Wings (Metatron x fem!reader)

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(a/n: I used the fandom's headcanon that an angel's soulmate can see their wings!)

You did your best not to stare openly at Metatron. You, Sam, and Dean were all standing in Metatron's small room, trying to avoid knocking over all the books he had piled everywhere. That wasn't what grabbed your attention though. It was his wings. They took up half the room and they looked soft and fluffy. They were beautiful, but you were confused. Why could you see them? You couldn't see Castiel's wings. You didn't want anyone to think you were crazy, so you didn't say anything.

The fact that you could see his wings made you feel closer to Metatron than the boys did. The two of you formed what some would call friendship, but you weren't sure about that. To you, Metatron was simply someone you could talk about history or literature with. He was the Scribe of God after all. He knew more than most because he'd recorded it. You spent you time with him asking question after question and he answered, eager to have someone that would listen to him for once. He even opened up to you.

"People forget about me. They remember God and the archangels. They remember the prophets and of course, God's son but they forget about me. They forget that someone has to keep the records of history. No one seems to care. I am certainly no one's favorite," he said. It was the longest he'd spoken about himself to you in one breath. You couldn't believe that. How could he think that? You knew for a fact that there was at least one person who cared. You.

You let out a giggle that quickly stopped when Metatron's face fell. He got up and stormed from the room, his full wings dragging behind him. He was out the door, slamming it behind him before you sprang into action. You jumped up from your seat and followed after him, praying he wouldn't just disappear as angels tended to do. You ignored the rain as your eyes scanned the sidewalk for his form. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw his retreating form.

"Met! Wait!" you called running after him. He stopped and turned back to you. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice tight with emotion. "Why did you leave?" He looked at you as if it were obvious. "Why not? You clearly feel the same way about me as other people do. I'm no one of importance." It hurt you to see Metatron's usually confident air slipping away. "I will never be cared for and you just reminded me of that. I thought that perhaps you were the one. The woman that could see my wings. My soulmate," he was yelling over the rain.

"S-Soulmate?" you asked in surprise. Metatron nodded. Both of you ignored the pouring rain. "As if I could have a soulmate," he muttered but you couldn't hear him. You were too busy thinking out loud. "That explains why I can see yours but not Cas'." His eyes widened. "You can see my wings?" Carefully, you reached out and touched one of the wet feathers causing Metatron to shudder. "Of course I can."

Metatron stood there in shock. He actually had a soulmate? He admitted he had hoped for one, but he never thought he would really be lucky enough to have a soulmate. Yet, here you were. He'd waited for so long and now, he couldn't think of a single thing to say for the first time in his existence. So, he simply stared at you with a dopey grin on his face, making you laugh. Without warning, you leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth. The rain continued to fall around you, but neither one of you paid it any mind. You were too lost in the feeling of kissing your soulmate. 

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