Spilled Coffee (Dean Winchester x reader)

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You were definitely having a bad morning. First, your alarm didn't go off so you were actually late for work for the first time in forever. Then, you forgot to put the protective cover on the milkshake mixer and the first time you went to use it, you got covered in strawberry milkshake. You almost got locked in the walk-in freezer and then, the very last straw was when you spilled coffee. All over your arm and a customer.

He'd just walked in. He was kinda tall, although not as tall as the man next to him, he was broad and his green eyes were alert as he took everything in. He was drop dead gorgeous and you nearly dropped everything in your hands. "Just find a seat anywhere and I'll be with you in a moment," you said, doing your best to give them a real smile.

You made your way over to their table as quickly as you could and gave them a forced smile. "What can I get ya?" you asked. The shorter of the two, the one with the candy apple green eyes gave you a smile that would make anyone weak in the knees. "Coffee, black and whatever you recommend." He gave you a wink and you felt your face heat up. You gave him your recommendation and he smiled. "Sounds great. How about you, Sammy?" You'd almost forgotten the other man was sitting there.

You took their orders and left the table but not before you heard Sammy say, "Dude, could you be any less subtle?" You had to stifle a laugh. Just as you were beginning to feel the day getting a little better, it hit the fan. You'd gotten Green-Eye's coffee and took it to the table and, as you were about to set it down, a small child ran behind you, knocking the back of your knees just right and causing you to spill the coffee all over Green-Eyes.

You couldn't fight the tears pricking your eyes as you apologized over and over again. And now, you were certain he thought you were a clumsy, blubbering child. "Hey, don't worry about it. We all have bad days...Y/N," he said after reading your nametag. "I'll get you another coffee right away," you said quietly. You turned away and went back behind the counter as you tried to dry your tears. You got a clean cup and fresh coffee.

You took Green-Eyes his coffee, but before you could leave, he said your name and gently took your wrist in his hand. "Hey, you okay?" You wanted to nod. After all, a stranger didn't need to hear about your terrible day. For some reason, your body didn't want to cooperate however and you shook your head indicating that you weren't okay. His eyes softened and he gave you a sad smile. He exchanged a glance with Sam and, in that one glance, they held an entire conversation.

"Here. Call this number when you get off. We'll go grab a beer and you can tell me and my brother all about it." You took the slip of paper with the number on it gingerly as if it would bite. "Name's Dean, by the way and this is my brother Sam." You gave you another heart melting smile, but before you could respond, the cook called for you. "I gotta go, but thank you for this." As you finished your shift, you couldn't wait for the end of the day. You wanted to know more about the man who had taken such an interest in you.


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