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Reunion (sort of)



One nap and one chat later, Aurelia was all caught up with what was happening, including the impending missile attack on TonDC. Much to Raven's dismay, Aura was constantly switching between tapping her nails on the workbench and nervously clicking her pen. 

"A, I love you, but if you don't stop with the clicking I'm gonna bash my head against the wall." The girl stopped immediately, sending an apologetic smile towards the brunette.

"Sorry, I'm nervous. Do you think Clarke made it in time?" Raven shrugged.

"Unfortunately for us, there's no way of knowing for now." 

The radio suddenly crackled life, lifting a huge weight off Aurelia's shoulders. "Hello? Raven? Are you there?" 

"I'm here." Raven responded. "Everything okay?" 

"I'm gonna need you to navigate me towards the coordinates that I gave you earlier."

Raven noticed Aurelia silently looking at the walkie. "Aur-" Aura snaps her head up to look at Raven,  aggressively signalling at her to stop talking, not wanting the girl to mention her just yet.

"He'll get distracted," she mouths. 

"Or what?" asks Bellamy, confused by the sudden silence on the other end. 

"Uh nothing. Talk to me. What do you see?" 

"Close your eyes. Imagine a bottomless pit." Raven quickly moved towards the board, using her fingers to track Bellamy's movements across the map. 

"Just stick with it. According to Dante's coordinates you're almost there." 

"What's happening on your end? Did they evacuate TonDC?"

"I don't know yet." She informs regretfully. "But it's Clarke, she'll get it done. Just concentrate on squeezing your ass through the vents and stop worrying about your sister." 

Aura winced and ran a hand down her face as Raven quickly realised her mistake. 

"Octavia's in TonDC?" The boy questioned, betrayed that they would lie to him. "Raven?" He calls again when she doesn't respond.

"Yeah." The girl finally responded. 

"How could you keep this from me?

"Clarke was just trying to protect you."

Aura contemplated her thoughts for a few moments, before she finally grabbed the walkie and moved it close towards her. "She'll be okay Bell." No sound came through for a few moments, making the two girls wonder if he had disconnected. 


A small smile made its way onto the girl's face. "Yeah, it's me." 

"You're okay?" He asks, voice trembling slightly. She didn't know if it's because he's scared for Octavia or because he finally knew she was safe. Probably both. 

"I'm okay Bell, and Octavia will be okay too. You know how strong your baby sister is. She's just like you." A soft chuckle came through the radio. "I know you're worried about her, but I'm worried about you too. You have to focus. You have to focus so you can come back to us. " To come back to me she thought to herself, unable to speak these words aloud. "You better come back in one piece or I'll kill you myself. You understand Bellamy Blake?" She was only met with another chuckle. 

"I missed your voice Aurelia McKinley. And your cute, not so intimidating threats." The small smile on the girl's face transformed into a large grin that she couldn't contain. 

Even Raven was smiling at this interaction, as she had seen first hand just how much Aurelia's disappearance had affected Bellamy. "Alright lovebirds. Time to resume the mission."

Bellamy sighs. "Alright. Let's get this done." 


"I hate to break it to you Raven, but I'm not a chemist. Reciting equations and chemicals at me isn't gonna help with anything." 

Raven aggressively hobbled back and forth on her injured leg, hoping that pacing will jumpstart her brain.

"Why can't I think!" The mechanic exclaimed, continuing to hobble back and forth. "I'm useless!" 

"Hey hey hey." Aura stands up, firmly planting her hands on Raven's shoulders and stopping her in her tracks. "You are Raven Reyes. You fixed up a broken pod and brought yourself to earth. You created weapons to use against the grounders. The day you become useless to anyone is the day the earth splits in half." 

"I've been summoned?" A new voice asks in disbelief. "Really?" The two girls turned towards the door to find Wick, who looked extremely baffled. 

"I need your help on this acid deal." Raven responds, grabbing random jars and placing them down on the table. "Bellamy will radio again when he gets eyes on the dispersal system, but I wanna talk it through first. I think-" Raven suddenly stops talking, noticing a strange look on Wick's face. "What's funny?" 

"Come on, it's a banner day. Raven Reyes asking for help? It's one for the history books." Aurelia aggressively motioned at him to stop talking, knowing he was just making it worse for himself. 

"Nevermind," muttered the mechanic, "I'll do it on my own." 

"Hey, joke." He states. "Humour?" 

"Wick for all things holy. Stop talking." Aurelia says, causing the male to abruptly stop.

"There are a thousand grounders camped in the woods waiting to get my friends. And they can't move because-" The girl pauses briefly, trying to collect herself. "Because I can't figure this out." 

"Hey, no one could." reassures Wick. "Not without more data." He turns towards the shelf, taking a mental note of the different chemicals. "Okay so. They make fog that melts people. What are we talking? Nucleation? Oh please tell me it's Brownian Diffusion. I'll have you know that I was a god at Fluid Dynamics."  

"Nerd." scoffs Aurelia playfully, earning a soft kick to her ankle.

"You think you were a god at everything." Raven mutters, which earned her a fistbump from Aura. 

"Empirical evidence doesn't lie."

"Okay you lost me again." Aura admits, pulling herself onto the side workbench. The two girls watched as Wick just walked around the room, moving around with random containers and furrowing his eyebrows whilst lost in thought. 

"Does he always do this?" whispers Aurelia, intrigued by his thought processes. 

Raven snorts. "I wish. He never normally shuts up."

"Alright." Wick blurts out. "Let's get our stoichiometry on." 

"Stoichi what?" Aura questions, as he turned around to stare at her. 

"Why are you even here?"

Aurelia looked at him as it was completely obvious. "Who else will protect you from Raven?" 

"Pfft. I don't need protection from-" He's cut off by a death stare from the girl in question. "Actually, yeah I do need protection from Raven."


I'm cruel enough to prevent an Auramy reunion but not cruel enough to not give any Auramy content at all

Raven Reyes is the captain of this ship

Also I wanna know what people think of how it's going so far but only 2 (sometimes 3) people comment 

Word Count: 1056

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