Distrusting Soulmates (Benny Lafitte x fem!reader) Soulmate AU

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You wandered through the bunker, following the voices of Sam and Dean. They were arguing about something again. Sighing to yourself, you walked through your world of grey. Sometimes you wondered if you'd ever get to see any color besides grey. Sam and Dean both did. It was Sam, your best friend, who told you that you had (h/c) hair and that your eyes were a nice (e/c). Not that you knew what they looked like. You'd never seen the colors. You had to meet your soulmate first.

"Dean, are you crazy?" Sam snapped. "What's going on?" you asked, looking between the two brothers. "Dean wants to bring Benny here." Your eyes widened. "Benny? As in the vampire you met in Purgatory?" Dean nodded. "No!" you protested immediately, "You are not bringing that monster into our home, Dean! Our sanctuary, the one place we have away from the monsters!"

Dean looked down at the ground sheepishly. "Uh...he may already be here." You and Sam exchanged a glance. "Are you frickin' serious, right now, Dean?" you bit out. How could he do this? "He's outside, waiting for me to let him in." You shook your head in disbelief. "I'm with Y/N on this one." Dean looked at you with his version of puppy dog eyes. They weren't as effective as Sam's but they still wore you down. "Ugh! Fine! But keep him away from me. I will kill him if he sets one toe out of line." You turned on your heel and marched to your room, Sam right behind.

You didn't see Benny at all the first day he was in the bunker. Nor did you see him the second day. In fact, he had been there nearly a week when you finally ran into him. You came in after going on a supply and food run when it happened. "Boys, I'm home!" you called out, your arms laden down with groceries. You hated making more than one trip, but you were struggling this time. "Here, let me help ya, Cher," a voice with a Cajun accent said.

You looked up to thank him, but stopped short. As soon as your eyes met, your world exploded with color. No longer were you seeing grey. You could see every color, including the brilliant blue of the eyes that were glued to yours. The look on his face mirrored your own. Shock and awe. "I-I-I," you started to stutter out, but Dean came into the room.

"Y/N? Benny? You guys okay?' His voice sounded wary and you finally snapped out of it. This was Benny? You didn't expect him to be so gorgeous, but more importantly, you didn't expect your soulmate to be a vampire, the very thing you hated and hunted. "Yeah, brotha. We're alright. At least I am. What about ya, Cher?" Your throat went dry and you couldn't speak for a second. But you managed to squeak out, "Excuse me." You pushed passed Benny and headed for the kitchen.

"What's wrong with her?" Dean asked. Sam came up behind him, watching Benny with a suspicious gaze with his arms crossed over his chest. "I think she's in shock, brotha. I know I am...After all this time, my soulmate." Dean's jaw dropped and Sam dropped his arms to his side. "Your what?"

"That little darlin', Y/N was it? She's my soulmate." Sam didn't say anything. He turned and followed you to the kitchen. He knew you needed him now. "Are you sure, Benny?" Benny gave Dean an unamused look. "Ya think I can't tell the difference between grey and otha colors, Dean? Trust me, she's my soulmate. And she doesn't even like me." Dean clapped Benny on the shoulder. "She'll come around. Give her a few minutes to talk to Sammy and then go talk to her."

Sam came out of the kitchen a few minutes later, looking perplexed. "She, uh, wants to talk to you." Benny looked between the brothers. "Is it safe for me?" Dean shrugged a bit. "Only one way to find out." Benny nodded and slowly made his way to the kitchen. He found you putting groceries away. You were staring at everything before putting it away. Benny didn't blame you. You were both seeing color for the first time.

While you were admiring everything in the kitchen, Benny was busy admiring you. Your (h/c) locks swayed slightly with every movement. Benny could see your muscles rippling and he could hear your blood pumping quickly through you. You were definitely a bit nervous to be alone with him.

"I can get one of the boys if ya want, Cher." You jumped a little but shook your head. 'N-No. This isn't something I can talk about with them. They aren't my soulmates. You are." You set the box you were holding down on the counter and turned to Benny. Your eyes scanned his form from head to toe and back again. Benny could see that you were trying to determine if he was a threat. To make it easier, Benny didn't move. He didn't want to come too close and scare you.

"I don't trust you, I think you know that. But I want to." You let your eyes meet his and he could see the honesty there. Benny moved to take a step, but stopped. You actually smiled a little. "It's okay, Benny." Your voice was shaky, but you were trying. If you didn't give him a chance to earn your trust, then there was no point.

Benny took a slow step toward you and then another and another until he was only a couple feet away. "Can I help ya, Y/N?" You decided that you liked the sound of your name falling from his lips. You nodded. "I'm just putting these away and then I need to start dinner." Benny grinned. "I can help with that ta...if ya want me ta." You cocked your head to the side. "You cook?"

"You wouldn't believe the thing I can do in the kitchen, Cher." You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand. "A little cocky, huh? Alright then, show me what you got," you challenged. Benny joined in your laughter. "Anytime. but first, how about I make some dessert? I owe Dean a pie for helpin' me."

You nodded and the two of you finished what you were working on before starting on Dean's pie. While you worked, you talked. "Can I ask why you needed Dean's help?" you asked him. Benny frowned. "Ya know what I am, Y/N. I needed blood, bad. But I don't drink live anymore. The thirst was gettin' ta strong. I knew Dean would help me. Talk me out of doin' somethin' stupid, maybe even help me get some blood from somewhere. He's been a huge help since we got outta Purgatory."

You could see the war inside was nearly tearing Benny apart. You felt for him. "Thank you for being honest with me. I'm...sorry I was so distrusting before." Benny let his smirk return. "It's alright, Darlin'. I know what I am. I'm just glad ya were willin' ta give me a chance." You gave him a genuine smile. "Yeah well, you won't get a second one if you ruin pie and dinner," you teased.

Benny's jaw dropped in mock offense. "Ya best let ol' Benny show ya how it's done." You playfully rolled your eyes, prompting Benny to toss a bit of the white flour in your face. You gasped and stared at him for a moment. You slowly reached over and grabbed a handful of flour that you chucked onto Benny's face and into his hair. Thus, the flour fight ensued. And that was what Sam and Dean walked into a few minutes later, called by your squeals of delight. The two watched you and Benny being so playful together and even Sam couldn't help but smile.     

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