Sleeping Knight...Of Hell?! (Cain x Winchester!reader)*

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*This is a Sleeping Beauty AU

Under normal circumstances, you and your brothers would not want to work with a demon, even Cain. No matter how kind and fair he could be. But with you currently unable to hunt and no one else available, your two brothers reached out to Cain. The demon seemed to have a soft spot for you so he agreed to help until another hunter became available.

"You guys be careful. Call me if anything goes wrong. Broken arm or not, I will haul ass," you said as the boys and Cain prepared to leave. Dean rolled his eyes while Sam chuckled. You turned to Cain. "Same goes for you." His blue eyes didn't betray the surprise he felt at your words. He hadn't known his safety was so important to you. Cain gave a quick nod before all three headed out, leaving you alone and bored out of your mind.

Your boredom didn't last long, however. Too soon, the boys reappeared in the bunker along with Cas and an unconscious Cain. "What happened to him?" you asked, worry creeping into your tone without your permission. "We think he was hit with a spell, but we don't know what and we can't wake him up," Sam explained. Dean nodded along with Sam. "Cas tried and we ganked the witch, but Cain's still not waking up. But he's breathing so I guess he's still alive. For now anyway."

You helped your brothers get Cain to a bed in the infirmary before beginning the long and difficult task of research. All the while, in the back of your mind, you worried for Cain. What if he never woke up? For some reason, the very thought made your insides churn unpleasantly. You made it your sole mission to figure out a way to wake him and soon.

*time skip*

Weeks. You lost count of how many weeks it had been since your brothers returned to the bunker with Cain. You'd tried everything you could possibly think of to wake him. You'd even called in Rowena, who offered to go through every spellbook she could to help. Mostly because she didn't want to be on the bad side of the Knight of Hell should he wake and partly because you told her that you'd owe her. She was very much like her son in that way. And it was Rowena's son who would crack the case wide open.

Crowley sat with you, your brothers, Cas, and Rowena as you explained to him what was happening. While Crowley didn't care much for Cain, he did respect him. "So you've had no luck waking Sleeping Beauty." Sam shook his head, but you stared at Crowley as if he'd just said the most brilliant thing of the century.

"Rowena?" you asked after a moment, prompting the redhead to look at you. "Are there any spells that can copy fairytales? Like...a sleeping curse?" Rowena's brows furrowed as she thought. "I suppose there might. After all, your human fairytales have a basis in fact. It's quite possible, but if so, I'm afraid Cain is going to sleep forever, dearie. True love's kiss doesn't exist." You nodded solemnly before standing and leaving the room. All you could think about was poor Cain being asleep until the end of time.

You weren't paying attention to where you were walking and soon found yourself in the infirmary where Cain was. With a sigh, you pulled a chair up next to his cot and sat down. "I'm so sorry, Cain," you said softly even though no one else was around, "If I hadn't gotten hurt, you wouldn't be in this mess. And I have no idea how to help you. Rowena thinks you'll be stuck like this forever." You reached over and took Cain's hand, repeating how sorry you were.

You remained like that until Sam appeared in the doorway to let you know they were heading out on a supply run. "Hang on, I need to come too. There are a few things I need." Sam nodded and turned away before speaking over his shoulder, "Alright. We'll meet you at the car.

Once Sam was gone, you glanced at Cain again. "Come back, Cain." You stood and leaned over him. "Come back to me," you whispered as you leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. You straightened up all the way. However, as you turned to leave, you felt something tugging on your hand. You looked down and were surprised to find Cain's eyes open as he stared at you in amazement. "Cain," you whispered, unable to fight back the sound of tears in your voice.

Cain slowly sat up, his blue eyes never leaving your face. "You..." he began, "You brought me back." Your brows drew together and you started to shake your head, but Cain stopped you. "Yes you did. I heard everything. I was trapped in my own mind, unable to move or speak, but I heard it all. It was your determination, your kiss, that woke me, Y/N."

Your eyes widened. The idea you'd gotten from Crowley had been right. It was a sleeping curse. And just like the fairytales, it was true love's kiss that broke the spell. But that meant-

"Cain? Only a kiss of true love could have worked, if my theory was right." A brow rose on Cain's forehead. "Yes," he confirmed, "Ask the question that's on the tip of your tongue, Y/N. You already know the answer. You only need to ask the right question."

"Does this mean that you-that you love me?" A rare, soft smile made its way onto Cain's lips. "And you love me." You stared at him and he stared back, an amused smile still on his lips. For a while, neither of you said anything. But the silence was soon broken by Dean. "Hey, I thought you-" You looked back at Dean, whose mouth was open in surprise. "Sonovabitch," he muttered before turning on his heel, probably on his way to tell Sam what was happening. When he was out of sight, you couldn't help but laugh a bit. You looked back to Cain to find him still looking at you. His hand came up and rested on your cheek. "May I?" he asked, quietly. You swallowed thickly, but agreed. Cain's lips met yours in a moment later in a soft, sweet kiss.

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