In Her Shoes (Sam x fem!reader x Dean)

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(Platonic relationships!)

Sam and Dean had to admit that they had no idea what they were getting into when they let a woman move into the bunker. You were a hunter too, but you were still a woman. There were times when you were completely different from both boys and that confused them sometimes. They wouldn't be confused for long.

You were on a witch hunt and Dean had gotten frustrated with you. Of all the times for your period to start. "It's not like I can help it, Dean!" you hissed as another cramp hit you. "Can't you handle it this time?" Dean grumbled and turned away from you. Sam didn't really understand it either, but he gave you a smile. "Sure, Y/N. You just rest up." You nodded, grateful at least one Winchester had your back. You knew it wasn't Dean's fault though. He hated when anything interfered with a hunt.

The two brothers left for the hunt and that was when it all went wrong. As Dean was killing the witch, she started to chant a spell. Then, she was dead. Nothing happened so they decided the spell must not have been complete. They shrugged it off and headed back to the motel, greeted you and drifted off to sleep. They were in for a surprise the next morning.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The words jolted you out of sleep. You sat up groggily, groaning. After rubbing your eyes and letting your gaze focus on the sight in front of you, you froze. It wasn't Sam or Dean you saw. Actually it was. Just not the way you were used to seeing them. "Y/N, what's happening? Please tell me you know." You simply stared. The green eyes looking back at you were not amused. "Snap out of it, Y/N!"

"'re a woman," you said softly. Your gaze flickered over to Sam who was glancing down at his own now very feminine body. The only reason you knew who they were was the fact that they had the same colored eyes, same mannerisms, and same way of speaking as the boys. "No sh-" You arched a brow, cutting off his swear. You weren't particularly fond of swearing when it was directed at you and Dean knew it.

"Dean," Sam started, "I think the witch's spell worked." Dean closed his eyes for a brief second before shouting, "SONOVABITCH!" You had to stifle a giggle hearing Dean's favorite expression in such a womanly voice. He shot a glare your way. "Not helping," he muttered before turning back to Sam, "But the witch is dead. It shouldn't be working. How do we change back?" Sam shrugged. "Looks like the two of you are just going to have to wait until it wears off." Dean groaned loudly. "We're going home."

You didn't make it far before Dean decided he needed a drink. Turned out not to be the best idea. The three of you walked into the crowded bar and heads turned your way. You were used to it, so you sank into the nearest booth. Sam and Dean, however, weren't used to all the male attention.

It didn't take long for a big, burly guy to approach your table. "Hey pretty ladies. How about you let me buy you a drink?" The boys just shook their heads and you answered, "Sorry, we already have drinks. But thank you." The guy shrugged and slid into the booth next to Sam. "How about a dance then?" He put his arm across the back of the booth and leaned into the younger Winchester. You had to stifle a giggle when Sam looked at you in a panic.

"She's not interested," Dean growled out, but it wasn't as effective in his new voice. "Oh I see. Maybe you are then, cutie." Dean shook his head. "No thanks." You could sense the guys actually getting uncomfortable, so you stepped in. "Look, buddy, we're just here to drink. We're not interested in hooking up," you told him. Your tone was polite, but left no room for argument. With all three of you glaring at him, he seemed to get the hint and left.

"That was exhausting. You deal with this kind of crap?" You nodded. "Yeah, Dean. Most women do. And I hate to break it to you, you act kinda like that sometimes. But you back off when a girl says no. Not all guys do." Dean was quiet for a bit, taking a swig of his beer. After a few minutes, he finally spoke again.

"Sorry if I ever made you feel like that, Y/N." You smiled and gave his hand a pat. "Nah, Dean. You've never made me feel the way you're feeling right now. But now you know what it's like." Dean nodded. The three of you drank in silence, none of you in the mood to really celebrate. Once you finished your drink, you got back on the road. You were all ready to be home again.

*time skip*

"I want my body back!" Dean whined. It had been three days since the boys woke up in female bodies and it was starting to get to them. However, while Dean was busy whining about it, you and Sam were trying to figure out how to change them back. Although this time Dean had reason to whine. You had gone on another hunt and it hadn't gone well. The boys weren't used to hunting in their new bodies. They had been clumsy.

It also didn't help that at least one of them was experiencing PMS symptoms. You weren't surprised though. You and Sam had always been close so it made sense that, now that he was physically female, you were in sync as far as periods were concerned. Dean was not happy. "Oh, come on! I can't deal with two hormonal women!" Sam had burst into tears at that. Needless to say, all three of you were ready for the boys to be back to normal.

"Maybe we could find another witch to reverse the spell," Sam suggested and Dean shot him down vehemently. "No way! No more witches!" You rolled your eyes and went back to your research. "It may be the only way, Deanna." He glared at the name, making you giggle. You continued, "It seems like it's either that or wait for it to wear off. Who knows when that will be."

Dean let out a loud groan. It was obvious he wasn't liking his options right then. "DEAN! That's enough. I am bleeding, hormonal, and my body aches! We are finding a witch to reverse this spell!" Sam snapped, even taking you by surprise. Sam wasn't really one to lose his temper. But you guessed a guy's first period would do that to him. "O-Okay," Dean stuttered, "Let's find a witch."

"Or we could just call Rowena," you offered and Dean shook his head. A glare from Sam had him changing his tune. You called Rowena and, after much persuasion, you managed to get her to agree to meet with the three of you. You all knew it was your best bet. That didn't mean you had to like it.

Rowena was waiting for you at the designated meeting place. You climbed out of the car first and walked over to her. "This better be good, dearie. I'm not in the habit of helping Winchesters." You smiled and fought back a laugh. "Oh believe me, it is." You waved to the boys who then climbed out of the car. Rowena glanced between them and you. "Is this some kind of joke?" You shook your head. Rowena starting snickering and continued until it was a full on guffaw. "Oh, you were right. This is wonderful. Do we have to fix 'em?"

"Can you?" Rowena nodded with a smirk. "Of course, dearie. I'm the greatest witch there is. I just need some time." You nodded. "Hopefully not too much. Sam is on his period and I don't think Dean can handle much more before he starts his." You stopped what you were saying and thought on it. "That is probably the weirdest thing I have ever said." You and Rowena both doubled over laughing.

"I don't see what's so funny," Sam cried. Dean huffed. "Please. Can we please just fix this?" Rowena wiped a tear from her eye and nodded. "Sure. Like I said. I need a wee bit of time, but shouldn't take long." The three of you agreed and sat down to wait. Well, you and Sam sat with heating pads while Dean paced.

Suddenly, Dean doubled over. "What is that?!" You and Sam exchanged a glance and said in unison, "Cramps." You got up and ran over to Rowena. "Tell me you're almost done. Dean's period is either starting soon or has already." Dean let out a shriek. "There's blood on my pants! There's not supposed to be blood there!" You felt for him. "Please tell me you're ready."

"Can't rush perfection, dearie. But yes, I am." You clapped your hands and called the boys over. Sam practically ran while Dean wobbled over trying not to get more blood on his pants. "Please hurry," Dean grumbled. Rowena glared and finished the spell. You closed your eyes and prepared for the worst...just in case. When you opened your eyes, you breathed a sigh a relief. The Winchesters stood before you. In their own bodies.

"Thank god," Dean muttered. You beamed at the boys before throwing your arms around Dean and then Sam. "Missed you, boys. Three PMSing females in the same house is a lot for anyone to handle." Dean shuddered. Rowena cleared her throat. "Thanks, Rowena. We owe you one." She smirked and replied, "Remember that." With that, she left. "Can we go home? I need to shower and get the blood off my pants," Dean asked and you all shared a laugh.    

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