A/N: Requests

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Hello, my lovelies! I am afraid that I have some bad news.

Once again, I'm going to have to close requests. I have nearly 50 on my list that haven't been started yet and that's not counting the final parts of "In Over His Head" (I have 3 or 4 parts left to write). It also isn't counting my Sandor Clegane x OFC fic on here.

I hate having to do this, but there are requests that have been sitting on my list for over a month now and I feel absolutely terrible about that. I hate people have to have to wait two or three months for me to get to a request nor do I want to try and crank them out so quickly that I write crappy one-shots.

I'm really sorry lovelies and I will try to get requests reopened ASAP! I just hope ya'll understand. Lots of love!


Here's a little glimpse at how many requests I have:

Avengers - 4 (half are Bucky)

GoT - 24 (10 of those are Sandor)

Tolkien - 7

SPN - 10 (not including IOHH)

OUAT - 2 (only on Tumblr)

TMR - 1 (only on Tumblr)

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