Noobs Plus One: Chapter 2

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"What? I can't, I have a club to go to," Tyler said.

"Does this club have anything to do with this girl you like?" Mem asked.

"Amy, yes. So I can't stay to look after Shannon," Tyler said, "you could give her to Kevin."

Kevin turned around and yelled, "I'm not looking after her! Get Shope, she's the so-called responsible one."

"Don't bring me into this!" Shope yelled from across the Galacticus.
"Well we have to get her a babysitter before..." Mem looked at the time, "ten minutes!"

"Oh cool! I want it!" Shannon exclaimed.

"Uh no. This is my battleball, not yours," Kevin said. Shannon began to cry and everyone looked at him.

"What?!" Kevin asked.

"Since you have showed that you're not responsible," Zen started off.

"That means I won't take care of her! Later guys!" Kevin smiled.

"Not so fast," Mem said. Kevin stopped and turned around.

"You're going to have to learn how to be responsible by taking care of her," Zen and Mem said in unison.

"Aw come on!!" Kevin said as the rest of the noobs began to laugh.

"And you guys," Zen pointed out to the noobs, "are going to help him." The noobs groaned despite to the news they received. As Mem and Zen walked out, Shope went ahead in grabbing the nearest laptop she could find.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked.

"Reading," Shope said as she locked her eyes onto the screen.

"Reading what?" The roach asked.

"Who cares what she's reading, reading sucks, and we should be taking care of Shannon," Kevin replied.

"First of all, I'm reading about us, second, reading enhances your skills, so you should care, and lastly, Shannon is your responsibility," Shope stated as she got back into reading.

"About us?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah it's this website called Wattpad, and we have some fans," Shope said, "and some ships too..."

"Who am I shipped with?!" Kevin blushed.

Shope began to blush, "I don't know..."

"Wait! Kevin, where's Shannon?" Tyler asked.

"Um..." Kevin nervously laughed.

"Kevin! You were supposed to take care of her," Shope said starting to get worried.

"Well you guys were supposed to help," Kevin said, backing up his side of the case.

Kevin, Tyler, the roach, and Shope started looking for Shannon... until they finally found her.


So what should happen next?

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