Gabriel Imagine: My Immortal #3

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You were glowing, literally. Your tummy and lower abdominal area was a bright yellow.

"GABRIEL! Why does this hurt so damn much?!" You screamed, your stomach churning and and pain running up and down your spine.

You weren't experiences in childbirth, by you know the lain wouldn't be this bad. It felt like you were dying. Couldn't feel anything bit pain.

"Get her on the bed. We have already started it. We can only hope it doesn't kill her." Gabe said calmly, which confused you.

Why would be calm in this situation?

You had to give birth almost immediately to something you didn't even know was human.

"GET THE BABY OUT OF ME!" You screamed in pain as Cas gave you several doses of morphine. It kicked in very fast, but only got rid a portion of the pain.

"Ready?" Cas looked at you and Gabriel, as you nodded, hoping t would be over in a minute. Sam and Dean stood in the corner, holding Charlie back from attacking the Angels.

You never quite knew why she was so protective over you. You loved her like a sister, but maybe that was the problem.

Just as a sister.

She probably thought of you more than that. After the tests, she became even more protective. She wouldn't let Gabriel see you, unless you want to actually see him, which was rare.

Cas would frequently bring in candy and bouquets of flowers. As if that would make it better.

Cas and Gabriel let go of their vessels, who both fell to the ground. They went into your mouth and they worked their magic.



What in Vader's name just happened? My friend was just screaming in labour pains and now, she's quiet and asleep.

Maybe even dead. I shook that horrible thought from my head. No negativity. No negativity.

I looked at her calm body, and sighed. I always admired her (y/h/c). Only a nerd would be stuck with red hair.

I gladly helped Sam and Dean bring the vessels into (y/n) bedroom, and lay them side by side. They kinda looked cute. Like, in a Princess Leia and Luke away.

I sat down and waited, and waited, and waited

Tick. 1 hour.

Tock. 2 hours.

Tick. 4 hours.

Tock. 7 hours.

I haven't moved, unless for a pee or food break. It was 3 in the freaking morning.

(Y/N) hasn't moved or stirred in 7 hours. She wasn't talking, moving or screaming. I might as well say she's dead now.

I heard a baby cry.

A baby. A scream. Pounding of feet.

I ran out of my room as the vessels shot up. They were close behind and Sam and Dean were already in there.

"Oh my God."



You don't remember a thing, except the calming voice of Gabriel. That was all you could focus on.

"You are not going to die today. You are going to have a beautiful baby."

"Our baby. Heh, that's the day. Well, today."

The next thing you knew, a baby was in your arms.

You didn't check to see if it was a boy or girl, because the most beautiful wings were covering it.

White with golden specks and black around them. No pink, no blue. Just beautiful.

"Oh my God." That was probably the only time you would ever hear Gabriel use his fathers name in vain.

You looked up and saw everyone in shock. Dean and Sam had slack jaws, and Charlie was quietly chanting boy. Cas was smiling, maybe even joyous.

You heard a quite cry, which grew louder and louder. A baby cry. You looked panic-stricken and your eyes went wide.

"Will it shut up?" You quietly yelled, hoping it wouldn't cry any louder, which was probably possible.

"Rock it. Or stroke it's wings. I don't know." Dean suggested, finally to his senses.

You started to stroke it's wings. You felt them move, and uncovering the child, smiling widely.


The story is exactly 666 words. I am proud of myself.


For Marriedtomyfandoms since they asked so damn politely.

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