Pregnancy BSM 6: Convincing Heaven

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Now (Age 19): While the unmistakable flutter of wings normally made you smile and buzz with anticipation, it now filled you with dread.

You had expected to be led through a lot of hallways like in a cliché movie - had actually hoped for it, some time to sort through your thoughts - but instead you were transported straight into a room.

The walls, the ceiling and the tiles of the floor were all white. So white it seemed like they were glowing, and you had to squint your eyes against the light. It dimmed after a few moments to reveal a long, steel desk. Behind it sat three stone-faced angels.

The angels that had taken you here closed the door behind the four of you. They moved in front of it to keep guard, but otherwise didn't seem to have any part in the judging itself.

"Mr. and Mr. Winchester, if you would be so kind to take a seat to the right," the woman on the right said, gesturing to her left. Your brothers placed a kiss one each of your cheeks before settling in the chairs. "Castiel and Ms. Winchester, step forward."

Castiel grabbed your hand tightly, intertwining your fingers, and hurrying forward so you were partly hid behind his shoulder.

"Everyone," the man in the middle boomed, opening his arms in a gran gesture despite there only being 7 people in the room, "we are gathered here today, to discuss the case of our very own Castiel, and his participation in the impregnation of this human girl. We shall also discuss the future of both the Nephilim and the human carrying it. Firstly, Ms. Winchester, can you confirm that Castiel is the father to the child?"

You nodded quickly, but a pinch to your side made you speak up; "yes, yes he is."

"Very well. Castiel, do you confirm this as well?"

"Yes I do."

"Then we shall continue with the questions. Ms. Winchester, are you aware of what a Nephilim is?"


"So you are also aware of the responsibility that follows having a Nephilim baby?"

You cleared your throat and straightened your back, taking a step forward so you weren't hiding in Castiel's shadow. "I have been a hunter my entire life. There is almost no creature I have not stumbled upon at this point. There is nothing I'm not prepared for. I know how to take care of the side that won't be human. As a hunter, I also know how to love unconditionally, because I never know when I don't get to love someone anymore. I have brothers who raised me, so when I struggle with that, I have help. And Castiel is strong enough to help me control whatever will go wrong. You can't find a more fitting team of people to take care of this baby. I can't lose him or her. Here in heaven, the human part will die, wither away, and instead you'll be left with the angel part, but a corrupted angel part. I and my brothers know how to keep the baby human. And Castiel can help control anything else. I don't know what more you could ask for."

It was silent for a few beats, and one glance at your brothers told you, you had done the best you could.

"You must understand we are hesitant about this. Normally, the Nephilims aren't allowed, much less on earth," the last angle finally spoke up. Her eyes seemed to soften as she looked at Castiel's hand covering your tummy. Maybe she had been to earth before; felt the humanity.

"I understand. But you must also understand, that this baby is part human. Even Castiel is part human. There are no better odds. Don't you want to see if it can work?"

"If, and only if, we agree to let you keep and raise the baby, will you be willing to travel to heaven with the child to update us?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" you hurried to assure them, hope blooming in your chest and spreading all through your body, turning your fingertips numb.

"We need to discuss in private. You will be sent back to earth and we will get back to you with our decision."


The wait was excruciating. It took the angels two weeks to return to you, and by then, your brothers and Castiel were about ready to gag you, if only to get rid of your constant nagging.

Once back in the judging room, though, you fell completely silent.

"We have decided that you get to keep and raise the baby. You will report to heaven, baby and Castiel in tow, every three months with updates about the wellbeing of the baby and those around it. We will sometimes come uninvited to make sure that your updates are not false. If we ever believe anything is getting out of hand, we will reevaluate the case."

Before you could cry out in joy, you were zapped back to earth.

It was silent for a moment, and then you collapsed to your knees, sobbing loudly through the huge grin spreading on your face. "You're mine, you're mine," you whispered to your tummy, laughing brightly as your brothers and Castiel fell to their knees beside you, enveloping you in a great hug.

"We'll take care of you, and the baby," Sam promised fiercely, eyebrows knitted together, but with a happy tilt to his mouth.

"You won't ever be alone, just like you said," Dean continued to assure, bringing a fresh wave of happy tears to your eyes.

"Thanks guys." You then turned to Castiel and laughed tearily. "We're going to be parents."

"I can't wait."

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