The Cool or The Awkward?

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Are you a lover of Kevin or Tyler? Well then this is a chapter for you!! This is dedicated to madgirl2868 whom requested, fangirl one shots!! Enjoy ;)

Just a little heads up,
(Y/N) = your name

For Kevin Lovers:

(Your POV)
As I walk up to my classroom, I enter the thought of just another regular day ran across my head. There went the athletes, the nerds, the loners, and so on. What group did I belong in? I don't think anyone can actually put themselves in a category.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Come here," Elaina exclaimed. Elaina, my best friend, boy obsessed, and the only person who thinks she's a jellyfish.

"I've found this article on the beach, my natural habitat, that the jellyfish, my brothers & sisters, and turtles will be united to form a hybrid!" Elaina smiled.

"Here again with the whole jellyfish talk?" I asked.

"You should trust me," Elaina said, slowly gazing at the guys who came in.

"If you're a jellyfish, then where are your tentacles?" I asked, grinning, knowing that she wouldn't have a response.

"You disgusting human! Why would you ask a jellyfish for their tentacles? You just don't do that," she began to laugh.

"Oh that's The Roach, Tyler, Kevin, Jock, Billy, Shawn, and so on!" Elaina smiled.

"Why is he looking a bit down today?" I asked.

"Um, you should talk to him," Elaina said. We walked up to Kevin and Elaina couldn't stop waving.

"Any news?" She asked.

"Nothing much, just my lame dad doesn't feel like doing anything for my birthday," Kevin sighed.

"We planned in making a party, but he turned us down," Shope said, joining the conversation.

"Hey don't worry we'll find a way!" Elaina smiled as she pushed me up front.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to her.

"You need to live out your life and help," she winked.

"Help with what?" I asked. She turned to look at Kevin, whom still seemed to appear sad.

"I, I.. could help," I said looking down to the floor. I'm not a really open person when it comes with helping.

"You can?" Kevin smiled. I smiled back, I mean that's what you do, right? He got up and grabbed a hold of my hand. He dragged me out the class and we began to run.

"This is bad!" I yelled, "skipping class is a no-no!"

"I guess you're just going to have to roll with it," he smiled.

For Tyler Lovers:

(Your POV)

"Sorry, it's hard, because I'm not into you," Amy said as she left out of the smoothie shop.

Woah, what just happened here? I walked in, only to see Shope, Kevin, and the Roach, hugging Tyler.

"It's ok, you tried," Shope said possible trying to lighten him up.

"Not trying to be nosy, but what happened?" I asked.

"Well..." The roach started off, "Tyler's one and only true love rejected him after Tyler tried his best to say all of the feelings he had towards Amy."

"Op, looks like Shope and I have something important to do," Kevin smiled. He grabbed Shope and ran off with her.

"Oh look, a butterfly!" The roach exclaimed as he chased after it.

Wow. This was going to be awkward. I mean I knew Tyler and the rest, but what makes it awkward it's that I used to have a crush on Tyler, before he rejected me... well...

"So... What about Amy?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, she wasn't the right girl," he sighed.

"Future goals?" I asked.

"Trying to find the right one," he said as he walked out. Ok first that was rude-ish. I sat down on the table where he was sitting and found a note.

I read it,

(Y/N) I didn't know that you were going to be the one who was always there with me. But I'd like to give us a chance,



If you found these writings suckie, ok because I didn't actually, well this is my first time actually writing with someone's POV liking Tyler or Kevin, because you guys know I mostly do Shovin or Tyshope, and not really any reader x noobs so.... bye my noobies :)

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