Today Is Not The Day

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Rebecca: Now let's start! We have a big bundle of dares,  and my gosh, these dares take days! Whatever, I'll still complete them! First dare goes to-

Kevin: Here again we have the amazing me, alongside Shope, the smart wannabe

Shope: Hey!

Kevin: Awkward Tyler

Tyler: Not getting offended. Cause it's not true!

Kevin: And my good friend Roach!

Roach: Hi.

Rebecca: Hey! You're not the host. Lemme start my way... Rebecca here with the noobs with dares!! *jazz hands*

Kevin: My intro was better.

Rebecca: *death stare* Our first dare goes to the noobs, whom have to go in a torture room

Noobs: Torture...

Kevin: It's all the fans can think of

Rebecca: Roach and Kevin go to a tickling room while having a Justin bieber song and space unicorns playing? Shope and Tyler in a room with the Jock in there, the virus and a camera on Kevin and Roach's room.

Shope: Doesn't seem that bad...

Rebecca: For an hour

Noobs: Say what?!


Shope: Nothing more awkward than being alone in a room with you

(Jock enters)

Shope,Tyler: Oh brother...

(And Hour Later)


Rebecca: So... how was your pain?, Sorry I meant, experience?

Tyler: Real nice you know

Rebecca: Next dare is for Tyler to kiss Amy on the lips and then tell her you hate her

*Amy walks in* *Tyler kisses Amy*

Tyler: I don't hate...

Rebecca: Do it!

Tyler: K, I strongly dislike

Rebecca: HATE

Tyler: I, ..-I

Rebecca: You what?


Kevin: OOOOOOOOOO you've just lost your marbles, you chose a dare over humiliation?

Rebecca: Next dare is for Kevin to kiss Amy

Tyler: Dude, no. It's either the dare or be humiliated.

Kevin: I'll do this for you, as my best friend. I choose to be humiliated

Rebecca: OK then, fans you've heard that! Make up a dare for Kevin, make it humiliating!! But our next dare is for all you noobs to sing space unicorns with purple dresses, except for Tyler

Tyler: YES!

Rebecca: You get to wear a unicorn head band

Tyler: NO!

Rebecca: With pink shorts and shirt


*other noobs begin to laugh*

*singing in process*


Roach: And I'm wearing a dress!

Shope: A dress doesn't make you a girl...

Kevin: Then what does?

Shope: ummm.....

Rebecca: Is it embarrassing?

Tyler: Embarrassing? I'm a flippin unicorn!!

Rebecca: Next dare is for Tyler and Shope to kiss!

Tyler: Another kiss?

Rebecca: Wait, so ya'll have kissed before?

Shope: WHAT!? NO!

Tyler: *kisses Shope*

*Kevin glares at them*

Rebecca: Kevin, don't get jealous, you have fans, and they're girls!

Kevin: Oh yeah I do!

*Shope glares at Kevin*

Rebecca: Shope, don't get jealous, you also have fans!

Shope: Most are girls...

Rebecca: That doesn't mean you can't be bisexual

Shope: Uh

Rebecca: Next dare! Is for Shope to sing

Shope: I don't dance, and I don't SING!!!

Kevin: Cover your ears!

Shope: What?!

Kevin: Cheeros? Cheers...? I said cheers...

Rebecca: Our next dare is for Shope to electrocute Kevin & Roach

Kevin: Well...

Roach: This will hurt

Shope: Sorry guys


Tyler: Ouch, that must of hurt

Kevin: you think?!

Roach: I feel thinglie

Rebecca: Next dare is for the roach to jump off a cliff...



Shope: He's gonna...

Tyler: He can fly

Kevin: He's not flying



Noobs: Ouch...

Rebecca: Next dare is for the Roach to be handcuffed to Kevin and for Roach to eat 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ultimate spicy chili burritos 

Roach: Hot again? Spicy!!

Kevin: This is gross... there goes the cheese... crumbs are all over me!!

Rebecca: Almost last dare is for Mem and Zen to beat up the noos except for Shope

Shope: Guess I'm out

Tyler: You'll get a dare. Just wait

*Mem & Zen walk in* *beat ups*

Kevin: OW

Tyler: OW

Roach: OW

Kevin: May I say again... TORTURE!!

Rebecca:*whispers to Kevin* Last dare is for you to tell Shope that she is the most beautiful girl that you have ever seen and then give her a passionate kiss

*Kevin walks closer to Shope and she begins to blush*

Kevin:  you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen

Shope: It was cause of the dare wasn't it?

Kevin: Yeah I guess

Shope: Ohhh.....

Kevin: But this isn't

*kiss (didn't feel all lovie dovie today to write this stuff, sorry)*

Rebecca: AWWW! <3 Leave any dares! Or questions! Bye my noobies!

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