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Another Dropship



A series of shouts woke both Harper and Aura. The two girls made eye contact and stumbled out of their bed, rushing towards the exit of the tent. Most of the kids were standing around staring at the sky. Aura looked up in confusion, wondering what everyone was looking at, and spotted a ship seemingly falling out of the sky.

"Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia shouted, moving to stand next to Aurelia but not taking her eyes off the ship. Bellamy emerged from his tent shirtless, followed by two girls who were clutching blankets to their unclothed bodies. Aurelia gaped at the boy. Part of her was shamelessly staring at Bellamy's toned physique, but she was mainly in disbelief at his sense of priority.

"Seriously?" Aura muttered to herself. She moved her gaze back to the ship which was much closer to the ground now, watching as it deployed its parachutes to slow its descent.

"They're coming to help us!" Someone exclaims in excitement.

"Now we can kick some Grounder ass!" The crowd cheered in agreement, excited about finally getting some good news.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." Aura looked to find the source of stupidity, and unsurprisingly found that it was one of the girls stood by Bellamy.

"Are you serious?" Aura asked her, a look of bewilderment on her face. "Get your priorities straight moron." The girl gave her a dirty look and Aura looked away, but not before making awkward eye contact with Bellamy. Aura's hair wasn't exactly in the best condition ever, but it wasn't something to worry about whilst being hunted by grounders. "I hope they sent a radio. Or even weapons."

Bellamy walked over to a couple of the guards, and gestured for them to follow him into the main tent. Aura furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. It wasn't like Bellamy to look nervous.

Aura looked away to find Clarke walking over to the girls. "We're assembling a group to go look for the pod. Are you guys in?"

"Yeah i'll come with you." Octavia responded, Harper nodding in agreement with her. Clarke looked over at Aura, waiting for a response.

"I think i'm gonna sit this one out." she shrugged. I've had enough adventure in the woods for a while."

"Actually," Bellamy said, approaching the girls. "None of you are going anywhere just yet. We're waiting until morning."

"Bell, the grounders could get to it before then." the younger girl protested.

"O, it isn't safe in the dark. We'll head out at first light." Aura rolled her eyes and walked away, knowing Bellamy had to always have the last word.


"Guys has anyone seen Bellamy?" Aurelia looked up to find Clarke, confusion in her eyes.

"Uh no I haven't seen him. Why what's wrong?"

Clarke sighs in frustration, "I haven't seen him in a while and I don't have a good feeling."

Aurelia turns around and surveys the group, looking for one person in particular. "Oi, dumbass." Funnily enough, several people turn around, including one of the girls who slept with Bellamy. She realised Aura was in fact talking to her, evident by the way she was staring at her.

"What do you want?" she asks, not particularly wanting to talk to the dark haired girl.

"Where'd Bellamy go?" Aura asked her, not breaking eye contact with her. She was answered with a shrug.

"I don't know he left the tent a while ago." Aura nodded at her, turning back to face Clarke.

"I think he might have gone after the pod by himself." Finn joined the two, intrigued by what was going on.

Clarke was pacing back and forth, rubbing her forehead in thought. "There's something in that pod that Bellamy wants badly. The question is what?" Clarke quickly walked over to the supply table, rushing to pack her bag with necessary supplies. Finn follows suit, packing his own bag. Aura just watches them, still not too keen on the idea of going through those woods again. She was worried about the possibility of having another panic attack, and she wasn't too comfortable sharing her more vulnerable side with anyone else.

She walked Finn and Clarke to the entrance of the camp, where two guards on patrol opened the gates for them. "Stay safe guys." She hugged the two of them tight, praying nothing happens to them on their journey. After waving them off, she went off to search for Jasper and Monty, hoping they would lighten her mood a little.

The two boys were found sitting on the side of the dropship, experimenting to make god knows what. "What are you two up to?" Jasper looked at the girl in mock horror.

"Miss McKinley, how dare you assume we're up to anything?" Aura raises her eyebrows and leans against the dropship, folding her arms into front of her. Monty and Jasper share a look, and the former shrugs at him. Jasper sighs deeply. "Fine." He grabs Aura by the elbow and yanks her down, signalling her to sit next to him. His voice drops down to a whisper. "This is topmop secret okay?" Aura nodded, clearly intrigued. "We're making-" Monty interrupts the boy by jabbing him in the shoulder. "Ow! Sorry! Monty is making moonshine, with my help of course." Aura eyes the various ingredients spread out in front of them, not convinced.

"And how exactly are you doing that?" She asked, wondering how either of them have experience.

"Well Monty here, was on Farm Station. He has some experience with plants. Meaning he knows which plants are used for medicine, which are used for food and most importantly, which are used to make the adult juice."

"We've had several trial runs but they haven't turned out great." Monty admits "But I'm confident that we're reaching a final product which doesn't taste vile."

"I'm impressed boys." she says, carefully laying her head on Jasper's shoulder. She watches as the two boys throw together random ingredients in a bowl, hoping to make something drinkable.

After a while she lifts her head in thought. "Have either of you guys seen a bow before?"

Monty furrows his eyebrows. "Like a bow on a present bow? Or a bow and arrow bow?"

"Like the weapon dummy." Monty chucks a stick at her head, clearly offended by the nickname. Jasper snorts at the interaction, resulting in a stick hitting him right in the middle of the forehead. He stares at the girl in shock, who sticks her tongue out like a child.

"I've never seen a real bow." Monty responds to the earlier question. "But I have seen one in a book somewhere. Why?"

She hesitates. "This is gonna sound stupid, but I was thinking of making one."

Monty looks at her thoughtfully. "Actually that's not a bad idea. It shouldn't be too difficult to make one right?"


He was wrong. It was extremely difficult. Aurelia threw down what was her third attempt at a bow. Shaping the arrows was surprisingly easy. She used a dagger to sharpen the end and to make it aerodynamic. However, the bow was causing problems. The first time the bit of wood she found wasn't flexible enough, so it snapped when Aura tried to bend it into shape with a string of discarded rope she had found. The next attempts were fairly decent, or so she thought. The bow was flexible enough, but the bow string wasn't taut enough meaning the arrows just flopped to the floor.

"I give up." Aura dramatically flops to the floor and lays on her back. Jasper just laughs at her and grabs both her hands, pulling her up so she was standing next to him. He wraps an arm around her shoulder and pulls her so she is hugging him.

"You can do it Lia I believe in you." She pulls back and smiles at him.

"I've never been called that before."

"Well that's my nickname for you now." Jasper bends down to pick up the bow, and shoves it into Aura's hand. "Come on, you got this." She sighs and sits down next to Monty, attempting yet again to fix it. Jasper goes off into the wooded area to find more ingredients for Monty to experiment with.

After fiddling with it for a while, she stands up to test it out. Miraculously, the arrow actually travelled beyond her two feet this time striking the trunk of a tree. Aura gasps, and jumps in celebration. Another arrow is quickly loaded, and she takes another shot, this time missing the tree. She hears a shriek, and Jasper moves into her vision, the arrow narrowly missing his arm. "Aurelia!"

Aura just stands there in shock, a hand covering her mouth. "Oh my god Jas I'm so sorry!"

He cautiously walks over to Monty, looking out for anything else that might accidentally kill him. "Just point that away from me and we're good." Aura just smiles sheepishly, putting down the bow slowly.

"Deal. Hey Monty, how well versed are you in poison." Monty gave her a concerned expression.

"I guess I can identify poison berries from edible ones. Why exactly are you asking me this?"

Aura holds one of the arrows thoughtfully. "We can clearly see that my aim isn't the best, so I was thinking that poison arrows may do me some good." Both Monty and Jasper nodded in agreement. "I'm not gonna be able to deliver fatal shots to the grounders with a few days of practice, but if I manage to hit them in a non fatal area, the poison can at least slow them down."

"Yeah I'll see what I can do." Aura beamed at him and hugged him quickly, catching him off guard.

"Thank you Monty! You're the best." This sweet moment was interrupted when Monroe came over to the trio, a grim look on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Well," Monroe starts. "Good news is Clarke and Finn got to the pod without being ambushed by grounders. They found a girl called Raven Reyes in the pod."

"I'm guessing there's some bad news too?" Aura asks the girl judging by the look on her face.

"Yeah... Bellamy got to the pod first. He stole the radio and tossed it into the river. We need more people to help look for it. " Aura rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, something about wanting to strangle the older Blake.


Yay Aura and Jasper (and Monty) bonding time! #brotp

A x

Word Count: 1740

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