Between Two Demons (Crowley x fem!reader)

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Crowley was seriously beginning to question his choices as Dean went into another round of karaoke. Ever since Dean became a demon, he and been nothing but a thorn in Crowley's side. Crowley supposed that's what he got for trying to make the Winchester one of his puppets. What bothered Crowley more though, was the fact that this Dean had no respect for anyone or anything really. He saw what he wanted and he took it.

When you entered the bar, Crowley's eyes immediately went to you. Unfortunately for the king, so did Dean's. Then and there Crowley knew he had no chance. If Dean Winchester had a knack for seducing women when he was human, that ability was doubled as a demon.

You slid onto the barstool next to Crowley and ordered a drink. Then, you turned your head to look at Crowley with a bright smile. "Hi." Crowley blinked for a minute in surprise, but a smirk soon made its way to his lips. "Hello, love." While you waited for your drink, Crowley's hazel eyes scanned your form.

You weren't dressed in what a lot of people would find sexy, but you exuded confidence. That, to Crowley, was more beautiful than a face full of make-up and a slinky dress. "What's your name?" you asked, bringing Crowley out of his trance. "Crowley. And yours?" You reached out a hand and introduced yourself. Your hands were slightly soft, but Crowley could tell that they were no strangers to hard work. "Lovely." Your drink was pushed in front of you, along with another for Crowley.

Crowley watched as you took a sip of your drink, your lightly painted lips leaving a mark on the rim of the glass. You opened your mouth to say something when Crowley heard the voice he really didn't want to hear.

Dean had finished his song and returned to the bar. He sat on the stool on the other side of you. "Hey there, beautiful." You glanced over at Dean and smiled. though to Crowley it seemed forced. Not like the smile you had given him. "Wanna dance?" Dean asked. You shook your head. "No, thank you," you replied before turning back to Crowley. "What do you do, Crowley?"Crowley watched Dean's smirk fall from his face with a slight feeling of satisfaction. His night was looking up. "I'm a...businessman of sorts. An entrepreneur if you will."

Throughout the night, Dean kept trying to get your attention. You'd answer his questions politely with that tight-lipped smile on your face before giving your attention back to Crowley. You seemed genuinely interested in him while you had no interest in Dean whatsoever.

"Last chance, sweetheart," Dean told you with that damnable smirk as another woman walked through the door. His gaze immediately went to her and you rolled your eyes. "Sorry, but I'm not interested. Perhaps the girl who just walked in would like to go home with you tonight, but I won't. Goodnight." Dean shrugged, although he probably would have gotten upset if not for the other woman, and he left the bar.

"Finally. I can't stand men like that," you said low enough for only Crowley and the bartender to hear. You were running your finger around the rim of your glass. "Men that think they're God's gift to women. The ones that think every single woman wants to hop into bed with them," you continued, your eyes focused in front of you. Crowley chuckled out loud at the statement.

You finished off your drink. "Thanks for the great conversation tonight, Crowley. I'm gonna go." You got down from the stool, but when you went for your wallet, Crowley held out a hand. "Allow me." You started shaking your head. "I insist. I've thoroughly enjoyed your company tonight. It's the least I can do." You smiled. "Well, thank you."

Crowley watched as you walked away. "Wait!" You stopped and looked over your shoulder at him. "I'd love to see you again, Y/N." You grinned and replied, "Check the napkin under my glass." You blew a kiss and walked out of the bar, an slight swing in your hips. Crowley's brows furrowed and he glanced down at the napkin you'd indicated. Sure enough, in clear print, was a phone number. Crowley beamed. Maybe tonight wasn't a total waste after all.     

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