Gabriel Imagine: Gulity as Charged

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You were not the most religious person, heck, you weren't. You didn't believe in anything. You believed in science.

You were just finishing texting your friend on your way home from your psychology class.

It was dark. Very dark, almost 1 in the morning. You were stupid to take night psychology classes. It wasn't safe to walk home at this time, but you do it all the time.

You felt someone grab your arm from the behind. Instincts kicked in, and you turned and kicked the his sweet spot.

"Damn it, (Y/N)." You were long gone before he could say that. Being the top runner over all the boys in (Y/H/S) payed off.

You got to your dorm and slammed the door shut. Your other roommate, Kyra, was there, on social media or reading. She jumped when you slammed the door.

"What the hell, (Y/N)?" Kyra sat up, worry in her face. You were pale, clammy, and felt like throwing up.

"Uh, person, grabbed me, ran, knew my name, throwing up." You ran to the garbage can next to your bed and emptied its contents.

"You were always the one with a weak stomach." She held back your hair, as you threw up.

After you finished, you got onto your bed, and tried sleeping. You were just tossing and turning all night.

You got up, and went to the washroom, sluggishly. Daylight was already leaking through the window.

Your friend was probably already up, at her classes. You never knew how she could get up that early.

You were showering and heard a laughing sound. It was not female. Definitely male.

You got your towel, and looked out. Nothing was there, but you still had that feeling of fear from the night before.

"Hello?" You called out. Only reply you got was a flapping only wings.

"I wouldn't mind you dropping the towel." You heard someone click their tongue, and you whipped around.

On the snack middle of your bed a a guy. Not just a guy, a guy who gave off a brotherly vibe, and a bit of a romantic one, as well.

"Who the hell are you?!" You whispered-yelled, hoping no one heard you.

"Hey, hey, hey. You should pay your handsome, and brilliant guardian angel more respect." He cocked his right eyebrow, and smirked.

"Yeah, sure. How about you carry your cocky angel ass out of my room, huh?" You laughed harshly, as Gabriel stood up.

You covered your eyes as a bright light emitted from his body. You could feel the angelic grace radiating off of him.

The light stopped and you were in awe. Wings, 3 of them, were casting a shadow on the walls. A golden light, warm and kind was behind him.

"What the living fuck? Did you fucking drug me?" You yell. You didn't even realize you were swearing. You never swore.

He laughed and walked over to you. He held your chin with this 2 first fingers. Your faces were merely inches apart.

"Swearing isn't good for your faith. But, who the hell cares? I don't." He laughed, pulling away from your face.

You looked at him, and you grabbed a oversized sweater and underwear. You went into the bathroom and quickly changed.

Part two is coming soon!

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