One Kiss is All it Takes (Benny Lafitte x fem!reader)

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You smoothed your dress down before you opened the door to the bar. You kept telling yourself that you earned this. You deserved it. You'd been working hard and you needed to let off some steam so, when your friend invited you out with her, you couldn't say no. The problem was that this particular bar was one of the most popular and it was very likely that he would be there. Your ex.

You'd broken up with him months before, but he couldn't seem to take the hint. He just wouldn't leave you alone. Still, you needed to get out for a while. "Y/N!" you heard your friend call out to you. You scanned the bar and found her waving you over. With a smile, you made your way to her. "You made it! I thought for sure you were going to flake." You looked down sheepishly. You'd been known to do that before. "Not this time. "

She opened her mouth to say something, but immediately stopped and frowned. "What?" you asked. Your friend bit her lip and replied, "Don't look now, Y/N but trouble just walked in and it looks like he's looking for you." You groaned and turned just in time to see your ex boyfriend making his way over to the two of you. "Hey there, Y/N. Glad I caught you," he greeted, his voice dripping with false charm. "Y/E/N," you said curtly. You weren't in the mood to put up with him and you certainly weren't going to let him to ruin your evening.

"Come on, Y/N. Let's dance," your friend said, grabbing you by the arm in an attempt to lead you away. Apparently Y/E/N didn't get the memo since he decided to follow the two of you. "Will you please just go away?" you asked him. He scoffed and shook his head. "Why would I do that? I want to dance with you." You rolled your eyes. "Well, I don't want to dance with you. I want to enjoy my evening. A few a drinks, maybe meet someone." You added emphasis to the last part, hoping he'd get it. He did.

"Meet someone? Babe, you'll never meet anyone that will even compare to me." You snorted and answered, "Please. I could kiss the next guy who walks through that door if I wanted to and he'd be ten times better than you." Y/E/N shook his head in defiance. "Yeah right. Go ahead then." You held your head high and marched toward the door, part of you praying that the next guy who walked in was at least cute.

The door opened just as you neared it and in walked a broad shouldered man with bright blue eyes. You said a little prayer of thanks before grabbing the man by the lapels of his jacket and pulling him to you. You crashed your lips to his and, in all honesty, the kiss was delicious. It made your head swim. When the strange man moaned a little, you backed away. "Sorry," you whispered to him before looking back at your ex over your shoulder. He was standing there with his mouth hanging open.

With a smirk of satisfaction, you let go of the man's jacket and left the bar. A moment later, the door opened again behind you and you heard a strange voice. "Now hold on there, Cher! Ya can't just' kiss a man and then storm off like that without tellin' me ya name. 'S bad manners, ya know?" The thick Cajun accent nearly made you melt on the spot. "Sorry. I was trying to prove a point to someone."

"To the brotha that was starin' at ya like ya cancelled Christmas?" he asked, his blue eyes piercing your (e/c) ones. "Y/E/N, my ex. He doesn't seem to understand that we're broken up." The man in front of you grinned. "Well, Cher, if ya really wanna prove it to 'im, why don't ya come back inside and 'ave a drink with me?" You scoffed a little at that. "I really just want to go home." He nodded. "Alright. Some otha time then." He leaned in and pecked your cheek, his beard tickling your face causing you to giggle.

He pulled away and turned to go back inside. "Wait!" you called. He glanced back over his shoulder. "I don't even know your name." He flashed you a wolfish grin and responded, "Benny. And yours?" You introduced yourself. "Y/N. That sure is a pretty name. I look forward to seein' ya again real soon." He walked back into the bar, leaving you in the parking lot wondering what the heck had just happened. One thing was for sure, you were definitely going to be seeing him again. 

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