Honey Eyes (Gabriel x fem!reader)

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Those eyes. Those beautiful eyes. They were the color of honey in the sunlight, so bright and cheerful, but with something hidden behind them. You loved those eyes. They captivated you. Those eyes had the power to glue you to the spot and that is exactly what they did the first time you met the arch angel, Castiel's brother, Gabriel.

You stretched as you walked into the motel room with the younger Winchester brother and Castiel. Dean had found some company at the bar and had taken over the boys' room. That left Sam rooming with you that night. You didn't mind, really. Sam was a nice guy and very respectful of your personal space. You were just grateful that Dean's room wasn't right next to yours this time. What you did mind was the fact that angels could pop in an out anywhere they wanted to. In this case, an angel you'd never met before decided to pop in as you were drifting off to sleep. Right next to you in the bed.

In your half asleep haze, you felt the warmth of another body next to yours. As if on instinct, you snuggled closer to the heat source. You didn't expect that source to speak. "At least buy me dinner first, sweet cheeks." Your eyes flew open at the voice you didn't recognize. You glanced up and felt yourself freeze in place.

The eyes that met your (e/c) ones were stunning. They sparkled with mischief and joy in the mostly dark room. You wanted to move away from this stranger but those piercing eyes held you in place. The bathroom door opened, the light illuminating the rest of the stranger's face. It was just a pretty as his eyes. "Gabriel? What are you doing here?" Sam asked as he ran his towel through his wet hair. Only then were able to push yourself off him.

"Baby brother said you could use some help so here I am," Gabriel explained before he swung his legs off the bed, "Didn't expect such a warm welcome though." He glanced back at you with a wink, making your face flush. And that was just the beginning of the rest of your night.

All night, until you fell asleep from exhaustion, Gabriel would look over at you, give you flirty winks or make some sort of comment. After a while, you started to flirt back but at the start, you were content to just look at him. You kind of felt like a creeper, but you couldn't help it. The angel was gorgeous in your eyes. Every time he looked at you, you couldn't look away. Eventually, even Sam got the hint.

"You gonna stop making goo-goo eyes at Gabriel any time tonight?" he asked with a smirk. You glared playfully at him. Gabriel was smiling. "Those pretty eyes of hers can look at me all they want." You giggled and finally looked away from the flirty angel.

You let out a yawn and laid your head down on the motel pillow. It wasn't very soft, but it did the trick. You started drifting off. You heard Sam chuckle softly. "I guess we should let her sleep. We'll talk about this some more tomorrow." Gabriel agreed and stood. Before you could hear the fluttering of wings, you swore you felt someone press a kiss to your cheek. "See you later, sweet cheeks." You fell asleep hearing Gabriel's voice in your head and seeing his honey colored eyes.

You sighed happily as you stared out the window of your small cottage. You felt two arms wrap around you. "What are you thinking about, Y/N?" You leaned back against his chest. "About the night we met." Gabriel leaned down slightly and rested his chin on your shoulder. "You mean the night you couldn't stop staring at me?" You giggled and lightly smacked his arm. "If I remember correctly, you were staring at me too."

"You bet I was. You were gorgeous. Still are." You turned your head and kissed his cheek. "Do you miss it? Hunting?" You shook your head. "Nope. Why would I? I have you and we have this house." When you had been looking for Lucifer, Gabriel had stepped in and tried to stop him. You thought he died that night. Turned out he hadn't and had gone into hiding instead. As soon as Lucifer had been put back in the cage, Gabriel had found you.

There was something about you that Gabriel had immediately loved and he was determined not to lose you. You got out of the life as soon as you could and moved into a secluded cottage with Gabriel. You lived there quietly for years, happy as you could possibly be. Life had changed for both of you. But one thing hadn't changed at all. Gabriel's honey eyes that made you go weak in the knees. "I love you, Gabe," you whispered as your turned in his arms and wrapped yours around his neck. "I love you too, sweet cheeks."    

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