Dreams Become Reality (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader)

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(Warnings: mentions of breastfeeding, if that's a trigger for you)

"Uh guys? Where are we?" Sam asked, effectively cutting off the argument between Dean and Crowley. Castiel was already following Sam's gaze up to the rather expansive house in front of them. "It appears as though we have been transported somewhere else," Castiel said. He was right. A few moments before, the four of them had been in a warehouse trying to work out a deal. Now, they were standing outside the very lavish estate.

"What does it bloody matter where we are? Between Wings and I, we should have enough power to get back." Castiel nodded in agreement. Crowley raised his hand to snap his fingers, but nothing happened. "Well come on, Crowley. What's the hold up?" The King of Hell tried again, snapping his fingers to no avail. "Castiel?" Castiel's brow was furrowed in confusion. "I appear to be powerless," he said before wandering off a little ways. The Winchesters exchanged a glance.

"Well that's just freakin' great. Fantastic. We're stuck wherever this is." Crowley frowned. "Crowley...your name as a human was MacLeod, was it not?" Castiel asked suddenly, causing the three other men to look over where he was standing. Sam was the first to move and sure enough, on the large gate outside the estate, a plaque read "MacLeod Estate". Turning back to Dean and Crowley. "Guys...the MacLeod Estate."

"That makes no sense," Crowley grumbled, walking over, "Why the bloody hell would I have such a bright house? It's not like me at all." Sam shrugged and Dean cocked his head to the side. "So, we get poofed out of the warehouse and sent to wherever we are now. Crowley and Cas appear to be powerless and now we find a mansion with Crowley's human name. Trickster, you think?" Another shrug from Sam.

"Oh, Mister MacLeod! We weren't expecting you home so early!" an elderly woman greeted the gentlemen with a smile. "Right...yes well, I seem to have forgotten something." The woman smiled. "Mrs. MacLeod was right again. She's inside and I have to plant these roses." She turned and walked away. "Mrs. MacLeod? You're married?!" Dean cried. Crowley simply stood there in shock. "Dean, Crowley has no powers and he's married. Do you think we could be in an alternate universe? Like when we were Ackles and Padalecki?"

Dean's eyes widened. "God, I hope not. Now, I want to see how Crowley lives in this place." Crowley rolled his eyes but decided to trek up the house, the Winchesters and Castiel following closely. Crowley opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief. At least the inside of the house matched his taste. "Daddy!" A small voice cried, causing the four men to stop dead in their tracks.

A little girl with (h/c)hair and hazel eyes came running toward the group and wrapped her small arms around Crowley's middle. "Welcome home, Daddy!" The little girl smiled up at him before looking at the other men. "Uncle Sam! Uncle Dean!" she cried, backing away from Crowley and throwing herself at the Winchester brothers. The four men looked at one another in surprise.

"Y/D/N? Where did you go?" a familiar voice called out. You rounded the corner and grinned. "Crowley, you forgot your wedding ring again. You really should stop taking it off to wash your hands." You got closer to the group. You reached into the pocket of your dress and pulled out a wedding ring. You handed Crowley the ring and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Only then did you notice your brothers.

"Sam. Dean. What are you doing here? We haven't seen you in months." No one said anything and Crowley was merely standing there, mouth agape. "Guys? Everything okay?" Sam found his voice first. "Yeah, everything's fine. We just...missed you and we wanted to see our niece." You chuckled. "Well she's obviously happy to see you. Actually, I'm glad you're here if you can spare a day." Sam glanced back at Dean who shrugged. Crowley was still staring as the Y/D/N wrapped her arms around his legs again.

"Great! I've got a dozen eight year-olds coming in about two hours and I'm so far behind where I wanted to be. I still haven't finished frosting the cake." Crowley shook his head to clear it of the shock. "A dozen? Why?" You rolled your eyes. "You told your daughter to invite her classmates to her birthday party, remember? Spare no expense. Nothing is too good for your princess," you mocked lovingly. Crowley opened his mouth to retort, but a wailing from your other apron pocket caught his attention.

"Crap, I was hoping he'd sleep a little while longer." Dean finally stepped up to you and hugged you close. Over his shoulder, the other men could see the surprised look on your face. "You go take care of him. We've got this." He pulled away and ruffled your hair, something he'd done since you were a kid. "Thanks, Dean. I need to go nurse your nephew." With that, you turned at went upstairs.

"Follow her, Crowley. Figure out what's going on," Sam whispered as your daughter grabbed his hand and pulled him away. "Why me, Moose?" Castiel moved to follow after your brothers and replied, "You are her husband in this reality." Crowley exhaled loudly and followed after you. He had no idea how he was going to hold it together.

Crowley wasn't one to let feelings get in the way of anything, but back in his reality, he had feelings for you. He'd been ignoring them. You were a hunter after all and a Winchester to boot. There was no way you'd have any sort of feelings for him. Even if you did, your brothers would never approve. Crowley pushed those thoughts to the back of his head as he followed the sound of your voice.

He stopped short when he came to the open door of the nursery. You were sitting in your rocking chair, singing to your young son who was at your breast. The sight was enchanting to him. He'd experienced fatherhood once before, but he wasn't a very good father and never had he felt so mesmerized by the sight of his wife nursing his child. As he watched you, a peculiar feeling began to nag at Crowley.

He realized that he wanted this. With you and only you. Even without being a demon, without his powers, there was a part of him that wanted to stay in this world with you and your children. However, the bigger part of his brain was telling him that there was a piece of you missing in this world. The fierce hunter that Crowley loved. He determined that, if they made it back, he would tell you exactly how he felt.

Sensing his presence, you looked up at Crowley. "Hey," you whispered. Crowley took a step into the room, his shoes sliding easily against the dark carpet. "Y/N...am I a good father?" Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Where is this coming from? You're a wonderful father. I think so and so do your children." Crowley reached down and gently ran his head over his son's head. The boy released your breast and smiled up at his father. Crowley chuckled before looking back up at your face. The serene look was gone from your face and was replaced by one of distress.

Crowley heard your voice calling his name but your mouth didn't move. The voice echoed through his head repeatedly, but the you in front of him didn't move. Soon, the room began to spin as the voice grew more clear. It continued to call his name as well as Castiel's and the Winchesters. The room grew fuzzy and began changing back to the warehouse. "Will you guys please wake up?!"

Crowley's eyes flew open at the clear sound of your voice. You were standing there covered in sweat and blood, the witches dead in front of you. They'd put a spell on Crowley, Castiel and your brothers to make them believe they were somewhere else. "What the hell?!" Dean cried as his eyes opened and he realized what had happened.

"That's the last time I let you four go after a coven on your own," you muttered as you helped Dean up. Crowley was staring at you in disbelief. "A coven?" Sam asked and you nodded. "Yeah, a coven. If any of you had bothered to answer your phones, you'd have known that." Your voice didn't really sound angry, more like worried. Your four favorite people had put themselves in even more danger because they'd left you behind and hadn't answered your call.

Crowley picked himself up and dusted off before turning his attention to you. You wore a look of determination and concern. Only then did he realize that some of the blood on you was yours. "Are you alright, love?" he asked, gesturing to the small cut on your arm. You nodded and gave him a small smile. You felt eyes on you and realized that Castiel and your brothers were watching the exchange curiously. "What?"

They didn't answer, but you felt someone gently grip your arms. You turned your head and barely got a glimpse at Crowley's face before his lips crashed into yours. For a moment, you just stood there. You were in such a state of shock. "Crowley!" The King of Hell pulled away and glanced at your brothers. "Still our sister." You glared at Sam and retorted, "Which means you have no say in anything I do." With that, you pulled Crowley's lips back to yours.

When you parted, you were gasped for breath. When you were able to speak, you asked, "So, you want to tell me what's gotten into you?" Crowley chuckled loudly. "Perhaps somewhere more private, Kitten." Crowley snapped his fingers and you were suddenly in his home on Earth. You were also both clean and in new clothes. "I missed being able to do that," he muttered.

He kissed you again and began telling you exactly what had happened. When he finished, you smirked. "So...you love me?" Crowley rolled his eyes again and smiled at you. "Yes." You slid your hands up his chest, to his shoulders and around his neck. "Good," you whispered,"Because I love you too." Crowley's hands went to your hips. The two of you stood in silence, just holding onto each other and Crowley sighed in content as he realized that his dreams could actually become reality.    

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