Rogue (Crowley x fem!reader)

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You were pissed. You were enjoying one of your few days away from hunting when Dean called. Groaning, you picked up your phone and growled out, "What do you want, Winchester?" Dean chuckled. He knew you had been looking forward to your break. "Sorry, Y/N. I hate to do this to you, but we need your help." You took a deep relaxing breath as you forced yourself off the bed in the motel you were currently staying in. "Fine. Where are you?" You listened to his directions as you packed up your bags. "I'll be there in a couple hours."

True to your word, you pulled into another motel parking lot about two hours later. Dean was waiting for you, leaning against his precious Impala. "Hey. Sorry about this, sweetheart." You shrugged nonchalantly. Your hours in the car had allowed you to calm down. "It happens. So what's the case?" The older Winchester inhaled sharply, but gestured toward the open motel room door. You slowly made your way inside, Dean at your heels. "What in the world?"

Standing inside the room were four men. Three you recognized. Sam and Castiel each gave you small smiles. Crowley was regarding you with an amused expression in his hazel eyes. "Hello, love." You glared at him before turning your attention to the other man in the room. He was older and wore a black suit, complete with white button down shirt and a grey tie. His black hair was slicked back. He was snacking on pickle chips.

"Y/N, meet Death." Your eyes widened in surprise. "Death? As in... Death?" Sam nodded his head. "Well okay then. What the hell is going on?" you cried, spinning around to face Dean. "Maybe Death should explain. He brought the case to us." You glanced over your shoulder. You were a little nervous talking to Death himself. "One of my reapers has gone...rogue. Taking lives rather than simply ferrying souls. We need to stop them. However, we have to find them first."

You turned to face him completely. "And you can't find them yourself?" He rolled his eyes. "Oh of course I could. I merely came to inconvenience you." You smiled at his sarcasm. Apparently you and Death were going to get along just fine. "Fine. What's the plan?" The room grew silent before Sam spoke again, "This is the part you're not going to like. We can't see the reapers. They can." He pointed between Castiel, Crowley, and Death. "They can see them, we kill them. Simple as that. Well, and we can get around much faster with them."

"Okay." Dean quickly filled the room with his voice. "Sam is going with Cas, I'm partnered with Death which leaves you with-" You held up your hands. "No! No way! There is no way in Hell I'm going to be paired with Crowley!" Crowley placed a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "You wound me, dove. I promise it won't be all bad." You turned your defiant stare on the Winchester brothers. "I hate you," you whispered to them before groaning, "Fine. Let's go then."

You felt Crowley's hand on your shoulder and the world shifted, making you close your eyes. When the spinning stopped, you opened your eyes and looked at Crowley with a smile. His fingers intertwined with yours and he pulled you close. "It's been far too long, love." You giggled. "Yeah it has." You moved your free hand to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

The relationship you had with Crowley had happened rather suddenly after a hunt. You'd been hunting with the boys when he appeared to help. After the hunt, the boys went out to the bar and you stayed in the motel. You'd ended up talking with Crowley for hours and from that moment, something grew between you two. You spent time together and eventually, started a relationship. In secret of course.

"You were a little too convincing back there, Y/N." Crowley's hands moved to hold you even closer. You laughed. "Sorry. You know I didn't mean it." Crowley playfully glared at you and squeezed your hips. "I know. Now, should we try and find this reaper or should we adjourn to a more comfortable place?" You snorted and rolled your eyes. "As much as I would love to go somewhere else with you, we have a job to do." Sighing, Crowley released you. "Very well."

The two of you searched town after town trying to find the reaper to no avail. Eventually, Crowley decided the two of you needed a break. He snapped his fingers and the two of you were transported to a lavish suite. "Really?" He simply shrugged and gave you a sly grin. Before another word could be spoken, his lips found yours. The weeks of separation fueled a fire in him and in you. Your kisses were fierce and passion filled.

Your passion came crashing to a halt when your phone rang. Crowley growled when you pulled away from him to answer the ringing. Your hair was a mess and your lips were swollen. Crowley looked at you, taking pride in his handiwork. "What is it, found the reaper? Great! Yeah sure. We'll meet you back at the motel in a minute." You hung up and turned to face your lover. "Come on."

Crowley snapped his fingers yet again. "Whoa. What happened to you?" Sam asked. You turned your head to look in the mirror before glaring at Crowley. Normally, after one of your daytime rendezvous, Crowley would fix you up so you didn't look as if you'd just been with your lover. Not this time. "Really?!" Crowley grinned. He'd been wanting to tell the boys about your relationship for a while now, even if only to ensure that none of them decided to take you from him. Plus, he wanted to show you off.

"Wait a and Crowley? Were the two of you seriously having a roll in the hay while the rest of us were working?" Dean accused. "We were not. We looked for the reaper for hours. We'd just taken a break a few minutes before Sam called us." Dean crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh, so you're an 'us' now?" You put your hand to your face.

"Oh my god, Dean. Yes, okay! I've been seeing Crowley for a while now. And if you're thinking about saying something about it, don't. Or do I need to bring up the angel? Or the Amazon?" Dean held his hands up in surrender. "Nope. Not saying a thing." You gave a curt nod before taking Crowley's hand in yours. "Now, if you'll excuse us." Crowley snapped his fingers and you were gone. Death chuckled softly and said, "It looks like one of your own has gone rogue." Dean sighed, but smiled. At least you seemed happy.


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