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Possible tw: more mentions of getting shot following the last chapter





Bellamy watched as Octavia aggressively shoved her belongings into a bag. “O, wait. You can’t just leave.”

“Watch me,” she muttered, slinging the bag over her shoulder.

“You heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia is not safe-”

“What Jasper said sounds insane.” she stated as she whirled towards him. “Pike’s gone. I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead.”

“I know that. And then what? Where are you gonna go?”

“You don’t get to ask me that!” the girl exclaimed, glaring at the boy. Monty and Sinclair awkwardly stared at the siblings, not knowing what to do or say.

Bellamy sighed softly. “What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?”

“Bring Lincoln back.” she responded with a venomous tone, causing Bellamy’s words to get stuck in his throat. He watched silently as Octavia walked away from him, before she turned back towards him with a glare. “Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys Bellamy. You did that to save me. Not because you thought what Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong.”

“The grounders were starving us out.”

“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us!”

“They could have attacked at any moment-”

“But they didn’t attack. You did that. You were hurting because you thought you lost Aurelia, so you lashed out, because that’s what you do. There are consequences, Bell., and people get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe is dead. Lincoln is dead.” 

Bellamy stood still as he watched his sister storm out of the cave, before sighing and rushing after her. A bright light at the entrance of the cave caused him to wince slightly and raise his hand to block it. As he peeked through his fingers slightly he realised Jasper had managed to reach the cave in the rover. 

“They’re here,” Miller announced to everyone else as Bellamy and Octavia continued to stare at the vehicle, watching as a familiar blonde jumped out of the rover from the passenger side.

“I need your help!” Jasper grunted as he ran towards the group, an unconscious Raven in his arms as he attempted to not trip over the tree roots. “We have to get her inside before she wakes up!”
“Were you followed?” Bellamy queried as he rushed towards the younger boy, his arms outreached to move Raven into his arms.”Give her here.”

“Um, maybe,” Jasper stuttered as he handed Raven over. “I- I don’t know.”

Bellamy quickly rushed back into the cave as Miller handed out orders, and continued to move away from the cave entrance.

“Clear some space.” Clarke ordered as Sinclair stood up in confusion, rushing over to clear the ground of supplies.

“What the hell happened to her?”

“I told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are.” Bellamy looked up in surprise as Octavia walked back into the cave, shocked that she abandoned her plan to get back to Arkadia. “Jaha has been chipping everyone.”

Clarke nodded as he spoke “Jasper’s right. I’ve seen it with my own eyes-”

“I don’t need your help, alright?” Jasper exclaimed, causing everyone to flinch as he suddenly jabbed a finger towards the blonde.

Bellamy stood up and placed a reassuring hand on Jasper’s shoulder, attempting to calm the boy down. “Just take it easy and explain.”

“Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it, and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, ALIE, only she’s not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists,” he revealed, gesturing towards the bandages wrapped around the girl’s wrist.

“Wait,” Bellamy trailed off as his breath got caught in his throat, only just realising they were missing a person. “Where’s Aurelia?” Jasper’s head whipped towards Bellamy, before he quickly looked around the cave with a look of horror on his face.

“What do you- She’s not here? I thought she was here with you!!”

“No, she wanted to stay behind with Abby when we left,” Sinclair revealed as everyone eyed each other grimly.

Bellamy stared off into the distance as he contemplated his thoughts, before he started to walk towards the exit. “Wait, Bellamy” Clarke protested as she gripped onto his elbow. “There’s no use going back-”

“Don’t tell me what to do Clarke,” he responded as he pulled his elbow out of her grip. “This is Aurelia, you can’t tell me to just stay-”

“My own mother shot at me Bellamy, along with the rest of the camp. The chances of her being unchipped is low, and even if she isn’t, there’s no way you’re getting through all the people who are chipped.”

The boy nodded softly, before turning back towards the others.

“The question is, what are we gonna do with Raven?” Sinclair questioned, eying the group with tense shoulders as one hand brushed through Raven’s hair. 

“She was already trying to get it out of her head,” Jasper revealed,  “I tried to help but I- but I-”

Sinclair stood up as he rushed over to the boy “Okay, so let’s help her now. Did she say how?”

“She was looking for the wristbands we wore when..”

Bellamy tuned out the entire conversation and slowly moved to lean against the wall in despair, the thought of Aurelia being chipped making him feel sick. He already thought he lost her once, and he wasn’t sure what he would do if he truly lost her this time. He only looked up again when he heard a commotion, and realised Raven was running towards the exit of the cave. 

Both Bellamy and Jasper ran after the girl, screaming at Miller and Harper to tackle and restrain her. “If Raven finds out where we are, so will ALIE.” Jasper mentioned as Raven thrashed around in their arms. The screaming girl suddenly fell limp as Jasper plunged the reaper stick into her neck and emptied the contents into her bloodstream. “Reaper stick. Last dose.  

“We have to go.”

Bellamy looks up to find Clarke standing in front of the group, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Why? ALIE doesn’t know where we are.”

“Because I know where we can get a wristband.”


It had been a while since the group had reached Niylah’s workshop. Clarke was sitting in the front room with Sinclar, Octavia and Monty had gone to the dropship to find an electromagnet, and Jasper and Bellamy were on babysitting duty with Raven.

“Look at your united front,” Raven drawled out as Bellamy looked up at her with disinterest. “Tell me,” the girl began as she turned towards Jasper, “Why do you give Bellamy a pass for murdering your girlfriend? What was her name-”

“Don’t talk about Maya,” Jasper threatened as glared at her.

“You don’t have to listen to this,” Bellamy tried to convince.

“Let’s protect Jasper,” the girl continued, “Jasper’s so sensitive. Jasper’s lost someone. Everyone cater to his feelings.” Raven scoffed. “We’ve all lost someone. You don’t see us falling apart.” Bellamy watched Jasper cautiously, not quite knowing how he would react. “You don’t see us getting wasted, being useless-”

“No. You took a pill to take away your pain. You gave up your memories.”

“But then why should we expect anything more?” Raven carried on, pretending she hadn’t heard Jasper. “You used to get high off people’s medicine. Being a selfish loser was your only move.”

“Please stop-”

“Look at you. A coward. A waste of breath. You didn’t even try to look out for the only friend who’s been there for you.” Both Bellamy and Jasper’s posture straightened as they tensed at Raven’s words. “You’re weak. You can’t even save Aurelia, how exactly are you going to save me?”

“What are you talking about?” Bellamy questioned as Raven continued to stare at Jasper. 

“You couldn’t even save what’s her name-”

“Enough!” Jasper exclaimed as he stood up aggressively, causing Bellamy to shoot out of his seat to hold the boy back. “You know her name!”

“Jasper, think. It’s not Raven talking. You’re just giving her what she wants. Go.”

“How are you so calm?” Jasper muttered as he stared at Bellamy. “She just mentioned Aurelia. Who knows what trouble she’s in.”

“She’s probably bluffing,” Bellamy tried to reassure, but even he didn’t believe his own words.

“Am I?” Raven questioned as the older boy turned towards her, hearing Jasper leaving behind him. “Aurelia was more than happy to take the chip. I’m not surprised though, she’s had a bad couple of weeks, you know haunted by the ghost of her past.”

“I don’t believe you,” Bellamy responded with a neutral face as he sat down, his arms crossed in front of him. 

“Oh, I assure you that she’s definitely taken the chip. Poor girl. First she almost dies, then she comes back to find her boyfriend is a completely different person. I bet you didn’t know exactly how she felt this past week as you strolled around murdering grounders.”

“Stop talking,” Bellamy warned with a glare, but Raven simply ignored him. 

“I’ll admit, she didn’t want to take the chip at first but,” Raven shrugged, “After watching Lincoln get shot in the head, I guess it brought back even more bad memories for her.” Raven cocked her head slightly as she stared at Bellamy, who had tensed upon realising what she was talking about. “Hey. Didn’t her pal get shot in the head? What was his name? Rhydian?” 

Bellamy really tried to keep his face straight, but the mixture of negative feelings that crept up inside him didn’t help. He subconsciously lifted his hand to grasp the necklace laying against his chest, trying to block out the words the girl was spewing in an attempt to rile him up.  

“I guess having a spat with your girlfriend isn’t that bad. That’s nothing compared to killing your own mom. You just had to take your little sister to her first dance. You might as well have just shoved Aurora out of the airlock yourself.” Bellamy clenched his jaw as he tried to block her out. “Do you think she’d be proud of now? For the kind of leader you’ve become, or would she see the truth like the rest of us do, that you’re a follower? Clarke’s been back for one day, and you’re already taking orders. The good, little knight, by his queen’s side. Too bad you were never that devoted to Aurelia. She spent days, weeks trying to convince you to join her side, but you just didn’t listen.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“At least you tried to avenge her right? When you thought she was dead? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an army that was sent to protect us. That had nothing to do with the attack on Mount Weather, but hey, a grounder’s a grounder, right?”

Bellamy shot back up to his feet as Niylah stormed into the room, a livid expression on her features. “My father… You killed him!”

“Niylah-” he was cut off by a hand connecting with his face, causing his head to fly to the side. 

“Niylah! You can’t be here!” Clarke tried to reason as she gripped onto the woman’s wrist and tried to drag her out.

“It’s too late,” Jasper revealed with a sigh. “Raven’s already seen her. ALIE knows we’re here.”

Bellamy started to feel like he couldn’t breath, all the feelings he had attempted to suppress beginning to erupt all at once. He shoved his way past everyone standing in the room and made his way outside, his breathing heavy as he tried to control himself. That all went south when he lunged forward and kicked the empty barrel over with a bang, before pushing random barrels onto the floor with a yell. He then continued to punch a wooden panel until he felt like his knuckles were going to split. His breathing wavered slightly as he tried to compose himself, but all he wanted to do was cry. 

He didn’t deserve forgiveness.


2021 words for my first update of 2021.

Oop another chapter without Aurelia, and Raven's speech got a bit dark. Sorry about that.

Anyways, happy new year!!

Word Count: 2021
(not edited)

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