Who Are You?

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Just brainstorming over here :/

Here's a question;

Who do you think is the creator of the virus?

a.) The principal

b.) Count Venamus

c.) Memnock/Zenblock

d.) General Blorgon

e.) Rovu

Ok, so let me explain why I chose those as suspects

Let's start with the principal.

She is very, very concerned about the "activities" of the noobs. First she suspects them as the four kids who miraculously got into the football team, and as the four kids who 'saved' the day from the infected Jock Potato. What if she was the creator of the virus, who knows? Maybe she is curious about the noobs because she needs to know who is stopping the virus, so that she can stop them?

Next suspect.....

Count Venamus, well he isn't that much of a suspect, well kind of. Yeah he wants to take down the supernoobs, but if you search him up, it explains him being a helper, like he's second in command. Probably he's one of those crazy villains who plays two people, so like


Count Venamus' POV

"We made another virus," I stated in my evil voice.

"But master, what if they destroy it again?" I said in my squeaky minion voice.

"Trust me," I laughed. Muahahahaha


Anyone? No, well.... It's reasonable -_-

Suspect tres (3)

This one is though, but at the time easy.

Membock and Zenblock, they get warriors to stop themselves? That may be a question that may have ran through your head. Maybe not to stop themselves, but to cover up! Dun. Dun. Dun.....
So they get virus warriors so that they can cover themselves up so that no one will think that it was them who created the virus.

Well I didn't have as much evidence to them being a suspect, but any evidence, no matter how small or big, is EVIDENCE.


Suspect #4

Oooooooo! This one is good XD

General Blorgon, doesn't he share a look with someone in the show....? Oh wait, he does!!! He almost looks like the crazy villain, Count Venamus!!!

Wait.... This kind of backs up for count Venamus. Like stated previously, I said Count Venamus was crazy right? Maybe, General Blorgon was his minion second personality self?

And last, but not least, our suspect..... Rovu!

In the show he first comes out in is the episode where the award ceremony takes place. Rovu really wants the award because it will go with his collection and become its eight award. How can anyone win that many awards?

Maybe because he's that good at virus stopping


Because he created the virus to the point where he could destroy it

He also wanted to take Mem and Zen out..... There might be a probability that before the virus was created, Rovu must have hated them, thus creating the virus to take them down

I rest my case!

"Those are total lies!" The principal exclaimed.

Everyone in the court room started to protest.

"Order! Order!" The judge stated as he slammed the hammer (thingie) to the (stance? I don't know what it's called)

"Now, Rebecca has showed us evidence to her theory," the judge said.

"But we didn't get to show our side of the story!" Rovu exclaimed.

Everyone started to protest again....

"Quiet down! There is no need to hear your sides," the judge implied, "because...... I'M THE VIRUS CREATOR!!!!!"



What's a case without some fun?

Today's special supernoob is supernoobs

Comment on who you guys think the virus creator is

See you noobies later :-)

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