Overprotective Winchesters(Kevin Tran x fem!Winchester reader)

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Kevin felt himself blush as you glanced at him from across the bunker's library. He should have been focusing, but he couldn't with you right there. Before he could say anything, Sam and Dean walked in. "How's it going?" Sam asked. Kevin shook his head, trying to clear away his thoughts of you. He gave Sam a small smile. "Slowly. Translating this is complicated. It's not Calculus after all." Kevin swore he heard you giggle.

You and Kevin had been casually, albeit shyly, flirting back and forth for months. Ever since you met. There was only one problem standing in the way. Your brothers. Sam and Dean had always been protective of you. You were their only sister after all and John's pride and joy when he was alive. Plus, the hunting life really didn't leave much time for dating other than casual flings. What you and Kevin didn't realize was that your brothers already knew how you felt about each other and that only reason you hadn't made a move was because of them.

"I'm going on a run. Y/N, you're coming with me," Dean ordered gruffly, earning an elbow to the ribs from Sam. The two elder Winchesters held a silent conversation before Dean sighed and repeated his request a little more gently. You smiled and replied, "Sure, Dean. Just let me grab my shoes." Taking a quick glance at Kevin, who blushed once more and grinned, you rushed from the room.

"Ugh. I'm gonna get diabetes from the two of you," Dean grumbled. He turned on his heel and left the room. Kevin's eyes widened and gazed at Sam. "You guys aren't exactly subtle," the younger brother explained to the prophet. Kevin put his head in his hands. "Oh, man. Please don't kill me. We haven't done anything, I swear!" He began rambling until Sam's laughter bounced off the walls. "Dude, relax."

"I don't know how to relax. You and Dean are going to kill me just because I have a crush on your sister!" Sam placed his hands on Kevin's shoulders. "Kevin, we're not going to kill you." Kevin felt as if the entire bunker sighed with him. "You aren't? I know how protective you are of her. Besides, she doesn't even like me." Sam shook his head then rolled his eyes. "Yes she does. She's our sister and a hunter. Her life isn't exactly safe and the last thing she needs is a distraction. But you're different. You aren't like the other guys she's wanted to be with before. You respect her and you're smart enough to listen when Dean and I tell you to stay put and away from hunting. Of all the people we've met, you are about the only one we'd trust with our sister."

Meanwhile, you were climbing in the passenger's seat of Baby. "Alright, Dean-o. What's this all about?" Dean shrugged, his eyes focused forward and his jaw clenched, a tell tale sign that something was wrong. "Don't give me that, Dean. I know you better than almost anyone. What's going on?" Dean groaned. Why had he agreed to this? Why couldn't he be the one to stay and "talk" to Kevin? Why did he have to be the one to have the heart-to-heart chick flick moment with you?

"Alright, fine. You need to stop being such a bad flirt. It's killing me." Your brows drew together in confusion. "What?" Dean scoffed. "Kevin. I thought I taught you better than that." Dean didn't say another word as he drove to the store and you were too shocked to speak. When you returned to the bunker, Dean finally looked at you again.

"I'm not happy about this," he began, "But...if there's anyone I trust with my baby sister, it would be Kevin. Now, go on." You didn't move. "Kevin doesn't like me. Not like that." Dean choked back a laugh. "Are you kidding me? What's with all the flirting then?" You shrugged. "Just casual friendly banter." Dean shook his head fondly. "You're hopeless. Go talk to him."

You didn't get a chance to argue when Dean practically pushed you toward the library where Kevin always was. Kevin was hunched over the table staring at the tablet again, but he looked up when you entered the room. He couldn't deny he was nervous, especially when he got up so fast , he knocked his chair over. "H-Hey, Y/N. How was the run with Dean?"

Kevin didn't really hear a thing you said in your reply. He was far to mesmerized with the way your lips moved. His thoughts were bouncing around, distracting him from what you were saying. "God she's beautiful. I really want to kiss her. Should I? I really shouldn't. But I want to. Wait, what's she saying?" You had stopped talking and were staring at Kevin in anticipation. "Sorry, what?" You giggled and Kevin couldn't stop himself.

Rushing forward, Kevin grabbed your face in his hands and crashed his lips to yours. He mentally rejoiced when you immediately began kissing him back. He pulled away when he felt the need to breath. You were looking into his eyes with a smile painted on your kiss swollen lips. You opened your mouth to speak but a low growl interrupted you. You turned to see Dean trying to get to you, but Sam was holding him back.

Dean stopped struggling against Sam's grip, his eyes softening slightly. "Right. Trying not to do the overprotective brother thing. I'm gonna go. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." You quirked your brow. "Dean, is there anything you wouldn't do?" You felt yourself flush as Kevin's hands moved from your face to your hips. "...good point. Don't do anything Sam wouldn't do." Sam glared at Dean and said."Jerk," to which Dean replied, "Bitch."

You turned your attention back to Kevin. "We don't have a case right now so,how about a movie?" He smiled at you. "Sure." You kissed his cheek before moving away. You took his hand in yours, leading him from the library. You could feel your brothers' eyes on you as you left, but you didn't care. They may have been protective over you, but now you had someone else to be protect, even from your brothers.     

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