Protected by Death(Death; Sam Winchester x fem!reader)

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(a/n: my first time writing Death.)

Death never thought he could have a soulmate. He was Death after all. His job was to ferry souls either to Heaven or Hell. He wasn't even certain he had a soul. When he found out that he did, in fact, have a soulmate, he cursed the day. Of course his soulmate would already be with someone else. A hunter. A Winchester. Sam Winchester to be exact.

The first time Death saw you, he knew you were special. That the two of you were connected somehow. It wasn't until he met you when Dean tried to bind him that he realized why. Your soul had spoken to him in a way no other had before. It sang to him. He had been so surprised, he almost forgot the Winchester were even there. He felt an unusual sense of pain when Sam kissed your temple. After that, he left you alone. Sure, he kept an eye on you, but beyond that, Death kept his distance.

The problem with that was the fact that you too were a hunter. Hunting meant you were constantly in danger. When you nearly died on a werewolf hunt, Death had a decision to make. He felt that familiar tug that he felt when someone was dying. He appeared on the scene to find you lying there, bloodied and gasping for air.

Sam couldn't see Death as he sank to his knees next to you. "Y/N? No...please." Sam's tears were falling freely. Dean stood behind him, a look of anguish on his face. You weren't quite dead, so your soul was still there. "Sam?! Sammy?!" you cried, trying to get your boyfriend's attention. It was then that Death spoke. "He cannot hear you, my dear." You whipped around to face him.

"Death. I'm dead." Your voice was small as you processed the information. "Not yet. You are dying." You turned your attention back to Sam. "My poor Sammy...he's already lost so much." Death was taken aback by your attitude. Most people, when face to face with Death, tried bargaining or they reflected on the things they would change in their lives. Not you. You were worried about Sam.

That struck a chord with Death. Never before had he seen such a thing and he'd been around since the beginning of time. "You truly are unique. You do not seem at all phased by the fact that you are dying." You shrugged. "I'm a hunter. I always knew I'd die young and bloody. So, the only question is, where do I go from here? Am I worthy of going to Heaven or will my soul go down to Hell?"

Death regarded you with what he hoped was a neutral expression even though he was having a tug-of-war inside. Should he be selfish and let you die so he could be near you for eternity or should he give you another chance at life? A chance at the happiness he himself would never get to experience? His gaze traveled to where your body was lying, still in Sam's arms as the younger Winchester rocked you back and forth.

Sighing, Death made his decision. "You may return to your body. To the Winchesters. Or you may come with me. The choice is yours." You smiled sadly. "Why? Why are you giving me a choice? Aren't there rules?" Death scoffed. "I am Death, dear. I make the rules." You took a step to him and gently kissed his cheek. It wasn't often that Death was surprised, but you'd surprised him twice in a matter of minutes. "Thank you," you whispered before going back over and reentering your body.

You gasped loudly as your eyes opened. Sam's arms dropped from you in shock. Death stood on the sidelines after moving to where you couldn't see him, not quite wanting to leave yet. "Y/N?" You smiled and threw your arms around Sam and squeezed him tightly. You looked at the spot where Death had been. Not seeing him, you closed your eyes and buried your face in Sam's neck, fighting back tears.

Death merely watched as you got up and headed toward the Impala with a small smile on his face. At least now, you could be happy. He knew his time with you would come eventually. It may be after a hunt or it may be years later, when you were an old woman but, until then, Death would be watching. He would protect you if he could and let you have all the happiness you could while you were alive. The very thought made Death feel something he hadn't in a very long time. Death felt happy.


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