How You Got Back Together**

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You were in front of the bunker, with your car and stuff. It was 8 months since you left Dean. Since you were still really good friend with Sam, he gave you weekly updates on Dean, and he wasn't doing so well.

Dean started drinking more than ever, and stopped listening to music, which was so hard for you to believe.

Sam told you they would be on a hunt for a few days. So, in those few days, you would do something awesome for Dean.

You opened the bunker with the key you had and you were hit with the smell of book, sweaty men, alcohol, and too much cologne.

You coughed, and turned on a light. It looked like Aladdin had been through there. Broken beer bottles were all over the floor along with books, and pants, that most likely belonged to Dean.

You went into the kitchen and were absolutely astounded. Dishes piling up. On. Every. Inch. Of. The. Counter

You sighed. This will be a long two days.


You sighed, as you finished up the foyer. It was officially clean, after spending hours trying to clean.

The kitchen took a day alone, and so did the library. You frowned as you heard the impala roll up. Good thing you hid your car on the other side of the bunker.

You ran and hid in your old bedroom, that was turned into a crying area for Dean in the first few months.

You sighed and ran to get your pie that you were cooking as well. You weren't a great baker, you can admit, but you have been working on pie for months.

"I'm telling you Sammy, the best Archangel is-" you could hear Dean stop in his tracks.

"Why do I smell pie?" Dean yelled. You
tried not to laugh as you quickly hid, keeping the hot pie on the stovetop.

You ran under island, using no one would see you. You bit your cheek until you could taste blood.

"Sammy, what the hell are you doing?" When Dean had his back turned, you ran over and attacked him.

You yelled "DEAN!" and jumped on his back. He got confused and threw you onto Sam, who was directly in front of you.

"Damnit, Dean!" You groaned, as you were on top of Sam. You got off quickly and stood in front of Dean. You gasped on how he changed.

His hair was now shoulder length in a stupid man bun (AN: I personally think man buns are hot asf.) and he hasn't shaved in over a month. He looked almost like a wolverine.

"(Y/N)?" Dean whispered, not believing his eyes. You smiled and gave him a hug.

Let's just say later that night, you didn't sleep, and neither did anyone in the Bunker.


406 missed calls from Sam in the last week. You have only been gone a week, and you were staying in Lebanon, Kansas, maybe a mile or two from the Bunker.

You completely got a new phone, and kept the GPS off the one you had.

You sighed as your phone ringed again. You were sitting in your bed, and was sick and tired of the calling. You denied the call it and listened to one do the voicemails, from 13 minutes ago.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). This case just engulfed my life. People kept dying and I was too worried about them and not you." The call was them out I've to Dean.

"You ass better come back."

Then it ended. You couldn't take it.

You got up and went to your (preferred car). You got in and drove at top speed towards the Bunker.

You sighed and looked at the building. It was almost 2 in the morning. You knew Sam was up because your phone kept buzzing.

You slammed the car door, making sure they could hear it. You sighed and opened the door.

Once you walked in, you were picked up by Sam. You could tell it was him because, well, he's Sam.

You kissed you, aggressively and roughly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tried to get yourself as close as you could against him.

You returned the kiss, gladly. Oh, how long you have been waiting for this. You started to undo Sams shirt, and Dean groaned.

"Get a room would ya? And use protection!" Dean called out, and you pulled away.

"Gladly Dean. Gladly." You sighed and Sam laughed.


Your broken arm sucked. It wasn't fun for hunting, as a 3 month break wasn't enough, you kept seeing him.

The one who hurt you.

You always refer to him as 'The Guy' if ever asked about him.

As if after 2 months, people would have shut up about it. Ha, course not.

You were in Target, getting some new shampoos. You were now fond if them, as they washed the pain guilt of memories that racked your body.

Everything reminded you of him. Children with blue eyes. People with black hair. Churches, Hell, and even men.

You sighed as you turned to see The Guy. Yes. The Guy. The one your heart fell for and them broke as quick as it started.

He was frowning. You always said frowning didn't suit him. His trenchcoat was ripped and bloody.

"Hello, (Y/N)... It has been a while." He said, looking into your (y/e/c) eyes. You turned.

"You can go to Purgatory again for all I care. Now stop following me!" You yell, trying to make a scene. People in the aisle looked at you and him.

"Please. I didn't mean you break your arm." He sighed as he grabbed your good arm. You sighed and looked at him.

"What do you want, Castiel?" His name rolled off of your tongue perfectly, even though it hasn't been said in months.

"I want you." He looked directly into your eyes as he pulled you in for a kiss. It want bad not good. It was okay. Every thing was spinning around in your head.

Is this okay?

Is this right?

He hurt me. But I love him. I'm taking him back.

You deepened the kiss, smiling almost.


FOR @AneGoTa

Cas' kinda ducking sucked. It was so sad though.

Sigh. I'm weighting these at 2 am. Sorry if they are crappy and shit

No dedication!

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