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Traitor from Above



When Bellamy doesn't return to the bunker, Aurelia decides to look for him herself.

She stands up and grabs the handgun and a clip. Who knew when grounders would attack. She made her way up the rusty stairs, making sure to avoid the skeletal remains and steps out, squinting at the sudden difference in light. She lets her eyes adjust for a second, and then walks around looking for the older Blake. He had left his backpack, so he couldn't have run off yet. She walked higher up the slope and found Bellamy near the trees, but he wasn't alone. He was with Dax, one of the hundred.

Aura was about to call out, when she saw Dax smack the butt of the rifle against Bellamy's head, causing him to drop to the floor in pain. Aura gasped and grabbed her gun and aimed it at the boy. She shot the gun several times right before he stabbed Bellamy with a knife. Unfortunately she had missed her target due to her increasing panic, and even worse the gunshots had attracted his attention. He started advancing towards her in an intimidating manner and she shot again, but nothing happened. The gun had run out of bullets.

She frantically fumbled around with the bullets, trying to reload the gun as he closed in on her. By some miracle the gun loaded with a click when he was only several strides away, and she took a shot which landed on his neck. He dropped to his knees with a cry of pain, blood gushing from his wound. As life slowly left his body, he fell forward, hitting the floor with a mithud. His eyes open. Staring into the distance.

Aurelia ran towards Bellamy, who was still on the floor, blood coating a wound on his forehead. She let out a cry of relief when she saw he was okay, and pulled him into a hug. "You're okay. You're okay." Bellamy sat up and hugged her back, his head resting against her neck.

She pulled away from him, adrenaline wearing off. She looked over at where Dax was, shock overcoming her features. "I killed him." Tears welled up in her eyes. "I can't believe I-"

"Hey." Bellamy spoke softly, grabbing her face by both hands and forcing her to look at him. "It was either us, or him. You did the right thing Aurelia." She nodded at him slightly, her face still in his hands.

"I have to get used to it I guess." She sniffled. "You know, with a war and everything." Bellamy nodded at her and pulled her against him again, her head against his chest. They stay in that position for a while, trying to process what happened.

"You can't leave-"


"No listen Bellamy. You can't leave us. The only reason we've survived so far is because we've had you to lead us. I mean, we have Clarke too but let's be honest, would anyone listen to her if you weren't there to co lead?"

Bellamy chuckled slightly. "Probably not, no."

"The point is, we need you. Yes, you shot the chancellor. You made that big of a risk to be with your sister, and you want to abandon her now? Doesn't that make it a waste? You need to come back with me and face it. And then we can move past it and start over."

He stayed silent for a while, contemplating her words. "Do you?" Aura pulled away and looked at him.

"Do I what?"

"Do you need me?" he asks again.

"Of course I need you. Who else's arms will I collapse into every time I faint." A small smile takes over his face. She looks at him with a soft gaze. "I act like a brat Bellamy, but you do mean a lot to me. You're the first person I've opened up to since I lost my parents and I don't think I can handle you leaving. You're like a bright light in my life Bell. You're like a supernova."

"Do you think any different of me? Knowing that I tried to kill the Chancellor?" She shook her head at him.

"I would have shot him too if I'm being honest. I'm an orphan because of him. You shot him to be with your sister. I probably would have done it with no other reason."

Bellamy stood up suddenly and held out a hand. "Come on. We have a camp to get back to." Aura beamed at him. She allowed him to pull her up and then she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.


The walk back was tiring to say the least. One gun was heavy enough, let alone a multitude of them. Aurelia wasn't carrying as many guns as Bellamy, but unlike him she was struggling to carry them. Her ego wouldn't allow her to ask for help either.

"You know, I was thinking." Aurelia spoke up, lugging the guns behind her.

"Don't strain yourself sweetheart." he responded, amused by the reaction that it provoked. She rolled her eyes.

"We have leverage to make Jaha pardon your crimes." He looked at her, encouraging her to speak further. "Someone up there wanted the chancellor dead. You can reveal that information in return for being pardoned." A thoughtful look passed his face, but he didn't respond.

The two carried on walking for several more minutes in total silence, until the walls of the camp and the glow of the campfire appeared in their line of vision. "Thank god." Aura let out, "Any further and I would have passed out."

As they approached the wall the two guards opened the gate, letting them in. The yells throughout the camp quickly caught their attention. "The grounder's gone!" A voice yelled out over the others.

"What if he brings other grounders back?" Another voice spoke up in alarm.

"Let the grounders come." Bellamy spoke, weaving through the crowd with Aura on his heels. He surveyed the group slowly, an unknowing smile on his face. "We've been afraid of them for far too long. Why? Because of their knives and spears. Well I don't know about you. I'm tired of being afraid." Bellamy looked over at Aura who nodded at him, and they both lowered the guns to the floor. A murmur of excitement went throughout the crowd.

"These are weapons, not toys." Aura warned. "These are going to help keep us safe, but only if used responsibly."

"There are more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training. If the grounders come, we're gonna be ready to fight."


Aura was sitting by the campfire with Bellamy when Clarke came over. "Bellamy. It's time." He looked over at Aura, a look of uncertainty in his eyes. She smiled at him in reassurance

"It'll be okay Bell." He stood up to walk after Clarke, but not before pulling the dark haired girl into a tight hug, who rubbed his back in a reassuring manner. Aura watched as he disappeared into the tent, praying that it works out in his favour. She gets up and grabs her backpack, going off to find her other best friends.

She found the two of them in their tent, still working on their alcohol recipe. "Hey boys." She greeted, sitting on one of the chairs taken from the dropship. "I have a present for you guys." She rummaged through her backpack and produced the berries with a flourish. "I was looking for poison berries for my arrows, but I figured some of these may be edible and you might be able to use them for your moonshine."

"Oh Aurelia I love you." Monty replied, grabbing the berries and dramatically giving her forehead a kiss. "This is exactly what the formula was missing."

She shrugged and leaned on Jasper's shoulder. "Of course. I'm loveable like that." She watched the two talking in hushed voices excitedly over the new possible recipes and decided she was bored now. "Well then, I'm off." She walked out of the tent, intending to get some sleep in her tent when she saw the older Blake moving towards her.

"You were right." He breathed out, relief all over his features.

"Well Mr Blake I'm right about a lot of things." She said with a smile. "But what exactly are we talking about?"

"I told Jaha about Shumway and he pardoned me." Aura allowed a bright smile to light up her face, and she wrapped her arms around his torso hugging him tight. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her equally as tight.

"Well I'm glad that's out of the way. So you're staying here for good?" Aura felt him nod.

"Octavia is still mad at me, and I don't expect her to forgive me any time soon. But we're gonna live with it. I'm not leaving. Not voluntarily anyway." She pulled away from him, a smile still on her face.

"I'm glad to hear that." She let out a yawn. "I think it's time for bed for me. Goodnight Bell."

"Goodnight Bambi." He watched with a smile as she walked away towards her tent, appreciating her friendship more than ever. Octavia wasn't the only thing keeping him at camp anymore.


The second half of this chapter is a bit meh but I wanted the unity day episode to be next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

A x

Word Count: 1546

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