His One Weakness (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader)

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(a/n: my first SPN one-shot!!)

This was just supposed to be a simple witch hunt, but when was anything ever simple when it came to the Winchesters? You'd gotten separated from the boys and now found yourself cornered by the witch. Your weapon flew from your hand as the witch pinned you to the wall. The witch chanted some sort of spell and escaped just as Sam and Dean rounded the corner. You fell from the wall.

You stood, but swayed on your feet. "You okay?" Dean asked. Sam came over and steadied you as you nodded. "I'm good." Dean gave you a skeptical look but didn't argue. He'd ask Sam later. As your twin, Sam was always in tune with your moods. The three of you packed up your gear and slid into the Impala. You were asleep by the time Dean pulled into the motel parking lot. Not wanting to wake you, Dean carefully pulled you out of the back seat and carried you into your room.

The next morning, you awoke to the sound of Sam knocking on the door. You groaned as you got out of bed, feeling light-headed. You let your twin in, but before he could greet you, you felt a wave of nausea and had to bolt for the bathroom. "Y/N, you okay?" Sam called. You quickly rinsed your mouth out and emerged. "I'm fine. What's up?" Sam told you that Dean wanted to leave in an hour. You nodded and Sam left you alone.

You dug through your duffle bag, trying to find something clean when you heard a voice behind you, making you jump. "Hello, darling." You suppressed a sigh. It was far too early to deal with Crowley. "What do you want, Crowley?" you asked through gritted teeth. "I can't visit my favorite Winchester without wanting something?" You turned and gazed at him pointedly, causing him to chuckle. "Alright, you caught me. I need your idiot brothers for a few moments, but thought I'd pop in to see you first."

With that, he was gone and another knock sounded at your door. "Let's go, Y/N! Get the lead out! I need some grub!" Dean called out. Two minutes later, you were once again climbing into the back seat of the Impala and on your way to yet another diner. As soon as you stepped in, the feeling of nausea overcame you again and you quickly ran to the bathroom, leaving your brothers staring after you.

*time skip*

You were miserable. For a week, you'd been throwing up at random times and you had cramps. It wasn't like you to get sick. Sam had asked you multiple times if you were alright and Dean kept trying to force medicine down your throat. Even Castiel and Crowley were worried, but you assured them all that it was probably just PMS.

You were sitting on your bed in the motel with a heating pad on your stomach when it happened. At first, it felt like a little scratch. Then, it felt like something was clawing through your stomach. You gasped in pain. "I see that spell finally kicked in. I was beginning to think that witch had double crossed me," a voice said. You let out a scream of both surprise and pain. Suddenly, your door burst open and your brothers were in the doorway with Crowley. Crowley immobilized the rogue demon. The clawing feeling continued. "Y/N?!" You screamed again.

"What the hell?!" Dean cried, darting over to the bed. You glanced down at your stomach. It felt like you were being split in half. You let out another little cry. The three men stared, unsure of what was happening and unaware of what to do about it. They turned to the demon, who smirked. "The spell actually worked," she gloated with a laugh. "What spell?" Crowley growled out as you whimpered in pain.

"The spell that's ripping your little whore apart from the inside out," the demon answered, her voice laced with glee. Crowley instantly paled. "Why?!" Dean demanded harshly as you continued to writhe on the bed. Sam, the usually logical one, piped up, "More importantly, how do we stop it?" The demon's hollow laugh echoed through the room. "You can't stop it. As for why? Because she's his weakness. His one weakness," she told them, gesturing to Crowley. With a snap of Crowley's fingers, the demon was sent back to Hell where Crowley would torture her later.

Crowley turned and gazed at you lying on the bed. You were crying and thrashing. It was true. The King of Hell had a soft spot for you that he couldn't explain. Before he could think on it further, you let out an earth shattering scream. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" you shrieked. Sam moved to the head of the bed to hold your arms so you wouldn't hurt yourself. "Crowley, do something!" For once, Crowley was at a loss. "I can't, Squirrel."

Dean growled and punched Crowley in the face before rushing to your side. Your screams suddenly died down and your breathing became shallow. That caused Crowley to come to your side. Your eyes were glossing over. "No, no. Y/N, love, look at me," he whispered. You slowly turned your head to him as Dean sent up a quiet prayer to Castiel. "What happened?" Castiel's deep voice asked a moment later.

Dean quickly explained the situation. "We don't have time for this! Can you do something or not, you buffoon?!" Crowley yelled. Castiel's brows furrowed together. "I cannot stop it, but I can help," he answered. He placed a hand on your stomach. His blue eyes met your panicked ones and he said, "This will hurt." The next scream you let out pained everyone in the room, even Crowley. Castiel looked at Dean questioningly.

"Do it, Cas! Buy us some time! The only way this will stop is if we find the witch that cast the spell and gank it," Dean ordered. Sam looked up at Crowley and said, "Go with Dean." Crowley shook his head. "I will not!" Dean growled lowly and was about to argue when Castiel spoke again, "I have lessened the pain, but it will grow again unless you succeed. I will take you." With a flutter of wings, Castiel and Dean were gone.

Sam and Crowley never left your side as they waited. Sam desperately wanted to ask Crowley what the demon had meant about you being his one weakness. It just didn't seem possible. The longer Dean and Castiel were gone, louder your moans of pain became until you were screaming in agony again. "What is taking them so bloody long?!" Crowley cried as Sam did his best to soothe you. "Crowley, you need to calm down. Y/N needs us right now."

The sound of wings caught their attention as Castiel returned with Dean. "Got her. Cas said he should be able to stop it completely now," Dean declared excitedly. Castiel placed his hand on your stomach again. "My apologies," he said just before he willed his grace to work. You let out another blood curdling scream before you finally, thankfully, passed out. For the next several hours, the boys stayed vigilantly at your side.

Crowley took his eyes off you for a split second to look at Castiel. "Will she wake up?" he asked so only the angel could hear. Castiel sighed and answered, "I do not know. She is out of danger, but it is up to her whether she wakes or not." Crowley sighed and took your hand in one of his while his other gently caressed your cheek. He glared at your brothers before returning his gaze to your sleeping form. If he lost you, he'd never forgive any of them and it was in that moment that Crowley realized that you were indeed his one weakness.


(a/n: A second part to this has been requested.)

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