chapter 16

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A couple of days later, Sam was sitting in the library with Lucifer, Jack, and Castiel going through books to try to find a way to open a portal to the alternate universe. It was just the three of them, as Amenadiel had dropped by Heaven, Dean was up in his room, Maze was out of the bunker, and Gabriel was sleeping. Gabriel was still not sleeping well at night, plus his Grace was low, so he slept often during the day.

"This is boring," Lucifer whined. He would rather be doing anything than hovering over a bunch of books that were absolutely no help.

Jack sighed. "I should be able to open it myself. I did it once before."

"You didn't know you were doing it. It was part of being born," Castiel said.

"I could still try," Jack said.

"I don't want you trying. You can't control the ability, so who knows what would happen. No, as much as it pains me to say it, we will do it this way," Lucifer said firmly.

"Don't worry, Jack, we'll find something in here," Sam said.

Just then, Dean came into the room. "Hey. Any luck?"

"Not yet," Sam told his brother.

"Didn't think so. Well, I caught a case," Dean said

Sam turned to Dean in surprise. "You're looking for cases? Don't we have other pressing concerns?"

"We've been sitting around doing nothing. I need to get out of here for a while," Dean said. He really needed to get away from the Devil and whatever Sam was doing with him before he killed someone. A hunt would help him blow off steam and maybe help him come up with a way to stop whatever Lucifer was doing with Sam.

Sam reluctantly started to get up. He didn't particularly want to go, but Dean had made up his mind and he didn't want him to go alone. "Fine, let me get ready."

"No, you stay here and keep an eye on your boyfriend and his asshole brothers," Dean said with a glare sent towards Lucifer.

Jack looked at his father in confusion. "Father, you are with Sam now?"

"Ignore what this moron says, Jack. He doesn't know what he's talking about," Lucifer said in an almost bored tone.

"You shouldn't go alone, Dean," Sam said. He tried hard to ignore his brother's last comment.

"Cas can come with me," Dean said.

Castiel turned to Dean in surprise. "Dean, I believe I am of better use here."

"I disagree, brother. You're of better use taking this away for a while," Lucifer said as he gestured to Dean. He for one was not sorry to see the hunter go for a while. It would be good to free of him for a few days.

"I'll meet you in the car," Dean said through gritted teeth before walking out of the room.

"Are you sure you'll be alright without me?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah, it's fine, Cas. I'd rather Dean have someone to watch his back, and he's right at least about it being better that it's not me right now," Sam said. Lucifer wasn't the only one who needed a break from Dean's crap. It was really better for everyone, especially Jack and Gabriel.

"I will call if something happens," Castiel said before standing up and walking away.

Lucifer got up as well and followed his brother out of the room. "Just a moment, Castiel."

Castiel turned to Lucifer and waited for whatever he wanted to say.

"Do you have any sway over that unfortunate human?" Lucifer asked.

"Why?" Castiel asked.

"Here's the thing. That bloody idiot is trying my patience. He's upsetting Jack and scaring Gabriel. I won't have it," Lucifer said firmly.

"Are you threatening him?" Castiel asked in a dangerous voice. He agreed that Dean was pushing things too far, but he wouldn't have his friend threatened.

"Certainly not. I don't need to threaten anyone to solve the problem. If he doesn't stop, I'll simply leave. This place may have the advantage of research materials, but I can make do and solve the problem of my creation on my own," Lucifer said. He preferred not to do it this way, as he knew it would hurt Sam to be away from Gabriel, but his brother and son came first. "Understand something though, brother. When I leave, my son will be joining me. Whether it happens tomorrow or several months from now, that is the outcome. Do you understand?"

Castiel wasn't surprised by Lucifer's pronouncement. He'd assumed for a little while now that that was what would happen. Lucifer and Jack only got closer as the days went on. Castiel feared Lucifer wouldn't leave with out Jack, and he also knew he couldn't stop the archangel from taking the boy. He wasn't ready for it to happen now though. "Yes. I'll make sure Dean stops."

Lucifer nodded curtly and watched his brother leave.

After his conversation with Castiel, Lucifer went to check on Gabriel. When he got to his room, he found the younger angel thrashing on his bed. He gently shook him. "Wake up, little brother."

Gabriel violently flinched away, and his eyes popped open.

"You're alright, Gabriel. It's just me," Lucifer said.

Gabriel nodded and began to calm down. "Miss not needing sleep."

"Ah, I actually like that benefit of my Grace being depleted. It's peaceful," Lucifer said.

"Not for me," Gabriel said quietly. He'd finally stopped stuttering about a day ago, as he got used to speaking again.

"It will get better," Lucifer promised.

"Maybe when my Grace recharges. Right now, I just feel weak, like anyone could do anything to me," Gabriel said. He hated how he felt. He used to be strong. Not as strong as his older brothers, but he felt like not much could hurt him. Now he was afraid of everything and his Grace was almost nonexistent.

"I can solve that. I have some vials of your Grace. I would've given them to you earlier, but I wasn't sure you'd want them at the time. I thought you might be shying away from Grace. You wouldn't even let Amenadiel heal you," Lucifer said.

"I didn't think it was really him at first. I thought if I let him touch me, I'd be punished," Gabriel said.

"I'll get the vials for you," Lucifer said. He went over to the closet where his suit jackets were. He reached into the pockets of one and pulled out three vials that glowed white. He brought them over to his brother.

Gabriel took the vials. He unscrewed one of them and tipped it into his mouth, letting the Grace flow through him. It felt great. It felt like something that was missing was finding its way back to where it belonged. He was about to take the rest, but instead, he looked over at his brother for several moments.

"What's wrong?" Lucifer asked.

Making a split-second decision, Gabriel held the vials back out for his brother.

"You want to wait to take the rest?" Lucifer asked in confusion. He couldn't understand why Gabriel didn't just take the rest of his Grace now. It would make him feel better.

"No. You take them," Gabriel said.

"What? No, they're yours," Lucifer said immediately.

"I don't need them. My Grace will replenish eventually, and that vial helped. Your Grace won't," Gabriel said.

"Yes, and I accepted that when I cut my Grace out. I am not concerned about it," Lucifer said.

"You should be. You have to be stronger, Luci. I've heard talk about you trying to stop... whatever he is."

"Whatever it is," Lucifer corrected automatically.

"He's made up of your cut out Grace. That means he's stronger than you. Your only hope is to become stronger," Gabriel said.


"Please, Lucifer. I don't want you to get killed. I need you, so does your kid. Please," Lucifer said, his eyes practically begging his brother to do what he was asking.

"Bloody hell! You've always been too good at guilt tripping for your own good. Fine, let me have them," Lucifer said with his hand out.

Gabriel smirked and handed the vials over.

"You're sure?" Lucifer asked. He still didn't particularly want to do this. He felt like he was stealing his brother's Grace, even though Gabriel was giving him permission. But Gabriel was right. If he wanted to ensure he made it through this, he needed to be stronger, and he had to make it through for Jack and Gabriel. He promised both of them he wouldn't abandon them.

Gabriel nodded.

Lucifer swallowed both vials of Grace and felt extreme power flow through him. "Bloody hell. This is like a massive high. I haven't felt like this in eons," Lucifer said. He supposed he'd forgotten how good being so juiced up felt. He still felt he could do without it, but he couldn't deny the joy he felt on having a good fraction of his power back.

Gabriel frowned slightly as he looked at his brother. Lucifer's eyes were glowing white with the Grace he'd just ingested, much like an angel displaying his power, but the shadow of his wings wasn't there like he'd expect. "Where are your wings?"'

"Oh, I cut them off," Lucifer said nonchalantly.

Gabriel gasped in horror. His brother had just told him he'd chopped his wings off as off handedly as if he was talking about the weather. "What? Are you stupid?"

"No. I was proving a point. The old man has no control over me now," Lucifer said.

"Luci, your wings control over a quarter of your power! You cut them off to prove a stupid point to Dad?" Gabriel asked in disbelief. This was crazy to him. It was one thing for his brother to cut out his Grace. He understood that. It was the only way to get rid of the Mark's hold him. Cutting his wings off in some stupid fit of rebellion was just asinine.

Lucifer rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatics. "Oh, so I can't time travel, fly, or teleport. I never wanted to time travel anyway, and I find that I can get around just fine in my car. I think I even prefer it to flying.

Gabriel just shook his head in disbelief.

"Anyway, shall we head downstairs and get something to eat. I no longer feel the need to eat, but I still like it. I'm sure you still need to though, and you haven't since this morning," Lucifer said.

Gabriel was hesitant. He didn't venture out much since that first morning with Dean. He hated that the hunter had the power to scare him, but he did, even now that he was a little more powerful. There were just so many things that freaked him out now, and loud and angry voices were one of them. "Where's Dean?"

Lucifer smiled with glee. "Oh, that's the best thing that's happened today, even including this new power boost. He decided to go hunting with Castiel. He'll be gone for days!"

"That's good. It's good that everyone will get time away from him. He's hurting Sam," Gabriel said. That was another thing that bothered him about seeing Dean's anger. He knew it was hurting Sam. Sam had told him how much his brother was hurting him.

"Yes, he is. He won't for much longer hopefully," Lucifer said. Worst case scenario, if Dean didn't stop, his brother would eventually have enough and walk away from the bastard. Lucifer knew that from experience. "Shall we head to the kitchen? A snack and a drink sound good to me."

Gabriel nodded and stood up.

Lucifer led the way out of the room. "I better still be able to get drunk with this new power boost, otherwise I'm cutting it out again."

Gabriel chuckled slightly and followed his brother.

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