How you broke up**

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Dedicated to Marriedtomyfandoms because they are so adorable, funny, and kind. <3



You were absolutely sick of his shit. You didn't want a relationship Wh someone who drank and got drunk all the time and who you barely saw.

It was the day Dean was coming back from a hunt. You were prepared for this and waited in your room, until Dean came back with Sam.

A few hours later and you heard the boys stomping, just getting in, back finally.

You were going to start crying, but you picked up the boxes that you packed while you were waiting. They had all your clothing, hair products, hygiene stuff and a photo of you and Dean.

You walked out of your room and went to the library. You found them both there and sighed.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" Sam asked, looking back at you. You could feel the tears pouring down your face.

"I-I think it'd be better if I wasn't staying here. It just isn't working, between me and you, Deenie." You were looking straight at Dean, as he looked in agony.

"W-What?" Deans voice was deadpan. You nodded and wiped your eyes. You knew your (y/e/c) eyes were bloodshot.

"I'm leaving you, Dean. It's too hard handling a relationship and hunting. If we broke up and I stayed here, I'd be reminded of this guilt.... I'm so sorry." You sobbed. You turned on your heel and rushed up the stairs, to leave.

Dean threw something out into the foyer. You never got to see it, but it was a small, blue velvet box, with box of faithful and eternal love.



He was being a jerk. A plain out fudging jerk.

First, he ignores you for a week, then he goes on a hunt, without even saying a goodbye. You were up to here with him.

You were writing a note for Dean, Sam, and Cas. They were in all separate envelopes, on each of their beds.

Deans letter:

Hey there pal. I guess you won't be seeing me anymore. I'm leaving. Yes, it's surprising, I know. It's for the best, really. I will miss one of my best buddies.

Sorry Dean.

Some pictures of you and Dean were in the envelope.

Cas' Letter:

Hey there angel. I'm gonna miss you. I mean it. It's just I think me and Sam should spend time apart. I always thought of you as a brother and t hurts to see myself leave you guys.

Love ya Cas.

You favourite pictures of Cas were in the envelope.

Sam's Letter:

Hello honey. I'm so, so, so, sorry. I'm just a bit fed up. Some time apart won't hurt, will it? We had a fun go, don't get me wrong.

It's just you always ignoring me. That makes me feel insignificant. I will love you always, and I hope to see you sometime again.

I love you Sam, and this is my final farewell.


"Cas." You poked Cas' cheek. You two were on the couch, and you were laying on his lap. He didn't respond.

"Cas." You poked him again and you didn't get a response.

"C-" Castiel grabbed your hand, a bit to forcefully for your liking. You yelped with pain, and he let go. He looked down, a bit surprised.

"My apologies, (Y/N)." Cas apologized, not giving any emotion towards it. You were a bit concerned, and you poked him again.

He grabbed your wrist and bent it backwards, snapping the bone. You screamed with pain, and Castiel looked absolutely guilty.

"Oh my. I am so sorry, (Y/N)!" You say up as Cas tried to touch you. You flinched away as the Winchesters ran in.

"What the hell happened?!" Dean yelled, as he held a pistol up. You were screaming and crying, holding your wrist up.

"Oh shit. What happened?" Sam asked you. You looked at Cas, with a newfound hatred.

"Cas did it. He broke my arm." You yelled, moving to Sam. You hid behind him and he picked you up, bridal style.

"Go away Cas. I don't ever want to see you again." You cried out, holding you hand.

"I... Okay." Cas sighed and disappeared. That was the last time you two talked, but you sometimes saw him watching you across the road, or when you woke up.


Oh crap. This was hard to write. ;~;

And dedicated to them because well, they know.


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