Firefighter (Dean Winchester x reader) AU

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The fire had broken out so suddenly, there was nothing you could do but stay low to the ground and wait for the fire department to show up. Your business was literally going up in smoke, but all you could think about was getting your employees out safely. While it was a horrible incident, you couldn't be entirely upset after a bit. After all, if not for the fire, you never would have met Dean.

Dean had been the one to pull you from the fire, covered in ash and smelling like smoke. He made sure you got to the ambulance to get checked out before returning to help put out the blazing fire that had been your building. You were so thankful for insurance. That would help replace almost everything. But you would have to figure out to pay your employees while they weren't working. It wasn't their fault and they needed to make a living too.

After the fire was out, you stood next to the ambulance with the shock blanket wrapped around you. "Hey, you okay?" You looked over to see one of the most handsome men you'd ever seen in your life. He had short hair that didn't get in the way of the freckles dotted across his cheeks and nose. His eyes were the kind of green you thought only existed in fanfiction. In any other situation, you could have easily swooned over him.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Medics say we should all be okay." He smiled and offered his now glove free hand. "Dean." You gave him your name then sighed. "I should go talk to my people. They'll want to know what's going on." He nodded. "Sure. Listen, I always ask if I can check up on people after something like this. Would you be okay if I do that?" You were confused, but agreed. Dean smiled. "Okay." When he left, you were certain you'd never see him again.

Yet, three weeks later, as you were standing outside your business once again, there he was. "Hey, Y/N. How ya doing?" You practically jumped at the sound of his voice. "Oh, good. Just checking on the rebuilding and remodeling. It's taking longer than I hoped, but it can't be helped. Anyway, I never got the chance to thank you. For saving me."

"It's kind of my job," he said with a grin. You laughed a little at that. Dean glanced over at the building. "How much longer?" You shrugged. "They said it depends on how badly the incoming storm hits. Could be up to another month before everything's finished." Before Dean could say anything else, your stomach let out a growl. You felt your skin heat with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I've been so busy I forgot lunch." Dean looked at you for a moment, seemingly thinking. Then, he nodded to himself and asked, "Would you like to have lunch with me? I could bring you right back here when we're done." You bit your lip. "I don't know. I don't really randomly go to lunch with guys I don't know." Dean gave you another dazzling smile and held up his hands. "Choice is yours." After contemplating for a moment and listening to your gut instinct, you decided there wouldn't be any harm. You didn't get any weird vibes from the guy. "Okay, yeah. Sure."

Dean was a perfect gentleman during lunch. He asked you about yourself and answered your questions as best he could. Being a first responder, there were some things he didn't want to talk about and you understood that. It couldn't have been easy in a career like his. "So, do you often take strangers out for lunch?" Dean flushed a bit as he smiled. "Nope. This is a first for me. I just like helping people, I guess."

After your lunch, Dean brought you back to your building, as he'd promised and left. But not without exchanging numbers first. If nothing else, you at least got a new friend out of a horrible situation. That made you a little bit happier about how things were going. You only hoped that the renovations to your business would finish on time.

It was two days later that you texted Dean for the first time. Just to thank him. Somehow, you ended the conversation with a date to dinner the next evening. The dinner was just as nice as lunch had been and it began a series of little friendly outings. You weren't sure when it happened, but after a while, those dates started becoming a little less friendly and a little more intimate.

You hadn't even realized what was happening until one evening when Dean was walking with you to a nearby diner for a milkshake. As you walked, you felt Dean's hand slip into yours, threading your fingers together. You glanced at him and he smiled sheepishly. "Is this okay?" You looked down at your hands then back up to his face. You thought for a minute before nodding. Dean's smile grew as you felt your face heat up.

Dean and you started going on more dates or sometimes even just cuddling together on the couch watching movies. Those were your favorites. Those moments when it was just you and Dean without no outside distractions. The part you loved the best was when Dean would wrap an arm around you and pull you close before pressing a kiss to your forehead. He made you feel special. He made you feel desired. He made you feel loved.

After that, you began to understand what people meant when they said love comes slowly and then all at once. You had been slowly falling for him more and more every day and then, once you realized it, it came crashing down on you like a wave. You thought and maybe hoped he felt the same way. Then, one day, he surprised you by showing up at your grand reopening.

"Dean! You're here!" He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "D? You okay?" He licked his lips. "Can we talk? Alone? Just for a minute. I wouldn't want to keep you from your celebration." Your brows drew together, but you nodded and let him lead you away from the ruckus.

Once alone, Dean turned back to you. "I'm a terrible boyfriend," he said suddenly, causing you to jump a bit. Before you could ask what he meant, he continued, "I work long hours. Insane ones. I never know if I'm gonna make it home. I have a bad temper. I drink too much sometimes. I play my music too loud." You stayed silent as you wondered where he was going with this. You tried not to let your mind go to the negative.

"Even with all that, I have to tell you...I think I love you, Y/N. Even if you don't want me, you needed to know." You blinked at him in surprise. He stared back at you waiting for you to say something. "Y-You couldn't lead with that?!" you cried after a minute, "I thought you were trying to break things off!" Dean chuckled and shook his head. "Leave you? They'd have to drag me away." You rolled your eyes and took a step closer to him. "I think I might love you too, Dean." Dean wrapped his arms around you.

"Yeah?" You laughed. "Yeah. Now, are you gonna kiss me or not?" Dean leaned in a bit. "I'm definitely gonna kiss you." Just before his lips touched yours, his radio went off. Groaning, he pulled away from you to listen. "I gotta go, sweetheart, but we'll continue this later." You smiled. "Go save the world. "With a quick peck to your lips, he was off to work, leaving you standing there grinning like an idiot. 

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