he said. He hated that those were his brother's first words to him, and he hated even more so that they had merit. He'd left Gabriel when he rebelled. "No. I'm not going anywhere."

"M...missed you, L...Luci," Gabriel said before hugging his brother.

"I missed you as well," Lucifer said as he hugged him back.

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