chapter 2

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Lucifer was in the process of getting ready to leave when the elevator to his pent house rang and opened. He looked up in time to see Chloe Decker walk in. "Detective, I wasn't expecting you."

"Really?" Chloe asked she walked over. "You left me a message saying you'd be unavailable to work cases with me for the foreseeable future, and you didn't think I'd drop by?"

"Are you worried about me, Detective?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes. Your message was cryptic and very concerning. What's going on?" Chloe asked.

"There's nothing to worry about. I just have to take care of a problem. I'll be back once it's finished," Lucifer said.

That didn't make Chloe feel any better. In fact, it made it worse. Lucifer tended not to follow the law when he went off by himself. Actually, he didn't really follow it when he was with her either. But when he was alone, he tended to fall off the rails to exact 'punishment'. "What kind of problem."

"Oh, this thing I created has just reared its ugly head. I have to take care of it before it gets any further out of control," Lucifer said.

"Who are you going after?" Chloe asked.

"What makes you think it's a person?" Lucifer asked.

"The look in your eyes. It's how you always look when you're ready to punish someone. Though I haven't seen it quite like this since the death of that preacher," Chloe said.

"It's not a person. Any being with Evil like that cannot be considered a person," Lucifer said.

"What kind of evil. What did he do to you?"

"It doesn't really matter what its done. I must stop it," Lucifer said.

"I really don't think you should do this. I can see how angry you are. If you go out there to exact some kind of revenge, no one will be there to hold you back," she said.

"With all do respect, Detective, not even you could hold me back this time if you were there. The abomination may have murdered my brother. Nothing will stop me from punishing it," Lucifer said strongly.

"Amenadiel's dead?" Chloe asked in shock.

"No, another brother of mine, one I was much more fond of. And if he's dead, the thing responsible will pay," Lucifer said tightly. It wasn't even just that Gabriel might be dead, though that alone shook him. It was that if Gabriel was dead, he'd likely died thinking Lucifer killed him. Lucifer wasn't just going to kill the thing he created for that. He was going to destroy him first.

"I'm sorry, but there are other ways to go about getting justice," Chloe said.

"Not this time, Detective."

Just then, the elevator opened once more and Mazikeen stepped through.

"Maze, good you're here. We have much to discuss," Lucifer said before turning back to Chloe. "I shall see you soon, Detective."

"I hope it's not from a prison cell," Chloe said before walking to the elevator.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Maze asked once the detective was gone.

"Don't worry, this won't involve prison cells, though that might be more pleasant. We're going on a, pardon the term, hunt," Lucifer said.

"I'll forget you just compared us to hunters. What exactly is going on?" Maze asked.

Lucifer quickly filled her in on everything Amenadiel told him.

"Are you kidding me? That freak managed to escape your cage?"

"Twice, apparently."

"And you wanna go after it. It's more powerful than you are, since you poured your Grace into it. Talk about a stupid move," Maze told him with a glared. She'd warned Lucifer even as he'd done it. She'd told him this could come back to bite him.

"That Grace had been corrupted by the bloody Mark of Cain. I had to remove it from my person before my Grace was a hundred percent corrupted, or I would've been that bastard instead," Lucifer told her.

"And this is better? He's out there and you won't be able to stop him. He's stronger than you," Maze said.

"Ah, but I have a secret weapon," Lucifer said before going over to a locked drawer by the bed. He opened it and took a small sword. "An archangel's best friend."

"Your archangel blade. I thought you got rid of that."

"What ever would make you think that?" Lucifer asked as though it was ridiculous.

"Maybe because you made me cut off your wings because God created them. Well, he created that too," Maze pointed out.

"This is different. I knew I would need this again one day. I will use it to end the specimen who has taken my name. Unless of course it killed my brother. Then I will use it to maim him first," Lucifer said.

"Are you ready," A new voice.

Lucifer looked over to see Amenadiel. "A little pushy, aren't you? Though, I was about to call you anyway, so it's fine."

"I assume you're joining us, Maze," Amenadiel said.

"He might end up getting himself killed otherwise," Maze said.

"What's our itinerary, brother?" Lucifer asked.

"There are a couple of hunters who have been actively involved in everything that has been going with whom they believe to be you. I suggest going to them first," Amenadiel said. He wasn't exactly happy about this course of action. The Winchesters didn't have a reputation of being the most inviting to angels, plus, a lot of this was their fault, so he wasn't that inclined to trust them. But they were their best bet at the moment.

"Great," Maze said sarcastically. There wasn't much she hated more than hunters. They were just a bunch of pathetic humans interfering in things they knew nothing about.

Lucifer, on the other hand, smiled like a child on Christmas morning. "I get to screw with hunters? Delightful! What are we waiting for?"

"Are you positive your mortality is only affected by Chloe Decker?" Amenadiel asked.

"Quite. Maze and I have tested the theory many times."

"Good. Like I said, these hunters believe they are trying to stop you. They won't take well to your presence. Plus, you are the Devil, so even if they didn't think they knew you, they'd probably shoot you just on principal," Amenadiel said.

"That won't be a problem. Shall we," Lucifer asked before grabbing his things.

Amenadiel touched them both and flew away.

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