I'll Watch Over You (Dean Winchester x fem!reader)

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(Pure angst, Death)

Hunters never died pleasantly. It was always bloody, fighting with everything you had. That's what happened to you. You had died during a Rugaru hunt with your two best friends, the Winchesters. Now normally, your boys didn't make mistakes when it came to hunters' funerals. But in this case, they had. Yes, they had salted and burned your body, but Dean, sweet and caring Dean, just couldn't bear to part with everything.

At that very moment, he was sitting on the floor of this room in the bunker. In one hand, he held a bottle of beer and, in the other, he held you favorite necklace. Dean had given it to you for your previous birthday and it was one of your most precious possessions. Dean clearly had no idea that it was tethering you to Earth. He brought the bottle up to his lips.

"Dean," you whispered. Dean stopped mid-sip. His glassy eyes gazed around the room. You could see he had been crying. "Oh, Dean," you breathed. You hated seeing him so broken. "Hurts doesn't it?" You frowned and glanced over your shoulder. "What do you want, Tessa?" The reaper stepped a little closer to you. "You know why I'm here, Y/N. It's time to go."

You shook your head. "I can't." Your eyes went back to Dean on the floor. You felt your throat tightening and the tears welling up in your eyes. You couldn't just leave. "You know what will happen if you don't come with me." Tessa tried to reason with you, but you weren't having it. Dean was one of the most important people to you and the thought of leaving him broke your heart. "He needs me."

"Y/N, think about it. Would Dean want you tethered here? Would he want you to become what he hunts? I think it is you who needs him, not the other way around." You glared at her briefly. "Go away, Tessa." Tessa sighed and got right next to you. "Last chance, Y/N. If you don't leave with me now, you won't get another opportunity." You didn't answer, prompting Tessa to sigh again. "Alright, fine." Then, she disappeared.

Dean held your necklace up to his face. You could see the tears beginning to fall once more. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he whispered. "It wasn't your fault, Dean." You knew he couldn't hear or see you, but part of you held onto hope that you might get through to him. "If I had just been a little faster, you wouldn't be dead." You rolled your eyes. You wanted nothing more that to knock some sense into him and then hug him close.

"You and Sam were the only family I had left," Dean continued talking to the empty room, "Now you're gone. Because of me." His voice cracked before he stopped talking and took another drink of his beer. "Dean, that won't help," you said softly. Dean chugged the rest of his drink before throwing the bottle against the wall. You jumped, but knew exactly what was happening. Dean grew angry first, then depressed, then angry again.

"Why?" he cried out, "Why can't we catch a break?!" He gripped your necklace tighter in his hand, resting his arms on his knees. You sank down next to him. You were just hoping he might be able to feel your presence. "I can't do this without you, Y/N." You smiled sadly. "You won't have to do. I'll be here and I'll watch over you. You and Sam and Cas. I promise."    

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