Pregnancy BSM 3: The bad side

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Age 19: "Guys!" you whined miserably, for no apparent reason. Wasn't like they could get the nausea to fuck the hell off so you could eat the peanut butter-covered pretzels calling your name in the kitchen.

Castiel was the first in your room, brows pulled together in concern. He still regularly went to heaven to try and negotiate with the angels so you could keep the baby, but when he wasn't upstairs, he spent all his time fretting over you. "What's wrong? What can I do? How can I help?" He pushed the words out in one, quick session. Another curl of sickness swirled in your stomach, and you clutched uselessly at the skin of your stomach. You hadn't started to show yet, but you were expecting it to be any minute now.

"Chill, oh mighty feather," Dean snickered as he entered the room at a much more leisurely pace, "she's just got morning sickness."

You gave your brother the stink eye even as he handed you a glass of water. "Just morning sickness, please. You'd be bend over like a cheap hooker if it was you," you grumbled before gulping down the water.

There was a loud burst of laughter at the door as Sam finally dragged his body past the threshold. "She got you there," he mumbled tiredly. "Scoot over." He wiggled his fingers at you and you moved to make room for him to collapse on the bed. You used his chest as a pillow so you could still see Dean and Castiel.

"Why are you so exhausted?" Castiel asked, head tilting to the side adorably. You and Cas hadn't reallydiscussed things between you two. You liked Castiel and you had an inkling be might like you back, but you weren't sure.

"Couldn't sleep. Had a nightmare this one," he jutted a thumb at you, "had her baby which then ate us."

"Weirdo," Dean said as he accepted the empty glass from your hand and put it on the nightstand.

"Our baby won't eat anybody," you laughed nervously, "will it?" you asked Cas with wide eyes. The angel chuckled, delight shining out of his eyes. His undivided attention made you slightly dizzy.

"No, you don't have to worry about that," he assured with a gentle squeeze to your ankle. Your smile turned soft, you could feel it, but you hid it in Sam's shirt before anyone but yourself could notice.

"I'm feeling better now, will someone get me the pretzels and the peanut butter?" you asked, throwing a beaming smile in Dean's direction.

"I'll-" Dean started, but Castiel was quick to jump in, "I will get it for you. I am responsible for this mess, after all." Cas disappeared at that.

"I wish he would stop calling it a mess," you said softly a few moments later.

"Me too," your brothers said simultaneously, punctuating their sentences with heavy sighs.

"Maybe you should talk to him. See if he really wants this," Sam whispered gently, playing with a strand of your hair in an attempt to soften the blow of his words.

Before you could respond, Cas was back, balancing the requested snacks plus some extra. "I know you did not ask for the bell pepper, but I also know your weird cravings," he said with a line of worry that always made an appearance lately.

"Can I talk to Cas alone, guys?" you asked.

With a sympathetic grunt, Sam struggle upright in the bed, and trudged after Dean.

"What is the problem?"

You sat up with your back against the headboard, and patted the spot next to you. Once Cas had settled, you rested your forehead on the skin of his neck so you didn't have to look him in the eyes and see his reaction once the words left your mouth. "Do you want this baby, Cas?"

Silence. Then, "of course. What makes you think I don't?"

"You always refer to the baby as 'the mess' or 'the situation'. You even called it the 'mistake' once." Your mood had been crappy all day long that day.

"I'm just referring to is as what it is."

A comforting hand grabbed yours. "You can't do that once the baby is here. We don't want him or her to think we don't want them."

Castiel opened his mouth to response, but he swallowed it back down. He didn't have to say it, anyways. You could hear the; the baby won't be around to understand what we say was plenty loud in the silence.

"Of course not." Cas dropped a kiss to the crown of your head, and you supposed this was where you distanced yourself from the angel, but the tears were pressing behind your eyelids, and before you knew it, ugly sobs were ripping through your body, tearing it apart by the seams. You shook all over, even as Cas hurried to wrap his arms around you.

Your pained noises reached your brothers, and they were next to the bed in an instant.

"What did you say to her?!" Dean bellowed as Sam climbed onto the bed so he could grab one of your hands and clutch it in his.

"Nothing. It's the heaven thing. It's too much of a burden," you vaguely heard Castiel say.

"What can we do?" Sam asked you, ducking his head so he could meet your eyes. You faced him dead-on, even though the image of him was blurred.

"Save my baby."  

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