Pregnancy BSM 8: Baby delievery and playing house (Last Part!)

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Age 19: "I'm not having my baby in this bunker!" you screamed from the couch, breathing through another contraction. You gripped Sam's hand, bones creaking as you squeezed.

"Almost there!" Dean called back, voice far away as he hurried to pack your bag. The baby wasn't actually due for another two weeks, so you hadn't been prepared. Castiel was on the phone to the hospital, hissing words down the line, eyebrows creased in worry and an upturned tilt to his lips.

Sam was currently looking mightily red in the head, and breathed a sigh of relief when your contraction passed and your grip on his hand eased.

"Dean!" you threatened, before turning an icy stare to Cas, and saying his name in the same manner.

"You're packed and ready!" Dean finally yelled, and slowly, you managed to get yourself into the Impala. Dean broke several laws on the way to the hospital, but thankfully, no one was around to see. Thanks to Cas calling ahead, a nurse was already waiting for you with a wheelchair, a small but genuine smile on his face.

"You're Y/N, right?" he asked as he took your hand and lowered you into the seat. You nodded quickly, features screwing up as another contraction hit you. "I'm Adam, and I'll be here all the way. Let's find you a room first."

Your brothers and Castiel quickly introduced themselves to Adam before they wheeled you off to a room. Your doctor was already waiting for you, the same one that had been with you throughout it all, and she had a quick chat with Castiel before helping Adam get you comfortable on the bed.

"Well," Dr. Welsh started, "how are you feeling, Y/N?"

"Like something is punching its way out of me, thank you," you snapped. Your face fell immediately, tears welling up in your eyes as you stammered your way through an apology. Castiel took a step towards you, but Adam was there before he could reach you, calm voice washing over you until your tears had dried.

"Obviously the baby isn't ready to come out just yet. We went over the procedure at our last appointment; do you want me to say it again?"

"No thank you."

Dr. Welsh nodded, and like that, it began.

It felt like you laid on the bed for days, pain coming and going in even patterns, leaving you drowsy and out of it. There seemed to be a constant flurry of movement around you, but you couldn't focus on it, could only focus on the pain and whichever hand was currently in yours.

You found Adam to be good company, as he kept quiet until a contraction hit you, and then talked you through it. Objectively, you could see he was attractive too, blond curls spilling over his forehead, blue eyes twinkling in the light. But you could always see Castiel out of your peripheral, and he was a constant reminder of why you weren't the least bit into Adam.

In between two contractions, you suddenly felt an irrational fear grip onto you, and you called out for your brothers. They were by your side in an instant, replacing Adam as they each took one of your hands.

"W-what if I can't do this?" you asked, voice trembling around a knot in your throat.

"The birth or the baby?" Sam whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with his free hand. The touch had some of the tension seeping out of your body, but not enough.

"The b-baby." You squeezed your eyes shut, breaths dragging in and out of your throat.

"Of course you can. We've seen you deal with the kids on the cases; you're so good with them. You always manage to make them smile," Dean was quick to assure you.

"No matter the trauma," Sam added.

"You'll be amazing," a third, soft voice butted in, which you immediately recognized as Castiel's.

Before you could answer, Dr. Welsh returned, and a few minutes later, she proclaimed you were ready to push.

"Only the father now, boys," she told your brothers, who kissed your forehead before leaving reluctantly. Castiel took a seat by your head, smiling reassuringly when you turned frightened eyes to him. You tried to smile back, but fear was licking up your spine, a fire more destructive than any other. Castiel must've sensed it, as he leaned down to kiss your cheek, whispering soothingly into your ear as Dr. Welsh guided you to push.

Your hands flailed around you, looking for anything you could grab onto, and one of them found purchase in Adam's uniform, the other on the neck of Castiel's shirt. Had you been somewhat present, you would've noticed Adam's and Castiel's stare down over your head, one pair of eyes more icy than the other.

Soon enough, a piercing cry cut through the room, and you sagged back against the bed in relief as a nurse wrapped up your baby in a soft blanket.

"Congratulations Ms. Winchester. It's a girl."

As your little baby girl was placed against your chest, you wrapped your arms around her protectively and promptly started crying. Castiel started fretting over you, but Dr. Welsh was quick to assure him that it was normal.

"You're here," you whispered to the little girl as she waved her clenched fist at you. "You're here and you're ours." You touched a gentle fingertip to her fist, and it immediately opened just so she could wrap her tiny fingers around your finger instead. Your heart clenched painfully in your chest as a giant grin lit up your face.

You finally looked up at Castiel, who was staring at your little daughter with so much love you couldn't help but blurt out; "I'm in love with you."

Castiel's eyes snapped to yours, and you thought it was impossible for them to warm up further, but somehow they did. "I'm in love with you too."

You nodded, barely registering Adam groaning, cursing under his breath and then leaving the room. Castiel smiled smugly. "Can I hold her?"

He reached down and wrapped her up in his embrace, lifting her to his chest protectively.

"What's her name?"

"Mary Winchester?" you asked Castiel, who leaned down to kiss you quickly before straightening with a nod.

"Yes. Mary Winchester."

A choked sob came from the door, and your eyes met those of your youngest brother, who dragged a crying Dean into the room. Sam held it together until his eyes fell upon the baby in Castiel's arms and then started to bawl.

"We all need sleep," you laughed as Castiel handed Mary to a trembling Dean. He immediately started cooing, rocking her back and forth, as she gurgled.

"I think this is the happiest I've ever seen your brothers," Castiel said.

"I think this is the happiest either of us have ever been," you admitted, eyes flickering between your angel and your baby.

"Me too."

You and Castiel grew silent and watched fondly as Dean transferred Mary into Sam's waiting arms.

"We're so proud of you," Dean rasped, nodding a head at Mary.

"Thanks. We did good, Cas."

"Yes, we did."

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